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🚚 Migrating from Firefish to Iceshrimp
Before proceeding, please ensure you have an up-to-date backup of the database.
First, follow Firefish's downgrade guide to get back to v1.0.5-rc. When prompted to switch the docker image/git tag, make sure to pick v1.0.5-rc
, and not v20240206
. This is to make sure that the migration patch applies correctly.
First, stop the container by running docker compose down
Now, run docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint '/bin/bash' web
to get a shell in the main container.
Bare metal
First, stop the service. If using systemd, run sudo systemctl stop firefish.service
Now, cd
into the root of your firefish repository.
Applying the migrations patch
To make sure migrations revert correctly, run curl -s https://iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/iceshrimp/raw/branch/dev/docs/firefish-redis.patch | git apply --ignore-whitespace
. This will patch two built JS files related to redis. The patch is ephemeral, once you complete the migration process it will no longer apply. Iceshrimp-JS has the patch built in.
Reverting the migrations
To begin, run cd packages/backend
to switch to the backend workspace.
Now, revert all of the typeorm migrations. reverted. To do this, run the command pnpm run revertmigration:typeorm
until the output confirms that the migration FirefishRepo1689957674000
has been reverted successfully.
If migration IncreaseHostCharLimit1692374635734
failed to revert, please run DELETE FROM "migrations" WHERE "name" = 'IncreaseHostCharLimit1692374635734';
in the database shell.
If you get any other errors here please ask for support in the chat room.
Finally, revert all the cargo migrations, by running pnpm run revertmigration:cargo
until m20230806_170616_fix_antenna_stream_ids
has been reverted. Again, if you get any errors, please ask for support in the chat room.
Switching to Iceshrimp
First, run docker compose down
to shut down firefish.
Now, switch out image for the web
container with iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/iceshrimp:latest
Furthermore, for every volume/mount that's mapped to /firefish, switch it out for /iceshrimp (leaving any trailing text intact).
Finally, run docker compose up
, and make sure that it starts up correctly. If everything works, press CTRL+C and run docker compoe up -d
to start it in the background.
If you get any errors on startup, please ask for support in the chat room.
Bare metal
Before you begin, make sure git-lfs
is installed on the system, and that the firefish service is stopped.
Then, switch back to the repository root directory and run git remote set-url origin https://iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/iceshrimp.git
, as well as git lfs install
Now, run git fetch --all
to fetch the new commits.
If you get an error like couldn't find remote ref
here, run git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
, followed by git remote prune origin
and git fetch --all
. If you still get any errors, please ask for support in the chat room.
Then, run git checkout dev
to switch to the dev
branch, or git checkout <tag>
to switch to a versioned tag. Make sure to run git lfs pull
as well, to get all the dependencies.
Now, run yarn && yarn build && yarn migrate
to install dependencies, build the project & run all pending migrations.
Finally, to clean up now-unnecessary files, run rm -rf packages/backend/native-utils packages/megalodon
You should now be able to start the service back up.
If you get any errors during this process, please ask for support in the chat room.
Closing notes
Please check out the example configuration file, as it's changed quite a bit since Firefish and you may want to make use of the new features.
If you need further assistance for any reason, please ask for help in the chat room, we will assist you with the migration.