mirror of https://github.com/kokonect-link/cherrypick synced 2024-12-16 07:38:18 +09:00
2023-04-23 23:49:55 -04:00

66 KiB

API Report File for "misskey-js"

Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.

import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';

// @public (undocumented)
export type Acct = {
    username: string;
    host: string | null;

// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "TODO_2" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @public (undocumented)
type Ad = TODO_2;

// @public (undocumented)
type Announcement = {
    id: ID;
    createdAt: DateString;
    updatedAt: DateString | null;
    text: string;
    title: string;
    imageUrl: string | null;
    isRead?: boolean;

// @public (undocumented)
type Antenna = {
    id: ID;
    createdAt: DateString;
    name: string;
    keywords: string[][];
    excludeKeywords: string[][];
    src: 'home' | 'all' | 'users' | 'list' | 'group';
    userListId: ID | null;
    userGroupId: ID | null;
    users: string[];
    caseSensitive: boolean;
    notify: boolean;
    withReplies: boolean;
    withFile: boolean;
    hasUnreadNote: boolean;

declare namespace api {
    export {
export { api }

// @public (undocumented)
class APIClient {
    constructor(opts: {
        origin: APIClient['origin'];
        credential?: APIClient['credential'];
        fetch?: APIClient['fetch'] | null | undefined;
    // (undocumented)
    credential: string | null | undefined;
    // (undocumented)
    fetch: FetchLike;
    // (undocumented)
    origin: string;
    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IsCaseMatched" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "GetCaseResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // (undocumented)
    request<E extends keyof Endpoints, P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(endpoint: E, params?: P, credential?: string | null | undefined): Promise<Endpoints[E]['res'] extends {
        $switch: {
            $cases: [any, any][];
            $default: any;
    } ? IsCaseMatched<E, P, 0> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 0> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 1> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 1> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 2> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 2> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 3> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 3> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 4> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 4> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 5> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 5> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 6> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 6> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 7> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 7> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 8> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 8> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 9> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 9> : Endpoints[E]['res']['$switch']['$default'] : Endpoints[E]['res']>;

// @public (undocumented)
type APIError = {
    id: string;
    code: string;
    message: string;
    kind: 'client' | 'server';
    info: Record<string, any>;

// @public (undocumented)
type App = TODO_2;

// @public (undocumented)
type AuthSession = {
    id: ID;
    app: App;
    token: string;

// @public (undocumented)
type Blocking = {
    id: ID;
    createdAt: DateString;
    blockeeId: User['id'];
    blockee: UserDetailed;

// @public (undocumented)
type Channel = {
    id: ID;

// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "AnyOf" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @public (undocumented)
export abstract class ChannelConnection<Channel extends AnyOf<Channels> = any> extends EventEmitter<Channel['events']> {
    constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, name?: string);
    // (undocumented)
    channel: string;
    // (undocumented)
    abstract dispose(): void;
    // (undocumented)
    abstract id: string;
    // (undocumented)
    inCount: number;
    // (undocumented)
    name?: string;
    // (undocumented)
    outCount: number;
    // (undocumented)
    send<T extends keyof Channel['receives']>(type: T, body: Channel['receives'][T]): void;
    // (undocumented)
    protected stream: Stream;

// @public (undocumented)
export type Channels = {
    main: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            notification: (payload: Notification_2) => void;
            mention: (payload: Note) => void;
            reply: (payload: Note) => void;
            renote: (payload: Note) => void;
            follow: (payload: User) => void;
            followed: (payload: User) => void;
            unfollow: (payload: User) => void;
            meUpdated: (payload: MeDetailed) => void;
            pageEvent: (payload: PageEvent) => void;
            urlUploadFinished: (payload: {
                marker: string;
                file: DriveFile;
            }) => void;
            readAllNotifications: () => void;
            unreadNotification: (payload: Notification_2) => void;
            unreadMention: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
            readAllUnreadMentions: () => void;
            unreadSpecifiedNote: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
            readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes: () => void;
            readAllMessagingMessages: () => void;
            messagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
            unreadMessagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
            readAllAntennas: () => void;
            unreadAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
            readAllAnnouncements: () => void;
            myTokenRegenerated: () => void;
            reversiNoInvites: () => void;
            reversiInvited: (payload: FIXME) => void;
            signin: (payload: FIXME) => void;
            registryUpdated: (payload: {
                scope?: string[];
                key: string;
                value: any | null;
            }) => void;
            driveFileCreated: (payload: DriveFile) => void;
            readAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
        receives: null;
    homeTimeline: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            note: (payload: Note) => void;
        receives: null;
    localTimeline: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            note: (payload: Note) => void;
        receives: null;
    hybridTimeline: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            note: (payload: Note) => void;
        receives: null;
    globalTimeline: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            note: (payload: Note) => void;
        receives: null;
    messaging: {
        params: {
            otherparty?: User['id'] | null;
            group?: UserGroup['id'] | null;
        events: {
            message: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
            deleted: (payload: MessagingMessage['id']) => void;
            read: (payload: MessagingMessage['id'][]) => void;
            typers: (payload: User[]) => void;
        receives: {
            read: {
                id: MessagingMessage['id'];
    serverStats: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
        receives: {
            requestLog: {
                id: string | number;
                length: number;
    queueStats: {
        params: null;
        events: {
            stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
        receives: {
            requestLog: {
                id: string | number;
                length: number;

// @public (undocumented)
type Clip = TODO_2;

// @public (undocumented)
type CustomEmoji = {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    url: string;
    category: string;
    aliases: string[];

// @public (undocumented)
type DateString = string;

// @public (undocumented)
type DetailedInstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata & {
    pinnedPages: string[];
    pinnedClipId: string | null;
    cacheRemoteFiles: boolean;
    requireSetup: boolean;
    proxyAccountName: string | null;
    features: Record<string, any>;

// @public (undocumented)
type DriveFile = {
    id: ID;
    createdAt: DateString;
    isSensitive: boolean;
    name: string;
    thumbnailUrl: string;
    url: string;
    type: string;
    size: number;
    md5: string;
    blurhash: string;
    comment: string | null;
    properties: Record<string, any>;

// @public (undocumented)
type DriveFolder = TODO_2;

// @public (undocumented)
export type Endpoints = {
    'admin/abuse-user-reports': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/delete-all-files-of-a-user': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: null;
    'admin/delete-logs': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: null;
    'admin/get-index-stats': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/get-table-stats': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/invite': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/logs': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/reset-password': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/resolve-abuse-user-report': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/resync-chart': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/send-email': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/server-info': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/show-moderation-logs': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/show-user': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/show-users': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/silence-user': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/suspend-user': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/unsilence-user': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/unsuspend-user': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/update-meta': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/vacuum': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/accounts/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/ad/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/ad/delete': {
        req: {
            id: Ad['id'];
        res: null;
    'admin/ad/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/ad/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/announcements/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/announcements/delete': {
        req: {
            id: Announcement['id'];
        res: null;
    'admin/announcements/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/announcements/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/drive/clean-remote-files': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/drive/cleanup': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/drive/files': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/drive/show-file': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/add': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/copy': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/list-remote': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/remove': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/emoji/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/federation/delete-all-files': {
        req: {
            host: string;
        res: null;
    'admin/federation/refresh-remote-instance-metadata': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/federation/remove-all-following': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/federation/update-instance': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/moderators/add': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/moderators/remove': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/promo/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/queue/clear': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/queue/deliver-delayed': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/queue/inbox-delayed': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/queue/jobs': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/queue/stats': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/relays/add': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/relays/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'admin/relays/remove': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'announcements': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            withUnreads?: boolean;
            sinceId?: Announcement['id'];
            untilId?: Announcement['id'];
        res: Announcement[];
    'antennas/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: Antenna;
    'antennas/delete': {
        req: {
            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
        res: null;
    'antennas/list': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: Antenna[];
    'antennas/notes': {
        req: {
            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
        res: Note[];
    'antennas/show': {
        req: {
            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
        res: Antenna;
    'antennas/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: Antenna;
    'ap/get': {
        req: {
            uri: string;
        res: Record<string, any>;
    'ap/show': {
        req: {
            uri: string;
        res: {
            type: 'Note';
            object: Note;
        } | {
            type: 'User';
            object: UserDetailed;
    'app/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: App;
    'app/show': {
        req: {
            appId: App['id'];
        res: App;
    'auth/accept': {
        req: {
            token: string;
        res: null;
    'auth/session/generate': {
        req: {
            appSecret: string;
        res: {
            token: string;
            url: string;
    'auth/session/show': {
        req: {
            token: string;
        res: AuthSession;
    'auth/session/userkey': {
        req: {
            appSecret: string;
            token: string;
        res: {
            accessToken: string;
            user: User;
    'blocking/create': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: UserDetailed;
    'blocking/delete': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: UserDetailed;
    'blocking/list': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Blocking['id'];
            untilId?: Blocking['id'];
        res: Blocking[];
    'channels/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/featured': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/follow': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/followed': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/owned': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/pin-note': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/show': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/timeline': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/unfollow': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'channels/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'charts/active-users': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: {
            local: {
                users: number[];
            remote: {
                users: number[];
    'charts/drive': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: {
            local: {
                decCount: number[];
                decSize: number[];
                incCount: number[];
                incSize: number[];
                totalCount: number[];
                totalSize: number[];
            remote: {
                decCount: number[];
                decSize: number[];
                incCount: number[];
                incSize: number[];
                totalCount: number[];
                totalSize: number[];
    'charts/federation': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: {
            instance: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
    'charts/hashtag': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: TODO;
    'charts/instance': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
            host: string;
        res: {
            drive: {
                decFiles: number[];
                decUsage: number[];
                incFiles: number[];
                incUsage: number[];
                totalFiles: number[];
                totalUsage: number[];
            followers: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
            following: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
            notes: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
                diffs: {
                    normal: number[];
                    renote: number[];
                    reply: number[];
            requests: {
                failed: number[];
                received: number[];
                succeeded: number[];
            users: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
    'charts/network': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: TODO;
    'charts/notes': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: {
            local: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
                diffs: {
                    normal: number[];
                    renote: number[];
                    reply: number[];
            remote: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
                diffs: {
                    normal: number[];
                    renote: number[];
                    reply: number[];
    'charts/user/drive': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
            userId: User['id'];
        res: {
            decCount: number[];
            decSize: number[];
            incCount: number[];
            incSize: number[];
            totalCount: number[];
            totalSize: number[];
    'charts/user/following': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
            userId: User['id'];
        res: TODO;
    'charts/user/notes': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
            userId: User['id'];
        res: {
            dec: number[];
            inc: number[];
            total: number[];
            diffs: {
                normal: number[];
                renote: number[];
                reply: number[];
    'charts/user/reactions': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
            userId: User['id'];
        res: TODO;
    'charts/users': {
        req: {
            span: 'day' | 'hour';
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number | null;
        res: {
            local: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
            remote: {
                dec: number[];
                inc: number[];
                total: number[];
    'clips/add-note': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'clips/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'clips/delete': {
        req: {
            clipId: Clip['id'];
        res: null;
    'clips/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'clips/notes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'clips/show': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'clips/update': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'drive': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: {
            capacity: number;
            usage: number;
    'drive/files': {
        req: {
            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
            type?: DriveFile['type'] | null;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
        res: DriveFile[];
    'drive/files/attached-notes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'drive/files/check-existence': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'drive/files/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'drive/files/delete': {
        req: {
            fileId: DriveFile['id'];
        res: null;
    'drive/files/find-by-hash': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'drive/files/find': {
        req: {
            name: string;
            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
        res: DriveFile[];
    'drive/files/show': {
        req: {
            fileId?: DriveFile['id'];
            url?: string;
        res: DriveFile;
    'drive/files/update': {
        req: {
            fileId: DriveFile['id'];
            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
            name?: string;
            isSensitive?: boolean;
            comment?: string | null;
        res: DriveFile;
    'drive/files/upload-from-url': {
        req: {
            url: string;
            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
            isSensitive?: boolean;
            comment?: string | null;
            marker?: string | null;
            force?: boolean;
        res: null;
    'drive/folders': {
        req: {
            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
        res: DriveFolder[];
    'drive/folders/create': {
        req: {
            name?: string;
            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
        res: DriveFolder;
    'drive/folders/delete': {
        req: {
            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
        res: null;
    'drive/folders/find': {
        req: {
            name: string;
            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
        res: DriveFolder[];
    'drive/folders/show': {
        req: {
            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
        res: DriveFolder;
    'drive/folders/update': {
        req: {
            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
            name?: string;
            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
        res: DriveFolder;
    'drive/stream': {
        req: {
            type?: DriveFile['type'] | null;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
        res: DriveFile[];
    'endpoint': {
        req: {
            endpoint: string;
        res: {
            params: {
                name: string;
                type: string;
    'endpoints': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: string[];
    'federation/dns': {
        req: {
            host: string;
        res: {
            a: string[];
            aaaa: string[];
            cname: string[];
            txt: string[];
    'federation/followers': {
        req: {
            host: string;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Following['id'];
            untilId?: Following['id'];
        res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
    'federation/following': {
        req: {
            host: string;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Following['id'];
            untilId?: Following['id'];
        res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
    'federation/instances': {
        req: {
            host?: string | null;
            blocked?: boolean | null;
            notResponding?: boolean | null;
            suspended?: boolean | null;
            federating?: boolean | null;
            subscribing?: boolean | null;
            publishing?: boolean | null;
            limit?: number;
            offset?: number;
            sort?: '+pubSub' | '-pubSub' | '+notes' | '-notes' | '+users' | '-users' | '+following' | '-following' | '+followers' | '-followers' | '+caughtAt' | '-caughtAt' | '+lastCommunicatedAt' | '-lastCommunicatedAt' | '+driveUsage' | '-driveUsage' | '+driveFiles' | '-driveFiles';
        res: Instance[];
    'federation/show-instance': {
        req: {
            host: string;
        res: Instance;
    'federation/update-remote-user': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: null;
    'federation/users': {
        req: {
            host: string;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: User['id'];
            untilId?: User['id'];
        res: UserDetailed[];
    'following/create': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: User;
    'following/delete': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: User;
    'following/requests/accept': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: null;
    'following/requests/cancel': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: User;
    'following/requests/list': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: FollowRequest[];
    'following/requests/reject': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: null;
    'gallery/featured': {
        req: null;
        res: GalleryPost[];
    'gallery/popular': {
        req: null;
        res: GalleryPost[];
    'gallery/posts': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: GalleryPost['id'];
            untilId?: GalleryPost['id'];
        res: GalleryPost[];
    'gallery/posts/create': {
        req: {
            title: GalleryPost['title'];
            description?: GalleryPost['description'];
            fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds'];
            isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'];
        res: GalleryPost;
    'gallery/posts/delete': {
        req: {
            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
        res: null;
    'gallery/posts/like': {
        req: {
            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
        res: null;
    'gallery/posts/show': {
        req: {
            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
        res: GalleryPost;
    'gallery/posts/unlike': {
        req: {
            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
        res: null;
    'gallery/posts/update': {
        req: {
            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
            title: GalleryPost['title'];
            description?: GalleryPost['description'];
            fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds'];
            isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'];
        res: GalleryPost;
    'games/reversi/games': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'games/reversi/games/show': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'games/reversi/games/surrender': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'games/reversi/invitations': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'games/reversi/match': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'games/reversi/match/cancel': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'get-online-users-count': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: {
            count: number;
    'hashtags/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'hashtags/search': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'hashtags/show': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'hashtags/trend': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'hashtags/users': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: User;
    'i/apps': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/authorized-apps': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/change-password': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/delete-account': {
        req: {
            password: string;
        res: null;
    'i/export-blocking': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/export-following': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/export-mute': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/export-notes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/export-user-lists': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/favorites': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: NoteFavorite['id'];
            untilId?: NoteFavorite['id'];
        res: NoteFavorite[];
    'i/gallery/likes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/gallery/posts': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/get-word-muted-notes-count': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/import-following': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/import-user-lists': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/move': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/known-as': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/notifications': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Notification_2['id'];
            untilId?: Notification_2['id'];
            following?: boolean;
            markAsRead?: boolean;
            includeTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
            excludeTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
        res: Notification_2[];
    'i/page-likes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/pages': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/pin': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
        res: MeDetailed;
    'i/read-all-messaging-messages': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/read-all-unread-notes': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/read-announcement': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/regenerate-token': {
        req: {
            password: string;
        res: null;
    'i/registry/get-all': {
        req: {
            scope?: string[];
        res: Record<string, any>;
    'i/registry/get-detail': {
        req: {
            key: string;
            scope?: string[];
        res: {
            updatedAt: DateString;
            value: any;
    'i/registry/get': {
        req: {
            key: string;
            scope?: string[];
        res: any;
    'i/registry/keys-with-type': {
        req: {
            scope?: string[];
        res: Record<string, 'null' | 'array' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'object'>;
    'i/registry/keys': {
        req: {
            scope?: string[];
        res: string[];
    'i/registry/remove': {
        req: {
            key: string;
            scope?: string[];
        res: null;
    'i/registry/scopes': {
        req: NoParams;
        res: string[][];
    'i/registry/set': {
        req: {
            key: string;
            value: any;
            scope?: string[];
        res: null;
    'i/revoke-token': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/signin-history': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Signin['id'];
            untilId?: Signin['id'];
        res: Signin[];
    'i/unpin': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
        res: MeDetailed;
    'i/update-email': {
        req: {
            password: string;
            email?: string | null;
        res: MeDetailed;
    'i/update': {
        req: {
            name?: string | null;
            description?: string | null;
            lang?: string | null;
            location?: string | null;
            birthday?: string | null;
            avatarId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
            bannerId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
            fields?: {
                name: string;
                value: string;
            isLocked?: boolean;
            isExplorable?: boolean;
            hideOnlineStatus?: boolean;
            carefulBot?: boolean;
            autoAcceptFollowed?: boolean;
            noCrawle?: boolean;
            isBot?: boolean;
            isCat?: boolean;
            injectFeaturedNote?: boolean;
            receiveAnnouncementEmail?: boolean;
            alwaysMarkNsfw?: boolean;
            mutedWords?: string[][];
            mutingNotificationTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
            emailNotificationTypes?: string[];
        res: MeDetailed;
    'i/user-group-invites': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/done': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/key-done': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/password-less': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/register-key': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/register': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/remove-key': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'i/2fa/unregister': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'messaging/history': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            group?: boolean;
        res: MessagingMessage[];
    'messaging/messages': {
        req: {
            userId?: User['id'];
            groupId?: UserGroup['id'];
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: MessagingMessage['id'];
            untilId?: MessagingMessage['id'];
            markAsRead?: boolean;
        res: MessagingMessage[];
    'messaging/messages/create': {
        req: {
            userId?: User['id'];
            groupId?: UserGroup['id'];
            text?: string;
            fileId?: DriveFile['id'];
        res: MessagingMessage;
    'messaging/messages/delete': {
        req: {
            messageId: MessagingMessage['id'];
        res: null;
    'messaging/messages/read': {
        req: {
            messageId: MessagingMessage['id'];
        res: null;
    'meta': {
        req: {
            detail?: boolean;
        res: {
            $switch: {
                $cases: [
                    detail: true;
                    detail: false;
                    detail: boolean;
                LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata
                $default: LiteInstanceMetadata;
    'miauth/gen-token': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'mute/create': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'mute/delete': {
        req: {
            userId: User['id'];
        res: null;
    'mute/list': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'my/apps': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'notes': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
        res: Note[];
    'notes/children': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
        res: Note[];
    'notes/clips': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'notes/conversation': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'notes/create': {
        req: {
            visibility?: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
            visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
            text?: null | string;
            cw?: null | string;
            viaMobile?: boolean;
            localOnly?: boolean;
            fileIds?: DriveFile['id'][];
            replyId?: null | Note['id'];
            renoteId?: null | Note['id'];
            channelId?: null | Channel['id'];
            poll?: null | {
                choices: string[];
                multiple?: boolean;
                expiresAt?: null | number;
                expiredAfter?: null | number;
        res: {
            createdNote: Note;
    'notes/delete': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
        res: null;
    'notes/favorites/create': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
        res: null;
    'notes/favorites/delete': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
        res: null;
    'notes/featured': {
        req: TODO;
        res: Note[];
    'notes/global-timeline': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
            sinceDate?: number;
            untilDate?: number;
        res: Note[];
    'notes/hybrid-timeline': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
            sinceDate?: number;
            untilDate?: number;
        res: Note[];
    'notes/local-timeline': {
        req: {
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
            sinceDate?: number;
            untilDate?: number;
        res: Note[];
    'notes/mentions': {
        req: {
            following?: boolean;
            limit?: number;
            sinceId?: Note['id'];
            untilId?: Note['id'];
        res: Note[];
    'notes/polls/recommendation': {
        req: TODO;
        res: TODO;
    'notes/polls/vote': {
        req: {
            noteId: Note['id'];
            choice: number;
        res: null;
    		'notes/events/search': {
        				req: {
            						sinceId?: Note['id'];
            						untilId?: Note['id'];
            						limit?: number;
            						offset?: number;
            						host?: string;
            						users?: User['id'][];
            						sinceDate?: number;
            						untilDate?: number;
            						filters?: Record<string, string[]>;
            						sortBy?: 'startDate' | 'createAt'
            				res: Note[];
        'notes/reactions': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
                type?: string | null;
                limit?: number;
            res: NoteReaction[];
        'notes/reactions/create': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
                reaction: string;
            res: null;
        'notes/reactions/delete': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: null;
        'notes/renotes': {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Note['id'];
                untilId?: Note['id'];
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: Note[];
        'notes/replies': {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Note['id'];
                untilId?: Note['id'];
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: Note[];
        'notes/search-by-tag': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'notes/search': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'notes/show': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: Note;
        'notes/state': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'notes/timeline': {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Note['id'];
                untilId?: Note['id'];
                sinceDate?: number;
                untilDate?: number;
            res: Note[];
        'notes/unrenote': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: null;
        'notes/user-list-timeline': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Note['id'];
                untilId?: Note['id'];
                sinceDate?: number;
                untilDate?: number;
            res: Note[];
        'notes/watching/create': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'notes/watching/delete': {
            req: {
                noteId: Note['id'];
            res: null;
        'notifications/create': {
            req: {
                body: string;
                header?: string | null;
                icon?: string | null;
            res: null;
        'notifications/mark-all-as-read': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: null;
        'page-push': {
            req: {
                pageId: Page['id'];
                event: string;
                var?: any;
            res: null;
        'pages/create': {
            req: TODO;
            res: Page;
        'pages/delete': {
            req: {
                pageId: Page['id'];
            res: null;
        'pages/featured': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: Page[];
        'pages/like': {
            req: {
                pageId: Page['id'];
            res: null;
        'pages/show': {
            req: {
                pageId?: Page['id'];
                name?: string;
                username?: string;
            res: Page;
        'pages/unlike': {
            req: {
                pageId: Page['id'];
            res: null;
        'pages/update': {
            req: TODO;
            res: null;
        'ping': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: {
                pong: number;
        'pinned-users': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'promo/read': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'request-reset-password': {
            req: {
                username: string;
                email: string;
            res: null;
        'reset-password': {
            req: {
                token: string;
                password: string;
            res: null;
        'room/show': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'room/update': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'stats': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: Stats;
        'server-info': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: ServerInfo;
        'sw/register': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'username/available': {
            req: {
                username: string;
            res: {
                available: boolean;
        'users': {
            req: {
                limit?: number;
                offset?: number;
                sort?: UserSorting;
                origin?: OriginType;
            res: User[];
        'users/clips': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/followers': {
            req: {
                userId?: User['id'];
                username?: User['username'];
                host?: User['host'] | null;
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Following['id'];
                untilId?: Following['id'];
            res: FollowingFollowerPopulated[];
        'users/following': {
            req: {
                userId?: User['id'];
                username?: User['username'];
                host?: User['host'] | null;
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Following['id'];
                untilId?: Following['id'];
            res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
        'users/gallery/posts': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/get-frequently-replied-users': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/create': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/delete': {
            req: {
                groupId: UserGroup['id'];
            res: null;
        'users/groups/invitations/accept': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/invitations/reject': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/invite': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/joined': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/owned': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/pull': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/show': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/transfer': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/groups/update': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/lists/create': {
            req: {
                name: string;
            res: UserList;
        'users/lists/delete': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
            res: null;
        'users/lists/list': {
            req: NoParams;
            res: UserList[];
        'users/lists/pull': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
                userId: User['id'];
            res: null;
        'users/lists/push': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
                userId: User['id'];
            res: null;
        'users/lists/show': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
            res: UserList;
        'users/lists/update': {
            req: {
                listId: UserList['id'];
                name: string;
            res: UserList;
        'users/notes': {
            req: {
                userId: User['id'];
                limit?: number;
                sinceId?: Note['id'];
                untilId?: Note['id'];
                sinceDate?: number;
                untilDate?: number;
            res: Note[];
        'users/pages': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/recommendation': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/relation': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/report-abuse': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/search-by-username-and-host': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/search': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;
        'users/show': {
            req: ShowUserReq | {
                userIds: User['id'][];
            res: {
                $switch: {
                    $cases: [
                        userIds: User['id'][];
                    $default: UserDetailed;
        'users/stats': {
            req: TODO;
            res: TODO;

    declare namespace entities {
        export {
            Notification_2 as Notification,
    export { entities }

    // @public (undocumented)
    type FetchLike = (input: string, init?: {
        method?: string;
        body?: string;
        credentials?: RequestCredentials;
        cache?: RequestCache;
        headers: {
            [key in string]: string;
    }) => Promise<{
        status: number;
        json(): Promise<any>;

    // @public (undocumented)
    export const ffVisibility: readonly ["public", "followers", "private"];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Following = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        followerId: User['id'];
        followeeId: User['id'];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type FollowingFolloweePopulated = Following & {
        followee: UserDetailed;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type FollowingFollowerPopulated = Following & {
        follower: UserDetailed;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type FollowRequest = {
        id: ID;
        follower: User;
        followee: User;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type GalleryPost = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        updatedAt: DateString;
        userId: User['id'];
        user: User;
        title: string;
        description: string | null;
        fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
        files: DriveFile[];
        isSensitive: boolean;
        likedCount: number;
        isLiked?: boolean;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type ID = string;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Instance = {
        id: ID;
        caughtAt: DateString;
        host: string;
        usersCount: number;
        notesCount: number;
        followingCount: number;
        followersCount: number;
        driveUsage: number;
        driveFiles: number;
        latestRequestSentAt: DateString | null;
        latestStatus: number | null;
        latestRequestReceivedAt: DateString | null;
        lastCommunicatedAt: DateString;
        isNotResponding: boolean;
        isSuspended: boolean;
        softwareName: string | null;
        softwareVersion: string | null;
        openRegistrations: boolean | null;
        name: string | null;
        description: string | null;
        maintainerName: string | null;
        maintainerEmail: string | null;
        iconUrl: string | null;
        faviconUrl: string | null;
        themeColor: string | null;
        infoUpdatedAt: DateString | null;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type InstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata;

    // @public (undocumented)
    function isAPIError(reason: any): reason is APIError;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type LiteInstanceMetadata = {
        maintainerName: string | null;
        maintainerEmail: string | null;
        version: string;
        name: string | null;
        uri: string;
        description: string | null;
        langs: string[];
        tosUrl: string | null;
        repositoryUrl: string;
        feedbackUrl: string;
        disableRegistration: boolean;
        disableLocalTimeline: boolean;
        disableGlobalTimeline: boolean;
        driveCapacityPerLocalUserMb: number;
        driveCapacityPerRemoteUserMb: number;
        emailRequiredForSignup: boolean;
        enableHcaptcha: boolean;
        hcaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
        enableRecaptcha: boolean;
        recaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
        enableTurnstile: boolean;
        turnstileSiteKey: string | null;
        swPublickey: string | null;
        themeColor: string | null;
        mascotImageUrl: string | null;
        bannerUrl: string | null;
        errorImageUrl: string | null;
        iconUrl: string | null;
        backgroundImageUrl: string | null;
        logoImageUrl: string | null;
        maxNoteTextLength: number;
        enableEmail: boolean;
        enableTwitterIntegration: boolean;
        enableGithubIntegration: boolean;
        enableDiscordIntegration: boolean;
        enableServiceWorker: boolean;
        emojis: CustomEmoji[];
        defaultDarkTheme: string | null;
        defaultLightTheme: string | null;
        ads: {
            id: ID;
            ratio: number;
            place: string;
            url: string;
            imageUrl: string;
        translatorAvailable: boolean;
        serverRules: string[];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type MeDetailed = UserDetailed & {
        avatarId: DriveFile['id'];
        bannerId: DriveFile['id'];
        autoAcceptFollowed: boolean;
        alwaysMarkNsfw: boolean;
        carefulBot: boolean;
        emailNotificationTypes: string[];
        hasPendingReceivedFollowRequest: boolean;
        hasUnreadAnnouncement: boolean;
        hasUnreadAntenna: boolean;
        hasUnreadMentions: boolean;
        hasUnreadMessagingMessage: boolean;
        hasUnreadNotification: boolean;
        hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: boolean;
        hideOnlineStatus: boolean;
        injectFeaturedNote: boolean;
        integrations: Record<string, any>;
        isDeleted: boolean;
        isExplorable: boolean;
        mutedWords: string[][];
        mutingNotificationTypes: string[];
        noCrawle: boolean;
        receiveAnnouncementEmail: boolean;
        usePasswordLessLogin: boolean;
        [other: string]: any;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type MessagingMessage = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        file: DriveFile | null;
        fileId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
        isRead: boolean;
        reads: User['id'][];
        text: string | null;
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        recipient?: User | null;
        recipientId: User['id'] | null;
        group?: UserGroup | null;
        groupId: UserGroup['id'] | null;

    // @public (undocumented)
    export const mutedNoteReasons: readonly ["word", "manual", "spam", "other"];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Note = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        text: string | null;
        cw: string | null;
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        reply?: Note;
        replyId: Note['id'];
        renote?: Note;
        renoteId: Note['id'];
        event?: {
            title: string;
            start: DateString;
            end: DateString | null;
            metadata: Record<string, string[]>;
        files: DriveFile[];
        fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
        visibility: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
        visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
        localOnly?: boolean;
        myReaction?: string;
        reactions: Record<string, number>;
        renoteCount: number;
        repliesCount: number;
        poll?: {
            expiresAt: DateString | null;
            multiple: boolean;
            choices: {
                isVoted: boolean;
                text: string;
                votes: number;
        emojis: {
            name: string;
            url: string;
        uri?: string;
        url?: string;
        isHidden?: boolean;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type NoteFavorite = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        noteId: Note['id'];
        note: Note;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type NoteReaction = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        user: UserLite;
        type: string;

    // @public (undocumented)
    export const noteVisibilities: readonly ["public", "home", "followers", "specified"];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Notification_2 = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        isRead: boolean;
    } & ({
        type: 'reaction';
        reaction: string;
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'reply';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'renote';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'quote';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'mention';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'pollVote';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
        note: Note;
    } | {
        type: 'follow';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
    } | {
        type: 'followRequestAccepted';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
    } | {
        type: 'receiveFollowRequest';
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
    } | {
        type: 'groupInvited';
        invitation: UserGroup;
        user: User;
        userId: User['id'];
    } | {
        type: 'app';
        header?: string | null;
        body: string;
        icon?: string | null;

    // @public (undocumented)
    export const notificationTypes: readonly ["follow", "mention", "reply", "renote", "quote", "reaction", "pollVote", "pollEnded", "receiveFollowRequest", "followRequestAccepted", "groupInvited", "app"];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type OriginType = 'combined' | 'local' | 'remote';

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Page = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        updatedAt: DateString;
        userId: User['id'];
        user: User;
        content: Record<string, any>[];
        variables: Record<string, any>[];
        title: string;
        name: string;
        summary: string | null;
        hideTitleWhenPinned: boolean;
        alignCenter: boolean;
        font: string;
        script: string;
        eyeCatchingImageId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
        eyeCatchingImage: DriveFile | null;
        attachedFiles: any;
        likedCount: number;
        isLiked?: boolean;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type PageEvent = {
        pageId: Page['id'];
        event: string;
        var: any;
        userId: User['id'];
        user: User;

    // @public (undocumented)
    export const permissions: string[];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type ServerInfo = {
        machine: string;
        cpu: {
            model: string;
            cores: number;
        mem: {
            total: number;
        fs: {
            total: number;
            used: number;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Signin = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        ip: string;
        headers: Record<string, any>;
        success: boolean;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type Stats = {
        notesCount: number;
        originalNotesCount: number;
        usersCount: number;
        originalUsersCount: number;
        instances: number;
        driveUsageLocal: number;
        driveUsageRemote: number;

    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "StreamEvents" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // @public (undocumented)
    export class Stream extends EventEmitter<StreamEvents> {
        constructor(origin: string, user: {
            token: string;
        } | null, options?: {
            WebSocket?: any;
        // (undocumented)
        close(): void;
        // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NonSharedConnection" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
        // (undocumented)
        disconnectToChannel(connection: NonSharedConnection): void;
        // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SharedConnection" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
        // (undocumented)
        removeSharedConnection(connection: SharedConnection): void;
        // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Pool" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
        // (undocumented)
        removeSharedConnectionPool(pool: Pool): void;
        // (undocumented)
        send(typeOrPayload: string): void;
        // (undocumented)
        send(typeOrPayload: string, payload: any): void;
        // (undocumented)
        send(typeOrPayload: Record<string, any> | any[]): void;
        // (undocumented)
        state: 'initializing' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected';
        // (undocumented)
        useChannel<C extends keyof Channels>(channel: C, params?: Channels[C]['params'], name?: string): ChannelConnection<Channels[C]>;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type User = UserLite | UserDetailed;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type UserDetailed = UserLite & {
        bannerBlurhash: string | null;
        bannerColor: string | null;
        bannerUrl: string | null;
        birthday: string | null;
        createdAt: DateString;
        description: string | null;
        ffVisibility: 'public' | 'followers' | 'private';
        fields: {
            name: string;
            value: string;
        followersCount: number;
        followingCount: number;
        hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: boolean;
        hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: boolean;
        isAdmin: boolean;
        isBlocked: boolean;
        isBlocking: boolean;
        isBot: boolean;
        isCat: boolean;
        isFollowed: boolean;
        isFollowing: boolean;
        isLocked: boolean;
        isModerator: boolean;
        isMuted: boolean;
        isSilenced: boolean;
        isSuspended: boolean;
        lang: string | null;
        lastFetchedAt?: DateString;
        location: string | null;
        notesCount: number;
        pinnedNoteIds: ID[];
        pinnedNotes: Note[];
        pinnedPage: Page | null;
        pinnedPageId: string | null;
        publicReactions: boolean;
        securityKeys: boolean;
        twoFactorEnabled: boolean;
        updatedAt: DateString | null;
        uri: string | null;
        url: string | null;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type UserGroup = TODO_2;

    // @public (undocumented)
    type UserList = {
        id: ID;
        createdAt: DateString;
        name: string;
        userIds: User['id'][];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type UserLite = {
        id: ID;
        username: string;
        host: string | null;
        name: string;
        onlineStatus: 'online' | 'active' | 'offline' | 'unknown';
        avatarUrl: string;
        avatarBlurhash: string;
        alsoKnownAs: string[];
        movedToUri: any;
        emojis: {
            name: string;
            url: string;
        instance?: {
            name: Instance['name'];
            softwareName: Instance['softwareName'];
            softwareVersion: Instance['softwareVersion'];
            iconUrl: Instance['iconUrl'];
            faviconUrl: Instance['faviconUrl'];
            themeColor: Instance['themeColor'];

    // @public (undocumented)
    type UserSorting = '+follower' | '-follower' | '+createdAt' | '-createdAt' | '+updatedAt' | '-updatedAt';

    // Warnings were encountered during analysis:
    // src/api.types.ts:16:32 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "TODO" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // src/api.types.ts:18:25 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NoParams" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // src/api.types.ts:602:27 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ShowUserReq" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
    // src/streaming.types.ts:33:4 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "FIXME" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts

    // (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
