import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { dirname } from 'node:path'; import * as os from 'node:os'; import cluster from 'node:cluster'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import chalkTemplate from 'chalk-template'; import semver from 'semver'; import Logger from '@/logger.js'; import { loadConfig } from '@/config.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import { showMachineInfo } from '@/misc/show-machine-info.js'; import { envOption } from '@/env.js'; import { jobQueue, server } from './common.js'; const _filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const _dirname = dirname(_filename); const meta = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${_dirname}/../../../../built/meta.json`, 'utf-8')); const logger = new Logger('core', 'cyan'); const bootLogger = logger.createSubLogger('boot', 'magenta', false); const themeColor = chalk.hex('#ffa9c3'); function greet() { if (!envOption.quiet) { //#region CherryPick logo const v = `v${meta.version}`; console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' _________ .__ ') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold('__________.__ __ ')); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' \\_ ___ \\| |__ __________________ ___.__.') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold('\\______ \\__| ____ | | __')); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' / \\ \\/| | \\_/ __ \\_ __ \\_ __ < | |') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold(' | ___/ |/ ___\\| |/ /')); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/| | \\/| | \\/\\___ |') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold(' | | | \\ \\___| < ')); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' \\______ /___| /\\___ >__| |__| / ____|') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold(' |____| |__|\\___ >__|_ \\')); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ ') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold(' \\/ \\/')); //#endregion console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' Cherry') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold('Pick') + (' is an open-source decentralized microblogging platform based from') + (chalk.hex('#9ec23f').bold(' Misskey') + ('.'))); console.log(chalk.hex('#ffbb00')(' If you like ') + chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold('Cherry') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold('Pick') + chalk.hex('#ffbb00')(', please donate to support development. & &')); // console.log(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3').bold(' KOKO') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold('NECT') + chalk.hex('#ffa9c3')(' with') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8').bold(' NoriDev.')); console.log(''); console.log(chalkTemplate`--- ${os.hostname()} {gray (PID: ${})} ---`); }'Welcome to CherryPick!');`CherryPick v${meta.version}`, null, true); } /** * Init master process */ export async function masterMain() { let config!: Config; // initialize app try { greet(); showEnvironment(); await showMachineInfo(bootLogger); showNodejsVersion(); config = loadConfigBoot(); //await connectDb(); } catch (e) { bootLogger.error('Fatal error occurred during initialization', null, true); process.exit(1); } if (envOption.onlyServer) { await server(); } else if (envOption.onlyQueue) { await jobQueue(); } else { await server(); } bootLogger.succ(chalk.hex('#ffa9c3')('Cherry') + chalk.hex('#95e3e8')('Pick') + (' initialized')); if (!envOption.disableClustering) { await spawnWorkers(config.clusterLimit); } bootLogger.succ(config.socket ? `Now listening on socket ${config.socket} on ${config.url}` : `Now listening on port ${config.port} on ${config.url}`, null, true); } function showEnvironment(): void { const env = process.env.NODE_ENV; const logger = bootLogger.createSubLogger('env'); env === 'undefined' ? 'NODE_ENV is not set' : `NODE_ENV: ${env}`); if (env !== 'production') { logger.warn('The environment is not in production mode.'); logger.warn('DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSE!', null, true); } } function showNodejsVersion(): void { const nodejsLogger = bootLogger.createSubLogger('nodejs');`Version ${process.version} detected.`); } function loadConfigBoot(): Config { const configLogger = bootLogger.createSubLogger('config'); let config; try { config = loadConfig(); } catch (exception) { if (typeof exception === 'string') { configLogger.error(exception); process.exit(1); } else if ((exception as any).code === 'ENOENT') { configLogger.error('Configuration file not found', null, true); process.exit(1); } throw exception; } configLogger.succ('Loaded'); return config; } /* async function connectDb(): Promise { const dbLogger = bootLogger.createSubLogger('db'); // Try to connect to DB try {'Connecting...'); await initDb(); const v = await db.query('SHOW server_version').then(x => x[0].server_version); dbLogger.succ(`Connected: v${v}`); } catch (err) { dbLogger.error('Cannot connect', null, true); dbLogger.error(err); process.exit(1); } } */ async function spawnWorkers(limit = 1) { const workers = Math.min(limit, os.cpus().length);`Starting ${workers} worker${workers === 1 ? '' : 's'}...`); await Promise.all([...Array(workers)].map(spawnWorker)); bootLogger.succ('All workers started'); } function spawnWorker(): Promise { return new Promise(res => { const worker = cluster.fork(); worker.on('message', message => { if (message === 'listenFailed') { bootLogger.error('The server Listen failed due to the previous error.'); process.exit(1); } if (message !== 'ready') return; res(); }); }); }