mirror of https://github.com/kokonect-link/cherrypick synced 2025-01-10 11:53:11 +09:00

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2023-08-01 17:16:39 +09:00
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey, cherrypick contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
2022-09-05 21:12:04 +09:00
<template #header>
<CPPageHeader v-if="isMobile && defaultStore.state.mobileTimelineHeaderChange" v-model:tab="src" style="position: relative; z-index: 1001" :tabs="$i ? headerTabs : headerTabsWhenNotLogin" :displayMyAvatar="true"/>
<MkPageHeader v-else-if="isMobile || !isFriendly" v-model:tab="src" style="position: relative; z-index: 1001" :tabs="$i ? headerTabs : headerTabsWhenNotLogin" :displayMyAvatar="true"/>
<MkPageHeader v-else v-model:tab="src" style="position: relative; z-index: 1001" :actions="headerActions" :tabs="$i ? headerTabs : headerTabsWhenNotLogin" :displayMyAvatar="true"/>
2023-05-19 16:20:53 +09:00
<MkSpacer :contentMax="800">
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
<div ref="rootEl" v-hotkey.global="keymap">
<XTutorial v-if="$i && defaultStore.reactiveState.timelineTutorial.value != -1" class="_panel" style="margin-bottom: var(--margin);"/>
2023-04-01 13:42:40 +09:00
<MkPostForm v-if="defaultStore.reactiveState.showFixedPostForm.value" :class="$style.postForm" class="post-form _panel" fixed style="margin-bottom: var(--margin);"/>
:enterActiveClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_enterActive : ''"
:leaveActiveClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_leaveActive : ''"
:enterFromClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_enterFrom : ''"
:leaveToClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_leaveTo : ''"
<div v-if="queue > 0 && defaultStore.state.newNoteReceivedNotificationBehavior === 'default'" :class="[$style.new, { [$style.showEl]: (showEl && ['hideHeaderOnly', 'hideHeaderFloatBtn', 'hide'].includes(<string>defaultStore.state.displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll)) && isMobile, [$style.reduceAnimation]: !defaultStore.state.animation }]"><button class="_buttonPrimary" :class="$style.newButton" @click="top()"><i class="ti ti-arrow-up"></i>{{ i18n.ts.newNoteRecived }}</button></div>
:enterActiveClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_enterActive : ''"
:leaveActiveClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_leaveActive : ''"
:enterFromClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_enterFrom : ''"
:leaveToClass="defaultStore.state.animation ? $style.transition_new_leaveTo : ''"
<div v-if="queue > 0 && defaultStore.state.newNoteReceivedNotificationBehavior === 'count'" :class="[$style.new, { [$style.showEl]: (showEl && ['hideHeaderOnly', 'hideHeaderFloatBtn', 'hide'].includes(<string>defaultStore.state.displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll)) && isMobile, [$style.reduceAnimation]: !defaultStore.state.animation }]"><button class="_buttonPrimary" :class="$style.newButton" @click="top()"><i class="ti ti-arrow-up"></i><I18n :src="i18n.ts.newNoteRecivedCount" textTag="span"><template #n>{{ queue }}</template></I18n></button></div>
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
<div :class="$style.tl">
2022-09-05 21:12:04 +09:00
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineAsyncComponent, computed, watch, ref, provide, onMounted } from 'vue';
import type { Tab } from '@/components/global/MkPageHeader.tabs.vue';
import MkTimeline from '@/components/MkTimeline.vue';
import MkPostForm from '@/components/MkPostForm.vue';
2021-11-12 02:02:25 +09:00
import { scroll } from '@/scripts/scroll';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n';
import { instance } from '@/instance';
import { $i } from '@/account';
import { definePageMetadata } from '@/scripts/page-metadata';
import { eventBus } from '@/scripts/cherrypick/eventBus';
import { miLocalStorage } from '@/local-storage';
import { deviceKind } from '@/scripts/device-kind';
2023-06-04 15:48:47 +09:00
import { unisonReload } from '@/scripts/unison-reload';
let showEl = $ref(false);
const isFriendly = ref(miLocalStorage.getItem('ui') === 'friendly');
if (!isFriendly.value && !defaultStore.state.mobileTimelineHeaderChange) provide('shouldOmitHeaderTitle', true);
const isMobile = ref(deviceKind === 'smartphone' || window.innerWidth <= MOBILE_THRESHOLD);
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
isMobile.value = deviceKind === 'smartphone' || window.innerWidth <= MOBILE_THRESHOLD;
const XTutorial = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./timeline.tutorial.vue'));
const isLocalTimelineAvailable = ($i == null && instance.policies.ltlAvailable) || ($i != null && $i.policies.ltlAvailable);
const isGlobalTimelineAvailable = ($i == null && instance.policies.gtlAvailable) || ($i != null && $i.policies.gtlAvailable);
const isMediaTimelineAvailable = ($i == null && instance.policies.mtlAvailable) || ($i != null && $i.policies.mtlAvailable);
const isCatTimelineAvailable = ($i == null && instance.policies.ctlAvailable) || ($i != null && $i.policies.ctlAvailable);
const keymap = {
't': focus,
const tlComponent = $shallowRef<InstanceType<typeof MkTimeline>>();
const rootEl = $shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
let queue = $ref(0);
let srcWhenNotSignin = $ref(isLocalTimelineAvailable ? 'local' : 'global');
const src = $computed({ get: () => ($i ? defaultStore.reactiveState.tl.value.src : srcWhenNotSignin), set: (x) => saveSrc(x) });
watch ($$(src), () => {
queue = 0;
onMounted(() => {
eventBus.on('showEl', (showEl_receive) => {
showEl = showEl_receive;
function queueUpdated(q: number): void {
queue = q;
eventBus.emit('queueUpdated', q);
function top(): void {
if (rootEl) scroll(rootEl, { top: 0 });
async function chooseList(ev: MouseEvent): Promise<void> {
const lists = await os.api('users/lists/list');
const items = lists.map(list => ({
type: 'link' as const,
text: list.name,
to: `/timeline/list/${list.id}`,
2022-01-28 11:53:12 +09:00
os.popupMenu(items, ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target);
async function chooseAntenna(ev: MouseEvent): Promise<void> {
const antennas = await os.api('antennas/list');
const items = antennas.map(antenna => ({
type: 'link' as const,
text: antenna.name,
indicate: antenna.hasUnreadNote,
to: `/timeline/antenna/${antenna.id}`,
2022-01-28 11:53:12 +09:00
os.popupMenu(items, ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target);
async function chooseChannel(ev: MouseEvent): Promise<void> {
const channels = await os.api('channels/my-favorites', {
limit: 100,
const items = channels.map(channel => ({
type: 'link' as const,
text: channel.name,
indicate: channel.hasUnreadNote,
to: `/channels/${channel.id}`,
2022-01-28 11:53:12 +09:00
os.popupMenu(items, ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target);
2023-06-22 19:37:39 +09:00
function saveSrc(newSrc: 'home' | 'local' | 'media' | 'social' | 'cat' | 'global'): void {
defaultStore.set('tl', {
src: newSrc,
srcWhenNotSignin = newSrc;
async function timetravel(): Promise<void> {
const { canceled, result: date } = await os.inputDate({
title: i18n.ts.date,
if (canceled) return;
function focus(): void {
async function reloadAsk() {
if (defaultStore.state.requireRefreshBehavior === 'dialog') {
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'info',
text: i18n.ts.reloadToApplySetting,
if (canceled) return;
} else eventBus.emit('hasRequireRefresh', true);
const headerActions = $computed(() => [{
icon: friendlyEnableNotifications.value ? 'ti ti-notification' : 'ti ti-notification-off',
2023-07-21 17:21:46 +09:00
text: i18n.ts.friendlyEnableNotifications,
handler: () => {
2023-07-21 17:21:46 +09:00
friendlyEnableNotifications.value = !friendlyEnableNotifications.value;
}, {
icon: friendlyEnableWidgets.value ? 'ti ti-apps' : 'ti ti-apps-off',
text: i18n.ts.friendlyEnableWidgets,
handler: () => {
friendlyEnableWidgets.value = !friendlyEnableWidgets.value;
2023-07-21 17:21:46 +09:00
const friendlyEnableNotifications = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('friendlyEnableNotifications'));
const friendlyEnableWidgets = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('friendlyEnableWidgets'));
const headerTabs = $computed(() => [
...(defaultStore.state.enableHomeTimeline ? [{
key: 'home',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.home,
icon: 'ti ti-home',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []), ...(isLocalTimelineAvailable && defaultStore.state.enableLocalTimeline ? [{
key: 'local',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.local,
icon: 'ti ti-planet',
iconOnly: true,
}, ...(isMediaTimelineAvailable && defaultStore.state.enableMediaTimeline ? [{
key: 'media',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.media,
icon: 'ti ti-photo',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []), ...(defaultStore.state.enableSocialTimeline ? [{
key: 'social',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.social,
icon: 'ti ti-rocket',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []), ...(isCatTimelineAvailable && defaultStore.state.enableCatTimeline ? [{
key: 'cat',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.cat,
icon: 'ti ti-cat',
iconOnly: true,
}] : [])] : []), ...(isGlobalTimelineAvailable && defaultStore.state.enableGlobalTimeline ? [{
key: 'global',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.global,
icon: 'ti ti-world',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []), ...(defaultStore.state.enableListTimeline ? [{
icon: 'ti ti-list',
title: i18n.ts.lists,
iconOnly: true,
onClick: chooseList,
}] : []), ...(defaultStore.state.enableAntennaTimeline ? [{
icon: 'ti ti-antenna',
title: i18n.ts.antennas,
iconOnly: true,
onClick: chooseAntenna,
}] : []), ...(defaultStore.state.enableChannelTimeline ? [{
icon: 'ti ti-device-tv',
title: i18n.ts.channel,
iconOnly: true,
onClick: chooseChannel,
}] : [])] as Tab[]);
const headerTabsWhenNotLogin = $computed(() => [
...(isLocalTimelineAvailable ? [{
key: 'local',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.local,
icon: 'ti ti-planet',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []),
...(isGlobalTimelineAvailable ? [{
key: 'global',
title: i18n.ts._timelines.global,
icon: 'ti ti-world',
iconOnly: true,
}] : []),
] as Tab[]);
definePageMetadata(computed(() => ({
title: i18n.ts.timeline,
2023-06-22 19:37:39 +09:00
icon: src === 'local' ? 'ti ti-planet' : src === 'media' ? 'ti ti-photo' : src === 'social' ? 'ti ti-rocket' : src === 'cat' ? 'ti ti-cat' : src === 'global' ? 'ti ti-world' : 'ti ti-home',
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
<style lang="scss" module>
.transition_new_leaveActive {
transform: translateY(-64px);
.transition_new_leaveTo {
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
.new {
position: sticky;
2023-05-30 02:04:34 +09:00
top: calc(var(--stickyTop, 0px) + 8px);
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
z-index: 1000;
width: 100%;
margin: calc(-0.675em - 8px) 0;
transition: opacity 0.5s, transform 0.5s;
&:first-child {
margin-top: calc(-0.675em - 8px - var(--margin));
&.showEl {
2023-05-30 02:04:34 +09:00
transform: translateY(calc(var(--stickyTop, 0px) - 181px))
&.reduceAnimation {
transition: opacity 0s, transform 0s;
2023-05-19 16:25:48 +09:00
2023-05-19 16:25:48 +09:00
.newButton {
display: block;
margin: var(--margin) auto 0 auto;
padding: 8px 16px;
border-radius: 32px;
2023-02-03 23:53:54 +09:00
2023-05-23 17:27:08 +09:00
> i {
margin-right: 5px;
2020-02-19 04:08:35 +09:00
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
2020-02-19 04:08:35 +09:00
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
.postForm {
border-radius: var(--radius);
2021-10-14 18:51:15 +09:00
2023-01-10 10:35:02 +09:00
.tl {
background: var(--bg);
border-radius: var(--radius);
overflow: clip;