2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
/ * Tangerine UI for Mastodon 🍊
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
A Tangerine redesign for Mastodon ' s Web UI.
https : / / github . com / nileane / TangerineUI-for-Mastodon /
by @ nileane @ nileane . fr
* /
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
/* 📄 Meta */
: root {
2024-07-24 03:51:49 +09:00
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2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
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2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
--meta : ' Tangerine UI for Mastodon: ' var ( -- version ) ' \00B7 ' var ( -- variant ) ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 🎨 Colors */
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2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
color-scheme : light dark ;
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2023-12-27 06:54:03 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-07-24 03:51:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
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2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
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2023-12-27 06:54:03 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
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2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
: root {
/* Mastodon logo */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Post+Notifications icons */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Post visibility icons */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Other icons */
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
/* Popular hashtag icons */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
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2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-logout : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%23ffffff' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M224,56V200a16,16,0,0,1-16,16H48V40H208A16,16,0,0,1,224,56Z' opacity='0.2'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpath d='M120,216a8,8,0,0,1-8,8H48a8,8,0,0,1-8-8V40a8,8,0,0,1,8-8h64a8,8,0,0,1,0,16H56V208h56A8,8,0,0,1,120,216Zm109.66-93.66-40-40a8,8,0,0,0-11.32,11.32L204.69,120H112a8,8,0,0,0,0,16h92.69l-26.35,26.34a8,8,0,0,0,11.32,11.32l40-40A8,8,0,0,0,229.66,122.34Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-ellipsis-column-link-active : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%23ffffff' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M156,128a28,28,0,1,1-28-28A28,28,0,0,1,156,128ZM48,100a28,28,0,1,0,28,28A28,28,0,0,0,48,100Zm160,0a28,28,0,1,0,28,28A28,28,0,0,0,208,100Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-hashtag : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%23ffffff' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M237.66,153,153,237.66a8,8,0,0,1-11.31,0L42.34,138.34A8,8,0,0,1,40,132.69V40h92.69a8,8,0,0,1,5.65,2.34l99.32,99.32A8,8,0,0,1,237.66,153Z' opacity='0.2'%3E%3C/path%3E%3Cpath d='M243.31,136,144,36.69A15.86,15.86,0,0,0,132.69,32H40a8,8,0,0,0-8,8v92.69A15.86,15.86,0,0,0,36.69,144L136,243.31a16,16,0,0,0,22.63,0l84.68-84.68a16,16,0,0,0,0-22.63Zm-96,96L48,132.69V48h84.69L232,147.31ZM96,84A12,12,0,1,1,84,72,12,12,0,0,1,96,84Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Post visibility icons */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-globe-visibility : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%23ffffff' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M248.59,58.67c-6.31-10.87-23-21.06-66.16-9.71A95.94,95.94,0,0,0,32,128q0,3.6.26,7.14C.56,166.86,1.1,186.4,7.44,197.33,13.4,207.61,25.3,212,40.68,212c9.79,0,21-1.78,32.95-4.91A95.94,95.94,0,0,0,224,128c0-2.41-.09-4.79-.27-7.16,14.31-14.38,23.86-28.21,27-40C253.55,70.42,251.12,63,248.59,58.67ZM128,56a72.11,72.11,0,0,1,70.19,56C184,124.73,165,138.59,141.92,151.86c-21.74,12.49-43.55,22.36-63.09,28.65A72,72,0,0,1,128,56ZM28.19,185.29c-.61-1.07-.17-8.22,10.67-21.71A95.77,95.77,0,0,0,52.35,187C35.12,189.61,28.85,186.41,28.19,185.29ZM128,200a71.66,71.66,0,0,1-22.56-3.64,394.1,394.1,0,0,0,48.42-23.69A388.11,388.11,0,0,0,198.43,143,72.12,72.12,0,0,1,128,200ZM227.57,74.65c-1.28,4.78-4.81,10.87-10.39,17.8A95.74,95.74,0,0,0,203.68,69c15.83-2.37,23.17,0,24.15,1.71C228,71,228.21,72.28,227.57,74.65Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
--icon-globe-visibility-inv : var ( -- icon - globe-visibility ) ;
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-globe-visibility-accent : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%237a7af9' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M248.59,58.67c-6.31-10.87-23-21.06-66.16-9.71A95.94,95.94,0,0,0,32,128q0,3.6.26,7.14C.56,166.86,1.1,186.4,7.44,197.33,13.4,207.61,25.3,212,40.68,212c9.79,0,21-1.78,32.95-4.91A95.94,95.94,0,0,0,224,128c0-2.41-.09-4.79-.27-7.16,14.31-14.38,23.86-28.21,27-40C253.55,70.42,251.12,63,248.59,58.67ZM128,56a72.11,72.11,0,0,1,70.19,56C184,124.73,165,138.59,141.92,151.86c-21.74,12.49-43.55,22.36-63.09,28.65A72,72,0,0,1,128,56ZM28.19,185.29c-.61-1.07-.17-8.22,10.67-21.71A95.77,95.77,0,0,0,52.35,187C35.12,189.61,28.85,186.41,28.19,185.29ZM128,200a71.66,71.66,0,0,1-22.56-3.64,394.1,394.1,0,0,0,48.42-23.69A388.11,388.11,0,0,0,198.43,143,72.12,72.12,0,0,1,128,200ZM227.57,74.65c-1.28,4.78-4.81,10.87-10.39,17.8A95.74,95.74,0,0,0,203.68,69c15.83-2.37,23.17,0,24.15,1.71C228,71,228.21,72.28,227.57,74.65Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
--icon-unlock-inv : var ( -- icon - unlock ) ;
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-unlock-accent : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%237a7af9' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M236.37,139.4a12,12,0,0,0-12-3A84.07,84.07,0,0,1,119.6,31.59a12,12,0,0,0-15-15A108.86,108.86,0,0,0,49.69,55.07,108,108,0,0,0,136,228a107.09,107.09,0,0,0,64.93-21.69,108.86,108.86,0,0,0,38.44-54.94A12,12,0,0,0,236.37,139.4Zm-49.88,47.74A84,84,0,0,1,68.86,69.51,84.93,84.93,0,0,1,92.27,48.29Q92,52.13,92,56A108.12,108.12,0,0,0,200,164q3.87,0,7.71-.27A84.79,84.79,0,0,1,186.49,187.14Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
--icon-lock-inv : var ( -- icon - lock ) ;
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-lock-accent : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%237a7af9' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M208,76H180V56A52,52,0,0,0,76,56V76H48A20,20,0,0,0,28,96V208a20,20,0,0,0,20,20H208a20,20,0,0,0,20-20V96A20,20,0,0,0,208,76ZM100,56a28,28,0,0,1,56,0V76H100ZM204,204H52V100H204Zm-76-92a32,32,0,0,0-12,61.66V180a12,12,0,0,0,24,0v-6.34A32,32,0,0,0,128,112Zm0,24a8,8,0,1,1-8,8A8,8,0,0,1,128,136Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
--icon-at-inv : var ( -- icon - at ) ;
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Other icons */
--icon-bell-still : var ( -- icon - bell ) ;
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
--icon-bell-ringing : url( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='32' height='32' fill='%237a7af9' viewBox='0 0 256 256'%3E%3Cpath d='M224,71.1a8,8,0,0,1-10.78-3.42,94.13,94.13,0,0,0-33.46-36.91,8,8,0,1,1,8.54-13.54,111.46,111.46,0,0,1,39.12,43.09A8,8,0,0,1,224,71.1ZM35.71,72a8,8,0,0,0,7.1-4.32A94.13,94.13,0,0,1,76.27,30.77a8,8,0,1,0-8.54-13.54A111.46,111.46,0,0,0,28.61,60.32,8,8,0,0,0,35.71,72Zm186.1,103.94A16,16,0,0,1,208,200H167.2a40,40,0,0,1-78.4,0H48a16,16,0,0,1-13.79-24.06C43.22,160.39,48,138.28,48,112a80,80,0,0,1,160,0C208,138.27,212.78,160.38,221.81,175.94ZM150.62,200H105.38a24,24,0,0,0,45.24,0Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ) ;
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2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
/* Popular hashtag icons */
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
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2024-07-23 20:27:23 +09:00
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fill-opacity : 1 ' /%3E%3Cpath d= ' m 118 .12057 , 340 .00218 c - 1 .34862 , 10 .20474 - 10 .02005 , 18 .04148 - 20 .603518 , 18 .04148 - 11 .52697 , 0 - 20 .82323 ,- 9 .29627 - 20 .82323 ,- 20 .82323 0 ,- 7 .8992 4 .36561 ,- 14 .75085 10 .82304 ,- 18 .28114 0 .45237 ,- 1 .7753 0 .72684 ,- 3 .69514 0 .65576 ,- 5 .89574 - 9 .70007 , 3 .75525 - 16 .6097 , 13 .17589 - 16 .6097 , 24 .17688 0 , 14 .29201 11 .66212 , 25 .91668 25 .95413 , 25 .91668 13 .026538 , 0 23 .837178 ,- 9 .65722 25 .649488 ,- 22 .18923 - 1 .32835 ,- 0 .0348 - 4 .11703 ,- 0 .60321 - 5 .04597 ,- 0 .9457 z m 4 .98685 ,- 6 .89716 c - 1 .97707 ,- 12 .3428 - 12 .69857 ,- 21 .80127 - 25 .590368 ,- 21 .80127 - 0 .5666 , 0 - 1 .12907 , 0 .0183 - 1 .68684 , 0 .0542 0 .31178 , 1 .20255 0 .3074 , 3 .96583 - 0 .0166 , 5 .10739 l 0 , 6 e - 5 c 0 .5617 ,- 0 .0452 1 .1298 ,- 0 .0682 1 .70343 ,- 0 .0682 9 .546428 , 0 17 .537168 , 6 .37619 20 .001238 , 15 .11504 1 .68318 , 0 .64085 3 .49015 , 1 .20604 5 .58913 , 1 .59278 z ' id= ' path3790 ' style= ' fill :% 237 a 7 af 9 ; fill-opacity : 1 ' /%3E%3Cpath d= ' m 157 .72746 , 317 .82769 c 1 .60373 , 10 .29047 9 .36704 , 19 .0414 20 .1411 , 21 .36875 13 .96979 , 3 .01767 27 .78686 ,- 5 .89044 30 .80453 ,- 19 .86023 3 .01768 ,- 13 .9698 - 5 .88253 ,- 27 .82347 - 19 .85233 ,- 30 .84115 - 13 .96979 ,- 3 .01767 - 27 .79477 , 5 .92705 - 30 .81244 , 19 .89685 - 0 .11542 , 0 .53432 - 0 .2134 , 1 .06841 - 0 .29433 , 1 .6017 1 .57057 , 0 .12151 4 .03679 , 0 .72651 4 .98373 , 1 .12484 0 .0739 ,- 0 .54911 0 .17015 ,- 1 .09979 0 .28924 ,- 1 .65109 2 .43385 ,- 11 .26709 13 .48338 ,- 18 .39092 24 .75047 ,- 15 .95707 11 .26708 , 2 .43385 18 .39092 , 13 .48338 15 .95706 , 24 .75047 l - 3 e - 5 ,- 1 e - 5 c - 2 .43385 , 11 .26709 - 13 .47548 , 18 .35431 - 24 .74257 , 15 .92046 - 7 .73918 ,- 1 .67178 - 13 .52726 ,- 7 .39124 - 15 .60443 ,- 14 .46049 - 1 .27374 ,- 0 .59757 - 4 .06462 ,- 1 .60605 - 5 .62 ,- 1 .89303 z ' id= ' path3842 ' style= ' fill :% 237 a 7 af 9 ; fill-opacity : 1 ' /%3E%3Cpath d= ' m 105 .40431 , 311 .064 c 1 .34862 ,- 10 .20474 10 .02005 ,- 18 .04148 20 .60351 ,- 18 .04148 11 .52697 , 0 20 .82323 , 9 .29627 20 .82323 , 20 .82323 0 , 7 .8992 - 4 .36561 , 14 .75085 - 10 .82304 , 18 .28114 - 0 .45237 , 1 .7753 - 0 .72684 , 3 .69514 - 0 .65576 , 5 .89574 9 .70007 ,- 3 .75525 16 .6097 ,- 13 .17589 16 .6097 ,- 24 .17688 0 ,- 14 .29201 - 11 .66212 ,- 25 .91668 - 25 .95413 ,- 25 .91668 - 13 .02653 , 0 - 23 .83717 , 9 .65722 - 25 .64948 , 22 .18923 1 .32835 , 0 .0348 4 .11703 , 0 .60321 5 .04597 , 0 .9457 z m - 4 .98685 , 6 .89716 c 1 .97707 , 12 .3428 12 .69857 , 21 .80127 25 .59036 , 21 .80127 0 .5666 , 0 1 .12907 ,- 0 .0183 1 .68684 ,- 0 .0542 - 0 .31178 ,- 1 .20255 - 0 .3074 ,- 3 .96583 0 .0166 ,- 5 .10739 l 0 ,- 6 e - 5 c - 0 .5617 , 0 .0452 - 1 .1298 , 0 .0682 - 1 .70343 , 0 .0682 - 9 .54642 , 0 - 17 .53716 ,- 6 .37619 - 20 .00123 ,- 15 .11504 - 1 .68318 ,- 0 .64085 - 3 .49015 ,- 1 .20604 - 5 .58913 ,- 1 .59278 z ' id= ' path3850 ' style= ' fill :% 237 a 7 af 9 ; fill-opacity : 1 ' /%3E%3Cpath d= ' m 175 .43867 , 340 .00219 c - 1 .34862 , 10 .20474 - 10 .02005 , 18 .04148 - 20 .60351 , 18 .04148 - 11 .52697 , 0 - 20 .82323 ,- 9 .29627 - 20 .82323 ,- 20 .82323
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
body . app-body {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
font-family : ui-rounded , " mastodon-font-sans-serif " , sans-serif ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. layout-single-column . ui : : before {
content : " " ;
display : block ;
height : 16 px ;
position : fixed ;
top : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
z-index : 1 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
background-image : var ( -- gradient-bg ) ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane {
z-index : 1 ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
: : selection {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 🖱️ Scrollbars */
: root : has ( . app-body ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
padding : 2 px ;
: root : has ( . app-body ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
opacity : .4 ;
: root : has ( . app-body ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-track : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
: root : has ( . app-body ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-thumb : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
opacity : .7 ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
: root : has ( . app-body ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar {
display : none ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
: root ,
* {
scrollbar-color : var ( -- color - accent ) var ( -- color - bg ) ;
scrollbar-width : thin ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body {
- - dropdown-shadow :
0 20px 25px - 5px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 15 ) ,
0 8px 10px - 6px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 15 ) ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
--safe-area-bottom : env ( safe - area-inset-bottom ) ;
@media ( display - mode : standalone ) {
. app-body {
--safe-area-bottom : max ( env ( safe - area-inset-bottom ) , 30 px ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . loading-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-15 00:05:35 +09:00
. app-body . circular-progress {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . redirect__logo {
background-image : var ( -- logo ) ;
background-size : 100 % ;
background-position : center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
. app-body . redirect__logo img {
opacity : 0 ;
. app-body . redirect__message a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . getting-started ,
. app-body . regeneration-indicator ,
. app-body . audio-player ,
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input__input ,
. app-body . compose-form__autosuggest-wrapper ,
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper select ,
. app-body . poll__option input [ type = text ] ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__textarea ,
. app-body . search__input ,
. app-body . setting-text ,
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper ,
. app-body . about__section__body {
border : 0 ;
. app-body . column-inline-form ,
. app-body . column > . scrollable ,
. app-body . getting-started ,
. app-body . regeneration-indicator {
background : transparent ;
2024-03-12 23:19:26 +09:00
: root {
--background-filter : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__avatar img {
border-radius : 50 % ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
/* Keyframes */
@keyframes bounce {
0 % {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
50 % {
transform : scale ( 1 .6 ) ;
75 % {
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
100 % {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
@keyframes bounce-sml {
0 % {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
50 % {
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .25 ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
100 % {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
@keyframes bounce-vertical {
0 % {
transform : translateY ( 0 ) ;
50 % {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : translateY ( - 30 % ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
75 % {
transform : translateY ( 20 % ) ;
100 % {
transform : translate ( 0 ) ;
@keyframes launch {
0 % {
transform : translate ( 0 ) ;
opacity : 0 ;
5 % {
transform : translate ( 0 ) ;
opacity : 1 ;
50 % {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : translate ( 200 % , - 200 % ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
opacity : 0 ;
80 % {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : translate ( 200 % , - 200 % ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
opacity : 0 ;
85 % {
transform : translate ( - 20 % , 20 % ) ;
opacity : 0 ;
100 % {
transform : translate ( 0 ) ;
opacity : 1 ;
@keyframes fadein {
from {
opacity : 0 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
transform : translateY ( - 10 % ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
to {
opacity : 1 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
transform : translateY ( 0 ) ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
@keyframes fadein-short {
from {
transform : translate ( 0 , - 10 px ) ;
opacity : 0 ;
to {
transform : translate ( 0 , 0 ) ;
opacity : 1 ;
@keyframes slowin {
0 % {
opacity : 0 ;
20 % {
opacity : 0 ;
100 % {
opacity : 1 ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
@keyframes rotate-bounce {
0 % {
transform : rotate ( 0 ) scale ( 1 ) ;
60 % {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : rotate ( 80 deg ) scale ( 1 .2 ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
100 % {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : rotate ( 60 deg ) scale ( 1 .1 ) ;
@keyframes bell-ring {
0 % {
transform : rotate ( 0 ) ;
40 % {
transform : rotate ( 15 deg ) ;
70 % {
transform : rotate ( - 15 deg ) ;
100 % {
transform : rotate ( 0 ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Rordered layout */
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational {
order : 1 ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__main {
order : 2 ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--compositional {
order : 3 ;
. app-body . columns-area--mobile . column {
flex : unset ;
. app-body . columns-area--mobile . column : focus-within {
overflow : visible ;
. app-body . scrollable ,
. app-body . column > . scrollable {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-top : 0 ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
padding-bottom : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner + . scrollable {
border-top-left-radius : 0 ;
border-top-right-radius : 0 ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
. app-body . columns-area--mobile {
padding : 0 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . columns-area__panels {
gap : 10 px ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . scrollable ,
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column > . scrollable {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-right : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
. app-body . columns-area__panels__main {
max-width : 580 px ;
2024-01-13 01:56:08 +09:00
padding : 0 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . columns-area__panels {
gap : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * * ️ ⃣ Icons
- - - - - - - - * /
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body . icon {
height : 20 px ;
width : 20 px ;
. app-body . verified-badge . icon {
width : 18 px ;
height : 18 px ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . icon {
height : 24 px ;
width : 24 px ;
. app-body . status__visibility-icon . icon {
height : 1 em ;
width : 1 em ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta . icon ,
. app-body . dropdown-button . icon {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
height : 15 px ;
width : 15 px ;
. app-body . icon-button {
padding : 2 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is (
. icon-bookmark ,
. icon-star ,
. icon-retweet ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-repeat ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-reply ,
. icon-reply-all ,
. icon-tasks ,
. icon-quote-right ,
. icon-home ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-notifications-active ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-hashtag ,
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. icon-explore ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-search ,
. icon-times-circle ,
. icon-bell ,
. icon-at ,
. icon-bookmarks ,
. icon-list-ul ,
. column-link . icon-cog ,
. drawer__tab . icon-cog ,
. icon-bars ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-bar-chart-4-bars ,
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. navigation-bar . icon-close ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-user-plus ,
. icon-user ,
. icon-users ,
. icon-bullhorn ,
. icon-sliders ,
. icon-globe ,
. icon-unlock ,
. icon-lock ,
. icon-paperclip ,
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. compose-form__buttons . icon-button : nth-child ( 3 ) . icon ,
. emoji-picker-dropdown > . icon-button . icon ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-bell-o ,
. icon-thumb-tack ,
. icon-file-text ,
. account--panel . icon-times ,
. follow-request-banner . icon-times ,
. account__relationship . icon-times ,
. icon-ellipsis-h ,
. icon-ellipsis-v ,
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. icon-check : is ( . verified__mark , . verified-badge__mark ) ,
. follow-request-banner . button . icon-check ,
. account--panel button . icon-check ,
2023-12-18 21:05:47 +09:00
. account__relationship . icon-check ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. status__action-bar . icon-close ,
. detailed-status__action-bar . icon-close ,
. account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-close ,
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. icon-sign-out ,
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-undefined ,
. icon-eye-slash ,
2024-02-20 01:27:09 +09:00
. icon-eye ,
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. icon-eraser ,
. icon-pencil ,
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
. app-form__header-input . icon ,
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon . icon ,
. safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
path {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is (
. icon-bookmark ,
. icon-star ,
. icon-retweet ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-repeat ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-reply ,
. icon-reply-all ,
. icon-tasks ,
. icon-quote-right ,
. icon-home ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-notifications-active ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-hashtag ,
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. icon-explore ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-search ,
. icon-times-circle ,
. icon-bell ,
. icon-at ,
. icon-bookmarks ,
. icon-list-ul ,
. column-link . icon-cog ,
. drawer__tab . icon-cog ,
. icon-bars ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. icon-bar-chart-4-bars ,
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. navigation-bar . icon-close ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-user-plus ,
. icon-user ,
. icon-users ,
. icon-bullhorn ,
. icon-sliders ,
. icon-globe ,
. icon-unlock ,
. icon-lock ,
. icon-paperclip ,
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. compose-form__buttons . icon-button : nth-child ( 3 ) . icon ,
. emoji-picker-dropdown > . icon-button . icon ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-bell-o ,
. icon-thumb-tack ,
. icon-file-text ,
. account--panel . icon-times ,
. follow-request-banner . icon-times ,
. account__relationship . icon-times ,
. icon-ellipsis-h ,
. icon-ellipsis-v ,
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. icon-check : is ( . verified__mark , . verified-badge__mark ) ,
. follow-request-banner . button . icon-check ,
. account--panel button . icon-check ,
2023-12-18 21:05:47 +09:00
. account__relationship . icon-check ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. status__action-bar . icon-close ,
. detailed-status__action-bar . icon-close ,
. account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-close ,
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. icon-sign-out ,
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-undefined ,
. icon-eye-slash ,
2024-02-20 01:27:09 +09:00
. icon-eye ,
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. icon-eraser ,
. icon-pencil ,
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
. app-form__header-input . icon ,
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon . icon ,
. safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-size : 100 % ;
background-position : center ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Bookmark */
. app-body . icon-bookmark {
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-accent ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__button . icon-bookmark {
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-accent ) ;
. app-body . icon-button . active . icon-bookmark {
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-active ) ;
/* Favorite */
. app-body . icon-star {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-accent ) ;
. app-body button . icon-button . active . icon-star ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message . icon-star ,
. app-body . notification-group--favourite . icon-star {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-active ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__link . icon-star {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star ) ;
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . icon-star {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-accent ) ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Boost */
. app-body . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
. app-body button . icon-button . active . icon-retweet ,
. app-body . detailed-status__button button . icon-button . active : hover . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-active ) ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend-icon . icon-retweet ,
. app-body . notification-group--reblog . icon-repeat {
2024-03-09 02:02:16 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent-active ) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message . icon-retweet {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-active ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__link . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
button . icon-button : is (
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. reblogPrivate : where ( . disabled , [ disabled ] ) ,
. reblogPrivate : where ( . disabled , [ disabled ] ) : hover ,
. disabled ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. disabled : hover
. icon-retweet {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
opacity : .2 ;
pointer-events : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . boost-modal__action-bar . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
vertical-align : middle ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . icon-retweet {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Reply */
. app-body . icon-reply ,
. app-body . icon-reply-all {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply-accent ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar : is ( . icon-reply , . icon-reply-all ) {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply-accent ) ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__overlay : is ( . icon-reply , . icon-reply-all ) {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply-accent ) ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend-icon . icon-reply ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped__header__icon . icon-reply {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply-accent-active ) ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Ellipsis */
. app-body : is ( . icon-ellipsis-h , . icon-ellipsis-v ) {
background-image : var ( -- icon - ellipsis - accent ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-ellipsis-h {
background-image : var ( -- icon - ellipsis - accent ) ;
. app-body : is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . account__header__tabs__buttons ) . icon-close {
background-image : var ( -- icon - ellipsis - active ) ;
/* Poll icon */
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . icon-tasks ,
. app-body . icon-bar-chart-4-bars {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll ) ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message . icon-tasks ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped . icon-bar-chart-4-bars {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll-accent ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . icon-tasks {
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Post icon */
. app-body . icon-quote-right {
background-image : var ( -- icon - post ) ;
/* Navigation panel icons */
. app-body . column-link__icon {
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .45 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
margin-right : 7 px ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
margin-left : 3 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Home icon */
. app-body . icon-home {
background-image : var ( -- icon - home ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-home {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - home-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-home {
background-image : var ( -- icon - home-accent ) ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message . icon-home ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped . icon-notifications-active {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - post-notification-accent ) ;
/* Globe icon */
. app-body . column-link . icon-globe ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-globe {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-accent ) ;
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
/* Hashtag icon */
. app-body . icon-hashtag {
background-image : var ( -- icon - hashtag ) ;
/* Explore icon */
. app-body . icon-explore ,
. app-body . column-link . icon-explore {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - explore ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-explore {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - explore-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-explore {
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - explore-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Search icon */
. app-body . icon-search {
background-image : var ( -- icon - search ) ;
. app-body . ui__header__links . icon-search ,
. app-body . search__icon . icon-search {
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-active ) ;
. app-body . column-link . icon-search {
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-column-link ) ;
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-search {
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-column-link-active ) ;
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-search {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-column-link ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-times-circle {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - erase ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Notifications icon */
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . icon-bell ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-bell {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-bell {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell-active ) ;
/* Direct messages icon */
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . icon-at ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-at {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-at {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-at {
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Bookmarks icon */
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . icon-bookmarks ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-bookmarks {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-bookmarks {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-bookmarks {
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Favorites icon */
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . icon-star ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-star {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-column-link ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-star {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-star {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Lists icon */
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . icon-list-ul ,
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-list-ul {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - list ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-list-ul {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - list-active ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-list-ul {
background-image : var ( -- icon - list-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Settings icon */
. app-body . column-link . icon-cog {
background-image : var ( -- icon - settings ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-cog {
background-image : var ( -- icon - settings-accent ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
/* About page icon */
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-ellipsis-h {
background-image : var ( -- icon - ellipsis ) ;
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-ellipsis-h {
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - ellipsis - column - link-active ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Profile settings */
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button . icon-bars {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - gear ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button . active . icon-close {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - gear-active ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : transparent ;
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button . active {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : rotate ( 60 deg ) scale ( 1 .1 ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
animation : rotate - bounce .4 s 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Follow user icon */
. app-body . icon-user-plus ,
. app-body . icon-user {
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-accent ) ;
. app-body . active . icon-user-plus {
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus ) ;
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__icon . icon-user-plus ,
. app-body . column-link . icon-user-plus {
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-column-link ) ;
. app-body . column-link . active . icon-user-plus {
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-column-link-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-link . icon-user-plus {
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Users icon */
. app-body . icon-users {
background-image : var ( -- icon - users ) ;
. app-body . column-link . icon-users {
background-image : var ( -- icon - users-accent ) ;
/* Announcement icon */
. app-body . icon-bullhorn {
background-image : var ( -- icon - megaphone ) ;
/* Column settings icon */
. app-body . icon-sliders {
background-image : var ( -- icon - sliders ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Post visibility icons */
. app-body . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-visibility ) ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-button . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-visibility-accent ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-button . active . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-visibility-inv ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-unlock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - unlock ) ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-button . icon-unlock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - unlock-accent ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-button . active . icon-unlock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - unlock-inv ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-lock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - lock ) ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-button . icon-lock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - lock-accent ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-button . active . icon-lock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - lock-inv ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-at {
background-image : var ( -- icon - at ) ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-button . icon-at {
background-image : var ( -- icon - at-accent ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-button . active . icon-at {
background-image : var ( -- icon - at-inv ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Other icons */
. app-body . icon-paperclip {
background-image : var ( -- icon - paperclip ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button : is ( . active , . active : hover ) . icon-paperclip {
background-image : var ( -- icon - paperclip-inv ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__buttons . icon-button : nth-child ( 3 ) . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - warning ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__buttons . icon-button : nth-child ( 3 ) : is ( . active , . active : hover ) . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - warning-inv ) ;
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. app-body . icon-check : is ( . verified__mark , . verified-badge__mark ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - verified ) ;
. app-body . follow-request-banner . button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-check {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-inv ) ;
. app-body . account__relationship . icon-check ,
. app-body . follow-request-banner . button . icon-check {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check ) ;
. app-body . icon-bell {
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell-ringing ) ;
. app-body . icon-bell-o {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-thumb-tack {
background-image : var ( -- icon - pin ) ;
. app-body . icon-file-text {
background-image : var ( -- icon - link ) ;
. app-body
: is (
. account--panel ,
. follow-request-banner ,
. account__relationship
. icon-times {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel . icon-times ,
. app-body . follow-request-banner . button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-times {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject-inv ) ;
. app-body . account__relationship . icon-times ,
. app-body . follow-request-banner . button . icon-times {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-undefined {
background-image : var ( -- icon - share ) ;
2023-11-27 01:14:58 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . copyable . icon-undefined {
background-image : var ( -- icon - copy ) ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . copied . icon-undefined {
background-image : var ( -- icon - copied ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . icon-eye-slash {
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-shut ) ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button . overlayed . icon-eye-slash {
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-shut-inv ) ;
2024-02-27 21:49:07 +09:00
. app-body . player-button . icon-eye-slash {
filter : brightness ( 100 ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . icon-eye {
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-open ) ;
2024-02-20 01:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . icon-eraser {
background-image : var ( -- icon - broom ) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. app-body . icon-pencil {
background-image : var ( -- icon - edited-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1173 px ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-home {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - home-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-home {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - home-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-bell {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-bell {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bell-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-explore {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - explore-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-02 09:56:49 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-explore {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - explore-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-search {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-search {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-column-link-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-globe {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-globe {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-at {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-at {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-bookmarks {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-bookmarks {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-star {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-star {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-list-ul {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - list-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-list-ul {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - list-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-cog {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - settings-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . icon-user-plus {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-column-link-accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel . column-link . active . icon-user-plus {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - user-plus-column-link-accent-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
/* Links */
. app-body a : is ( . status-link , . mention , . navigation-bar__profile-edit ) span ,
. app-body : is ( . account__header__fields , . account__header__content ) a span {
text-decoration-line : underline ;
text-decoration-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
text-decoration-thickness : 2 px ;
text-underline-offset : 2 px ;
. app-body a : is ( . status-link , . mention , . navigation-bar__profile-edit ) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) span ,
. app-body : is ( . account__header__fields , . account__header__content , . trends__item__name ) a : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) span ,
. app-body
: is (
. detailed-status__display-name ,
. reply-indicator__display-name ,
. status__display-name ,
a . account__display-name
) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover )
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. display-name strong ,
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend . status__display-name : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) strong ,
2024-08-18 21:56:01 +09:00
. app-body a . notification-request__link : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . notification-request__name__display-name strong ,
. app-body . more-from-author a : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) bdi {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
text-decoration-line : underline ;
text-decoration-color : currentColor ;
text-decoration-thickness : 2 px ;
text-underline-offset : 2 px ;
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
. app-body a : is ( . status-link , . mention ) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . account__header__fields , . account__header__content ) a : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body : is ( . detailed-status__datetime , . status__relative-time ) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
text-decoration : none !important ;
. app-body . account__header__fields . verified a span {
display : inline ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * 📝 Compose panel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . compose-form {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
gap : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar {
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
padding : 23 px 15 px 15 px 18 px ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
position : relative ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-21 03:36:26 +09:00
transition :
background-color . 2s ,
border-color . 2s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . account {
background-color : transparent ;
padding-left : 0 ;
padding-top : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . account__display-name {
line-height : 20 px ;
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
overflow : visible ;
. app-body : is ( . navigation-bar , . reply-indicator ) . account__avatar {
outline : 6 px solid var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
position : relative ;
z-index : 2 ;
. app-body . reply-indicator__line {
z-index : 1 ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__highlightable {
border-top : 0 ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-left-radius : 0 ;
border-top-right-radius : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . reply-indicator : has ( ~ . compose-form__highlightable : focus-within ) ,
. app-body . compose-form . navigation-bar : has ( ~ . compose-form__highlightable : focus-within ) ,
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__warning : has ( ~ . compose-form__highlightable : focus-within ) ,
. app-body . compose-form__highlightable : focus-within {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-21 03:36:26 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . reply-indicator + . navigation-bar ,
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . navigation-bar : has ( ~ . compose-form__highlightable : focus-within ) ,
. app-body . reply-indicator {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-21 03:36:26 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__highlightable . active {
box-shadow : none ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
: is (
. autosuggest-textarea__suggestions ,
. autosuggest-textarea__textarea ,
. autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item ,
. compose-form__modifiers
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-top : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__textarea {
2024-03-14 05:44:57 +09:00
padding-inline-start : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : : placeholder {
font-size : 130 % ;
opacity : .5 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : : placeholder ,
. app-body . autosuggest-account . display-name__html {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-account . display-name__account ,
. app-body . hover-card . display-name__account ,
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl dt {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
box-shadow :
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
0 20px 25px - 5px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 25 ) ,
0 8px 10px - 6px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 25 ) ;
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : is ( . selected , : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : is ( . selected , : active , : focus , : hover ) . autosuggest-account : is ( . display-name__account , . display-name__html ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions ,
. app-body . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : last-child {
border-bottom-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . autosuggest-account . account__avatar {
border : 0 ;
. app-body . dropdown-button {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
padding : 5 px 8 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
transition : border-color .2 s ;
. app-body . dropdown-button : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-button . active ,
. app-body . column-settings . dropdown-button . active {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . column-settings . dropdown-button {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . reply-indicator {
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
box-shadow : none ;
margin : 0 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
padding : 18 px 15 px 0 18 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . reply-indicator p {
overflow : hidden ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . reply-indicator__line : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
z-index : 1 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
opacity : .6 ;
. app-body . reply-indicator + . navigation-bar {
border-top : 0 ;
border-top-left-radius : 0 ;
border-top-right-radius : 0 ;
padding-top : 16 px ;
. app-body . reply-indicator . display-name__account ,
. app-body . reply-indicator__attachments {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . reply-indicator__attachments {
margin-top : 8 px ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
2024-03-14 05:44:57 +09:00
. app-body . edit-indicator {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
gap : 2 px ;
padding-inline-start : 20 px ;
padding-bottom : 17 px ;
. app-body . edit-indicator__header {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . edit-indicator__header > * : not ( . edit-indicator__cancel ) {
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . edit-indicator__content {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . edit-indicator__content a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button : not ( : has ( . icon-bars ) , . active ) {
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button : not ( : has ( . icon-bars ) , . active ) : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-bar . icon-button : not ( : has ( . icon-bars ) , . active ) : active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__warning {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
box-shadow : none ;
transition : border-color .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__warning ,
. app-body . simple_form . recommended ,
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__warning ,
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__warning a ,
. app-body . reply-indicator__content a ,
. app-body . navigation-bar__profile-edit {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-17 04:30:31 +09:00
. app-body . simple_form . recommended {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__sensitive-button . icon-button : hover {
background-color : transparent ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__sensitive-button input [ type = checkbox ] : checked {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . spoiler-input__border {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . autosuggest-input {
box-sizing : border-box ;
2023-11-27 01:14:58 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input . spoiler-input--visible {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
height : auto ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input . autosuggest-input {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
padding : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input__input {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - warning ) ;
background-position : 10 px center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-size : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
padding : 8 px 15 px 8 px 36 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input__input : focus {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . display-name {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__upload__thumbnail {
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button {
color : #ffffff ;
. app-body . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .4 ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . compose-form {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
padding : 15 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form . attachment-list . compact . icon {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
vertical-align : bottom ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . character-counter {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
opacity : 0 ;
font-size : 15 px ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transition :
opacity . 3s ,
margin-right . 3s ;
transform-origin : right center ;
margin-right : - 10 px ;
. app-body . compose-form : not ( : has ( . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : placeholder-shown ) ) . character-counter {
opacity : 1 ;
margin-right : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . character-counter--over {
color : #df405a ;
font-weight : 500 ;
animation : bounce .3 s 1 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. compose-form__footer {
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
gap : 10 px ;
padding : 0 ;
. app-body . compose-form__dropdowns {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
gap : 6 px ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
padding : 0 12 px ;
. app-body . compose-form__actions {
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
padding : 10 px 12 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__buttons {
gap : 1 px ;
. app-body . compose-form__buttons . icon-button {
padding : 6 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . compose-form__buttons . icon {
transform : scale ( 1 .2 ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
width : 20 px ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__buttons . icon-button : is ( . active , . active : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__submit {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
max-width : 40 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__submit . button {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
height : 40 px ;
max-width : 40 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
color : transparent ;
background-size : 60 % ;
background-position : center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - send-inv ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
transition :
transform . 2s ,
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
background-color . 2s ,
border-color . 2s ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__submit . button : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form : has ( . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : placeholder-shown ) . compose-form__submit . button {
background-image : var ( -- icon - send ) ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form : not ( : has ( . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : placeholder-shown ) ) . compose-form__submit {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
animation : bounce-sml .2 s ease-out 1 ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . upload-progress__tracker {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . upload-progress__backdrop {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . upload-progress . icon {
color : var ( -- color - accent )
. app-body . upload-progress__message ,
. app-body . upload-progress__message span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__upload . icon-button {
background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .75 ) ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding : 6 px ;
. app-body . compose-form__upload . icon-button : hover {
background-color : #444 ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
/* Poll composer */
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__poll {
gap : 3 px ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll . poll__option {
margin-bottom : 2 px ;
. app-body . poll__option input [ type = text ] {
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
padding : 7 px 12 px ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-20 04:34:44 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . poll__option input [ type = text ] : focus {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer {
margin-top : 5 px ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
padding-inline-start : 12 px ;
gap : 6 px ;
margin-bottom : - 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-20 04:34:44 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__poll__select__label {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-12-20 04:34:44 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__poll__select__value {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
background-position : 8 px center ;
background-size : 15 px ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
padding : 4 px 8 px 4 px 27 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
font-size : 12 px ;
line-height : 16 px ;
transition :
background-color . 2s ,
border-color . 2s ;
cursor : pointer ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__poll__select__value : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
outline : 0 ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__select__value : active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : first-child . compose-form__poll__select__value {
background-image : var ( -- icon - timer ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : first-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : active {
background-image : var ( -- icon - timer-inv ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-radio ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : active ,
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : has ( option : first-child : checked ) : active {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-radio-inv ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : has ( option : first-child : checked ) {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-radio ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : has ( option : last-child : checked ) {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-box ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer . compose-form__poll__select : last-child . compose-form__poll__select__value : has ( option : last-child : checked ) : active {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-box-inv ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . compose-form__poll__footer__sep {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
display : none ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll . poll__option . empty : not ( : focus-within ) {
opacity : .8 ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper ,
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper . poll__footer {
border-top : 0 ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper ul {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper . autosuggest-input input ,
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper select {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper . autosuggest-input input : focus ,
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper select : focus {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper . poll__footer . button . button-secondary {
padding : 6 px 16 px ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-wrapper . icon-button . disabled {
color : transparent ;
pointer-events : none ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-button . icon-button . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . compose-form__poll-button . icon-button . active . icon-tasks {
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll-active ) ;
/* Polls in posts */
. app-body . muted . poll {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . poll__footer {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
display : flex ;
flex-flow : wrap ;
gap : 5 px ;
align-items : center ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
box-sizing : border-box ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
font-size : 12 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
padding : 0 ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . poll__link {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
box-sizing : border-box ;
padding : 0 8 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
font-size : 12 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
height : 32 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . poll__link : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . poll__link : active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . poll__option . editable . poll__input {
display : none ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . poll li {
2024-01-02 00:17:51 +09:00
margin-bottom : 4 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
position : relative ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. app-body : is ( . status , . detailed-status ) . poll__option {
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : 500 ;
padding : 8 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
position : relative ;
z-index : 1 ;
align-items : center ;
. app-body . poll__option . selectable {
cursor : pointer ;
. app-body . poll__option . selectable : active {
transform : scale ( .98 ) ;
. app-body . poll__option . selectable : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . poll__option . selectable : has ( . poll__input . active ) {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . poll__option . selectable . poll__input : not ( . active ) {
border-width : 0 ;
outline-width : 0 !important ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
transition :
background . 2s ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . poll__option . selectable : hover . poll__input : not ( . active ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . poll__option . selectable . poll__input . active {
border-width : 3 px ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
outline-width : 1 px !important ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . poll__footer . button . button-secondary {
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
box-sizing : border-box ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
padding : 0 16 px ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
height : 32 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
float : inline-end ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . poll__footer . button . button-secondary : hover {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . poll__footer . button . button-secondary : disabled {
opacity : 1 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
display : none ;
. app-body . poll__footer . button . button-secondary : not ( : disabled ) {
animation : bounce-sml .3 s ease-out 1 ;
. app-body . poll__footer . button . button-secondary : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
. app-body . poll__voted {
position : absolute ;
right : 3 px ;
height : 20 px ;
. app-body . poll__option : has ( + . poll__chart . leading ) . poll__voted {
right : 28 px ;
color : var ( -- color - confirm-fg ) ;
. app-body . poll__chart {
background : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
opacity : .5 ;
height : auto ;
border-radius : 8 px 0 0 8 px ;
position : absolute ;
top : 0 ;
bottom : 0 ;
z-index : 0 ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . poll__chart {
opacity : .65 ;
. app-body . poll__chart . leading ,
. app-body . muted . poll__chart . leading ,
. app-body . poll__option : has ( . poll__voted ) + . poll__chart . leading {
background : var ( -- color - confirm-bg ) ;
opacity : 1 ;
. app-body . poll__option : has ( . poll__voted ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : transparent ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . poll__option : has ( . poll__voted ) + . poll__chart {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
opacity : 1 ;
. app-body . poll__option : has ( + . poll__chart . leading ) ,
. app-body . poll__option : has ( . poll__voted ) : has ( + . poll__chart . leading ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - confirm-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
background-color : transparent ;
background-size : 20 px ;
background-position : right 8 px center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - trophy ) ;
. app-body . poll__option : has ( . poll__voted ) : has ( + . poll__chart . leading ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - confirm ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
/* Emoji picker */
. app-body . emoji-picker-dropdown > . icon-button . icon {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - emoji - accent ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . emoji-picker-dropdown > . icon-button . active . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - emoji - accent-inv ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . emoji-picker-dropdown__menu {
overflow : hidden ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
box-shadow : var ( -- dropdown-shadow ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . emoji-mart {
display : block ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-bar : first-child {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
padding-top : 2 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-selected {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-icon svg path ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-icon svg rect {
fill : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-selected . emoji-mart-anchor-icon svg path ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-anchor-selected . emoji-mart-anchor-icon svg rect ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-search-icon svg path {
fill : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-search-icon ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-search-icon : disabled ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-search-icon svg {
opacity : 1 ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-scroll : : -webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-search ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-scroll ,
. app-body . emoji-mart-category-label span {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-search input {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-search input : focus {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
outline : 0 ;
. app-body . emoji-mart-search input : : placeholder {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
/* Zoom on emojis on hover (in post content only */
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__content : not ( . status__content--collapsed ) { /* So the emoji doesn't clip out when zoomed on. */
overflow : visible ;
. app-body . status__content . emojione {
transition : transform .8 s .8 s ;
. app-body . status__content . emojione : hover {
transform : scale ( 2 .5 ) ;
/ * 💬 Posts
- - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . reply-indicator__content ,
. app-body . status__content {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account__display-name strong ,
. app-body . status__display-name strong ,
. app-body . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . translate-button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . translate-button__meta ,
. app-body . translate-button button ,
. app-body . status__content__translate-button {
font-size : 85 % ;
. app-body . status__content__translate-button ,
. app-body . translate-button . link-button {
width : 32 px ;
height : 32 px ;
bottom : 13 px ;
right : 52 px ;
padding : 0 px ;
position : absolute ;
background-size : 20 px ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-position : center ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - translate - accent ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .3 s ;
background-color : transparent ;
. app-body . detailed-status . status__content__translate-button ,
. app-body . detailed-status . translate-button . link-button {
background-image : var ( -- icon - translate - accent ) ;
background-size : 25 px ;
width : 40 px ;
height : 40 px ;
right : 60 px ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
bottom : 20 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . status__content__translate-button ,
. app-body . translate-button . link-button {
bottom : 10 px ;
. app-body . scrollable > div : is ( : last-child , : only-child ) . detailed-status__wrapper : last-child
: is (
. translate-button . link-button ,
. status__content__translate-button
) {
2024-02-15 00:05:35 +09:00
bottom : 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__content__translate-button : hover ,
. app-body . translate-button . link-button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. app-body . translate-button . link-button ,
. app-body . detailed-status . translate-button . link-button ,
. app-body . translate-button . link-button : hover ,
. app-body . detailed-status . translate-button . link-button : hover {
background-image : var ( -- icon - translate - active ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__content__translate-button > span ,
. app-body . translate-button . link-button > span ,
. app-body . notification . status__content__translate-button {
display : none ;
. app-body . account__display-name strong ,
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . status__display-name strong ,
. app-body . notification-request__name__display-name strong {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
font-weight : bold ;
. app-body . status {
margin-left : 56 px ;
padding : 0 10 px ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . status__wrapper {
transition : background .3 s ;
. app-body . status__wrapper ,
. app-body . detailed-status__wrapper {
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
--color-post-bg : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 13 px 12 px ;
position : relative ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . status__wrapper {
padding : 10 px 8 px ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification-ungrouped . status__wrapper {
padding : 13 px 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > div : first-child > . status__wrapper ,
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > . status__wrapper ,
. app-body . explore__search-results > div : first-child > . status__wrapper {
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . scrollable > div : last-child > div : last-child > . status__wrapper ,
. app-body . scrollable > div > article : last-child > div > . status__wrapper ,
. app-body . search-results__section > div : last-child > . status__wrapper {
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . dismissable-banner + . scrollable > div > article : first-child > div > . status__wrapper {
border-top : 0 ;
. app-body . status__info {
height : 22 px ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
width : calc ( 100 % + 56 px ) ;
gap : 2 px ;
margin-inline-start : - 56 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
line-height : 10 px ;
align-items : start ;
. app-body . status__info . status__display-name {
overflow : visible ;
align-items : start ;
. app-body . status__info . status__display-name . display-name bdi ,
. app-body . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
vertical-align : top ;
. app-body . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
display : inline ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
opacity : .6 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__relative-time {
height : 22 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
display : flex ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
position : absolute ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
inset-inline-end : 23 px ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . status__relative-time > * {
opacity : .6 ;
. app-body . status__relative-time : : before ,
. app-body . status__relative-time : : after {
position : absolute ;
content : " " ;
display : block ;
height : 100 % ;
z-index : - 1 ;
2024-01-30 05:38:55 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . status__relative-time : : before {
width : 20 px ;
inset-inline-start : - 20 px ;
background : linear-gradient ( 90 deg , transparent , var ( -- color - post-bg )) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
transition : all .2 s ;
2024-01-26 08:00:46 +09:00
. app-body . status__relative-time : : after {
inset-inline-start : 0 ;
inset-inline-end : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . status__relative-time time + abbr {
display : inline-block ;
width : 18 px ;
height : 22 px ;
order : 2 ;
margin : 0 4 px 0 0 ;
background-size : 16 px ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-position : center ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - edited ) ;
color : transparent ;
. app-body . status__relative-time . status__visibility-icon {
order : 1 ;
. app-body . status__relative-time time {
order : 3 ;
. app-body . status__relative-time time + abbr {
order : 2 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__avatar {
margin-bottom : - 10 px ;
z-index : 2 ;
2023-12-08 12:19:47 +09:00
border-radius : 50 % ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
outline : 6 px solid var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-12-18 02:55:02 +09:00
transition : outline .3 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend + . status . status__avatar . account__avatar-overlay-base . account__avatar {
width : 46 px !important ;
height : 46 px !important ;
. app-body . status__prepend + . status . status__avatar . account__avatar-overlay-overlay {
position : absolute ;
top : - 34 px ;
right : - 38 px ;
pointer-events : none ;
. app-body . status__prepend + . status . status__avatar . account__avatar-overlay-overlay . account__avatar {
width : 29 px !important ;
height : 29 px !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . reply-indicator__content ,
. app-body . status__content {
line-height : 19 px ;
position : static ;
. app-body . e-content blockquote ,
. app-body . reply-indicator__content blockquote ,
. app-body . status__content__text blockquote {
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
font-style : italic ;
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 📏 Post dividers */
/* Use ::before to set a non-full-width divider between posts and notifications. The divider sits above the post. */
. app-body . status : : before ,
. app-body . notification__message : : before {
position : absolute ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
height : 1 px ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
width : calc ( 100 % - 78 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
right : 0 ;
top : - 1 px ;
content : " " ;
opacity : .7 ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . status : : before ,
. app-body . notification__message : : before {
width : calc ( 100 % - 73 px ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . status : : before ,
. app-body . notification__message : : before {
opacity : 1 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Remove border between posts when applicable */
. app-body . notification . status : : before , / * no dividers on posts _inside_ notifications * /
. app-body . account-timeline__header + article . status : : before , / * no divider above first post on profile pages * /
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > . status : : before , / * no divider above first post in a column thread * /
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > div : first-child . status : : before , / * no divider above first post in a column thread ( backwards compatibility with 4 . 1 . * ) * /
. app-body . hashtag-header + article . status : : before ,
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body . search-results__section . search-results__section__header + div . status : : before ,
. app-body . dismissable-banner + article . status : : before {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : none ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) and ( max-width : 1174 px ) { /* no divider above first post in a column thread on medium-size devices */
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > div : first-child > . status__wrapper . status : : before ,
. app-body . scrollable > div > article : first-child > div > . status__wrapper . status : : before {
display : none ;
/* 👥 Threaded replies */
. app-body . status--first-in-thread {
border-top : 0 ;
. app-body . status--first-in-thread : : before {
width : 100 % ;
right : 0 ;
. app-body . status--in-thread
: is (
. attachment-list ,
. audio-player ,
. hashtag-bar ,
. media-gallery ,
. picture-in-picture-placeholder ,
. status-card ,
. status__action-bar ,
. status__content ,
. video-player
) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
margin-left : 0 ;
width : auto ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__line--first {
height : 100 % ;
. app-body . status__line--full {
height : calc ( 100 % + 32 px ) ;
/* Default lines when replying in real time */
. app-body div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] : has ( . status--in-thread ) . status--in-thread : not ( . status--first-in-thread ) > . status__line : not ( . status__line--full ) {
height : 0 ;
/* Hide line before first in thread */
. app-body div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] : has ( . status--in-thread ) + div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] > . status--in-thread . status--first-in-thread > . status__line : not ( . status__line--full ) ,
. app-body div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] : has ( . detailed-status__wrapper ) + div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] > . status__wrapper . status__line : not ( . status__line--full ) {
height : 0 ;
. app-body div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] : has ( + div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] > . detailed-status__wrapper ) . status--in-thread . status__line {
height : calc ( 100 % - 32 px ) !important ;
. app-body div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] + div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] > . status__wrapper > . status-reply . status--in-thread > . status__line . status__line--full ,
. app-body . status__line--full . status__line--first {
top : 32 px ;
height : 100 % ;
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . detailed-status {
background-color : transparent ;
border-top : 0 ;
/* Threaded line, actually */
. app-body . status__line {
2023-12-08 12:19:47 +09:00
margin-inline-start : 6 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-inline-start : 2 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
-webkit-border-start : 2 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
opacity : .6 ;
. app-body . status__line--full : : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/* Hide the "stub" from the first status line */
div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] + div [ tabindex = " -1 " ] > . status__wrapper > . status-reply . status--in-thread > . status__line . status__line--full ,
. app-body . status-reply . status--in-thread . status--first-in-thread > . status__line ,
. app-body . status-reply . status--in-thread . status--first-in-thread > . status__line--full : : before {
top : 32 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . status__line {
inset-inline-start : 35 px ;
/* ⏺️ Posts when in focus */
. app-body
: is ( . status__wrapper . focusable , . detailed-status__wrapper . focusable ) : focus ,
. app-body
: is ( . focusable , . status__wrapper . focusable ) : focus
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
: is ( . detailed-status , . detailed-status__action-bar ) ,
2024-07-23 20:42:52 +09:00
. app-body . focusable : focus . notification-ungrouped__header ,
. app-body . focusable : focus . status__wrapper ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . focusable : focus {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
outline : 0 ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
--color-post-bg : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) { /* Subtle hover effect when you hover over a post content in the timeline. Only on bigger screens. */
. app-body . status__wrapper : has ( . status__content : hover ) ,
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message : has ( + div > . status__wrapper . status__content : hover ) ,
2024-07-23 20:42:52 +09:00
. app-body . status__wrapper : has ( . status__content : hover ) . status__avatar ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped : has ( . status__wrapper . status__content : hover ) . notification-ungrouped__header {
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
--color-post-bg : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
2023-12-08 12:19:47 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper . focusable , . detailed-status__wrapper . focusable ) : focus . status__avatar {
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
outline : 6 px solid var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 👁️ Post detailed view */
. app-body . detailed-status__wrapper { /* Set full-width divider above and below a detailed post */
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
padding-bottom : 20 px ;
box-shadow :
inset 0 - 5px var ( - - color-content-secondary-bg ) ,
inset 0 - 6px var ( - - color-lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . scrollable > div : first-child > . detailed-status__wrapper { /* Detailed post is first in column */
border-top : 0 ;
. app-body . scrollable > div : last-child . detailed-status__wrapper : last-child { /* Detailed post is last in column */
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
padding-bottom : 12 px ;
box-shadow : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . scrollable > div : only-child . detailed-status__wrapper : last-child { /* Detailed post is the only post in column */
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
padding-bottom : 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
box-shadow : none ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . detailed-status {
padding : 8 px 8 px 14 px ;
2024-01-01 21:42:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status . detailed-status__display-avatar . account__avatar {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
width : 60 px !important ;
height : 60 px !important ;
. app-body . detailed-status . status__content {
line-height : 24 px ;
2024-04-15 06:05:40 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status {
padding-bottom : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status ,
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . detailed-status__display-name strong ,
. app-body . detailed-status__display-name . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__display-name strong {
font-size : 18 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . compose-panel , . compose-form ) . detailed-status__display-name strong {
2024-01-09 03:33:49 +09:00
font-size : 14 px ;
. app-body . detailed-status__display-name . display-name__account {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . detailed-status__meta {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
display : flex ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
align-items : start ;
2024-04-13 08:17:35 +09:00
flex-flow : row wrap ;
2024-03-15 01:26:36 +09:00
font-size : 13 px ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
gap : 5 px ;
2024-07-23 20:27:23 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - lines ) , transparent 20 % ) ;
2024-04-15 06:05:40 +09:00
margin-top : 25 px ;
2024-04-20 22:41:43 +09:00
padding-top : 12 px ;
2024-04-22 22:56:05 +09:00
overflow : hidden ;
2024-04-22 22:57:37 +09:00
position : relative ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
2024-04-22 22:56:05 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta : : before {
position : absolute ;
content : " " ;
display : block ;
height : 100 % ;
z-index : 1 ;
width : 30 px ;
inset-inline-end : 0 ;
background : linear-gradient ( 90 deg , transparent , var ( -- color - post-bg )) ;
2024-04-22 22:57:37 +09:00
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line {
border-top : 0 ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
padding-top : 0 ;
padding-bottom : 0 ;
gap : 6 px ;
position : relative ;
2024-04-14 09:03:15 +09:00
opacity : .6 ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line : first-child {
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
color : transparent ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
padding-left : 20 px ;
2024-04-22 22:59:14 +09:00
padding-right : 5 px ;
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
gap : 0 ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line : first-child svg {
position : absolute ;
left : 0 ;
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line : first-child > * {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-04-22 22:56:05 +09:00
white-space : nowrap ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
2024-04-13 08:17:35 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line : last-child {
flex : 100 % ;
2024-04-15 06:05:40 +09:00
opacity : .9 ;
2024-04-13 08:17:35 +09:00
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__application : : before {
content : " \00B7\00A0 " ;
margin-left : - 3 px ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__link : is ( [ href $ = " /reblogs " ] , [ href $ = " /favourites " ] ) {
padding-left : 20 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
background-position : left center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-size : 15 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . detailed-status__link [ href $ = " /reblogs " ] {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__link [ href $ = " /favourites " ] {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star ) ;
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line . dropdown-menu__text-button {
overflow : hidden ;
padding-left : 20 px ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - edited ) ;
background-position : left center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-size : 15 px ;
2024-04-22 22:56:05 +09:00
text-align : start ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta__line . dropdown-menu__text-button : is ( : hover ) {
text-decoration : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar {
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
padding : 0 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
justify-content : left ;
gap : 8 px ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
width : auto ;
2024-03-15 01:26:36 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar {
padding-left : 0 ;
padding-right : 0 ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__button {
width : 40 px ;
height : 40 px ;
flex : unset ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar-dropdown {
position : absolute ;
right : 18 px ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-04-14 09:03:15 +09:00
font-weight : 700 ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
2024-04-13 08:17:35 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__meta . dropdown-menu__text-button . animated-number {
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . status__action-bar__button : has ( . icon-button__counter > . animated-number ) {
padding-left : 4 px ;
padding-right : 4 px ;
margin-right : 2 px ;
. app-body
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. active
. icon-retweet + . icon-button__counter > . animated-number {
2024-08-20 03:08:49 +09:00
color : #FF4014 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. active
. icon-star + . icon-button__counter
> . animated-number {
2024-03-14 05:44:57 +09:00
color : #FFBF00 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body article > . account {
padding : 16 px ;
2023-11-25 21:07:48 +09:00
. app-body . account-timeline__header + article > . account {
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__link {
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
display : inline-flex ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
position : static ;
2024-01-24 03:06:31 +09:00
gap : 4 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Hashtag bar */
. app-body . hashtag-bar a ,
. app-body . hashtag-bar . link-button {
2024-07-24 23:05:46 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
transition : all .1 s ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
. app-body . hashtag-bar a {
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . hashtag-bar . link-button {
margin-left : 3 px ;
. app-body . hashtag-bar a {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
background-color :
color-mix (
in srgb ,
2024-07-24 23:05:46 +09:00
var ( - - color-content-fg ) ,
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
transparent 92 %
) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
padding : 3 px 8 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . hashtag-bar a : hover ,
. app-body . hashtag-bar . link-button : hover {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . hashtag-bar a : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . hashtag-bar a : active ,
. app-body . hashtag-bar a : focus {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . hashtag-bar a : hover span {
text-decoration : none ;
/* ⭐ Action bar */
. app-body . status__action-bar {
justify-content : left ;
margin-top : 8 px ;
gap : 8 px ;
. app-body
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
: is ( button , . status__action-bar__dropdown ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button : last-child {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
position : absolute ;
right : 18 px ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button . disabled {
pointer-events : none ;
. app-body
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. icon-button : is (
: active ,
. active : active ,
: focus ,
. active : focus
) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button : last-child : is ( . active , . active : active , . active : focus ) ,
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar-dropdown . icon-button : is ( . active , . active : active , . active : focus ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button . star-icon . deactivate > . icon-star ,
. app-body . icon-button . star-icon . activate > . icon-star { /* Disable default star spinning animation */
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
animation : none ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
. icon-button . star-icon . active
> . icon-star {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
animation : bounce .4 s ease-out !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button . reblogPrivate > . icon-retweet {
opacity : 1 ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . status__action-bar , . detailed-status__action-bar , . picture-in-picture__footer )
. icon-button . active > . icon-retweet {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
animation : launch 1 .2 s ease-in 1 !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button . bookmark-icon . active > . icon-bookmark ,
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button . bookmark-icon . active > . icon-bookmark {
animation : bounce-vertical .4 s ease-out !important ;
. app-body . status__action-bar . icon-button ,
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button {
min-width : 32 px ;
height : 32 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
position : relative ;
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button {
min-width : 40 px ;
height : 40 px ;
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button > . icon {
width : 25 px ;
height : 25 px ;
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button
. app-body . icon-button . star-icon . active ,
. app-body . notification__favourite-icon-wrapper . star-icon {
color : #ffb609 ;
. app-body . status__prepend {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
padding : 0 10 px ;
margin-top : 3 px ;
margin-bottom : 5 px ;
margin-left : 66 px ;
height : 29 px ;
gap : 5 px ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
align-items : center ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
font-size : 13 px ;
. app-body . status__prepend : has ( . status__prepend-icon-wrapper . icon-retweet ) {
padding-left : 35 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend-icon-wrapper {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
height : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
text-align : right ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend . status__prepend-icon-wrapper : has ( . icon-retweet ) {
order : 2 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend-icon-wrapper . icon {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . detailed-status__wrapper . status__prepend-icon-wrapper {
width : 46 px ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend > span {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . status__prepend : has ( . status__prepend-icon-wrapper > . icon-thumb-tack ) > span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : 600 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__prepend . muted . emojione {
opacity : 1 ;
. app-body . status-card ,
. app-body . status-card . compact {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
box-shadow : none ;
transition : all .3 s ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . status-card : hover ,
. app-body . status-card . compact : hover {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . status-card : active ,
. app-body . status-card . compact : active {
transform : scale ( .98 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status-card__image {
background : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . status-card__image . icon {
width : 32 px ;
height : 32 px ;
2024-08-03 03:57:28 +09:00
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] {
align-items : start ;
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] . status-card__description {
margin-top : 2 px ;
white-space : normal ;
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] . status-card__image {
order : 2 ;
background-color : transparent ;
padding : 8 px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__image {
height : 120 px ;
width : 120 px ;
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] . status-card__image-image {
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 8 px ;
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
. app-body . status-card [ href * = " /@ " i ] . status-card__content {
display : flex ;
flex-flow : column ;
. app-body . status-card__title {
order : 1 ;
line-height : 1 .3 ;
font-size : 16 px ;
margin-bottom : 3 px ;
. app-body . status-card__host {
order : 2 ;
. app-body . status-card__description {
order : 3 ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
. app-body . status-card__image : has ( . icon-file-text : only-child ) ,
. app-body . status-card__description : empty {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status-card__title ,
. app-body . status-card__description ,
. app-body . status-card__author ,
. app-body . status-card__host {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . status-card__host {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . status-card : active . status-card__host ,
. app-body . status-card : focus . status-card__host ,
. app-body . status-card : hover . status-card__host {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . status-card : active . status-card__author ,
. app-body . status-card : active . status-card__description ,
. app-body . status-card : active . status-card__title ,
. app-body . status-card : focus . status-card__author ,
. app-body . status-card : focus . status-card__description ,
. app-body . status-card : focus . status-card__title ,
. app-body . status-card : hover . status-card__author ,
. app-body . status-card : hover . status-card__description ,
. app-body . status-card : hover . status-card__title {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . status-card__author strong {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__image {
width : 80 px ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
. app-body . status-card : not ( . expanded , : has ( . icon-file-text ) ) . status-card__content {
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
padding-top : 0 ;
padding-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__host {
margin-bottom : 2 px ;
font-size : 12 px ;
. app-body . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__title {
font-size : 16 px ;
. app-body . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__description {
margin-top : 2 px ;
font-size : 12 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__image {
width : 80 px ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . status-card : not ( . expanded , : has ( . icon-file-text ) ) . status-card__content {
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
padding-top : 0 ;
padding-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__host {
margin-bottom : 2 px ;
font-size : 12 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__title {
font-size : 16 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . status-card : not ( . expanded ) . status-card__description {
margin-top : 2 px ;
font-size : 12 px ;
2024-06-17 23:24:32 +09:00
. app-body . status-card : has ( + . more-from-author ) {
border-bottom-left-radius : 0 ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 0 ;
. app-body . status-card + . more-from-author {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-top : 0 ;
. app-body . more-from-author {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . more-from-author . logo {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-08-18 21:56:01 +09:00
. app-body . notification-ungrouped . more-from-author : is ( . account__avatar ) {
width : 16 px !important ;
height : 16 px !important ;
2024-06-17 23:24:32 +09:00
. app-body . more-from-author a : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-08-18 21:56:01 +09:00
. app-body . more-from-author a {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : 700 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__content p {
margin-bottom : 12 px ;
. app-body . status__content p : last-child {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . status__content > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) {
margin-bottom : 1 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . status__content > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) > span {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
font-weight : bold ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) : not ( : has ( > . status__content__text--visible ) ) > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) + div {
display : none ;
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) : not ( : has ( > . status__content__text--visible ) ) : has ( > p : first-child . status__content__spoiler-link ) + . media-gallery {
margin-top : 5 px ;
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
width : 100 % ;
2024-01-12 07:20:00 +09:00
margin : - 22 px 0 0 ;
padding : 27 px 0 5 px ;
2023-12-27 08:55:58 +09:00
text-align : start ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
position : relative ;
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link span {
2023-12-27 08:55:58 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-shut ) ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
2023-12-27 08:55:58 +09:00
background-position : left 7 px center ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-size : auto 18 px ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
text-transform : initial ;
font-size : 12 px ;
line-height : 16 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-27 08:55:58 +09:00
padding : 5 px 8 px 5 px 30 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
vertical-align : middle ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
display : inline-block ;
2023-12-27 08:55:58 +09:00
transform-origin : center left ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transition :
border-color . 3s ,
outline-color . 3s ,
transform . 3s ,
background-color . 3s ;
position : relative ;
z-index : 1 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link : hover span {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-color : rgba ( 68 , 74 , 90 , .6 ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link : active span {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) : has ( > . status__content__text--visible ) . status__content__spoiler-link span {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-open ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link span {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . reply-indicator__content , . status__content ) . status__content__spoiler-link : hover span {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , .3 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button . overlayed {
background-color : #ffffff ;
color : #444b5d ;
opacity : .6 ;
transition : opacity .3 s ;
2023-12-27 06:02:40 +09:00
border-radius : 7 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button . overlayed : hover {
background-color : #ffffff ;
color : #444b5d ;
opacity : 1 ;
. app-body . status__wrapper--filtered__button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . status__wrapper--filtered {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
padding : 12 px ;
margin-top : - 1 px ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery {
gap : 4 px ;
grid-template-columns : calc ( 50 % - 2 px ) calc ( 50 % - 2 px ) ;
grid-template-rows : calc ( 50 % - 3 px ) calc ( 50 % - 3 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . audio-player ,
. app-body . media-gallery ,
. app-body . video-player {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
transition : transform .3 s ;
. app-body . media-gallery__item {
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body div : not ( . detailed-status ) > . media-gallery : has ( . media-gallery__item . standalone ) ,
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
. app-body . status > * : not ( . status__info , . status__content , . status__action-bar , . status__line , . status-card ) {
2023-12-01 21:55:20 +09:00
max-height : 450 px ;
2023-11-29 22:01:07 +09:00
width : auto ;
2024-08-18 21:56:01 +09:00
. app-body . status--in-thread . more-from-author {
margin-inline-start : 0 ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery__item ,
. app-body . media-gallery__item-thumbnail ,
. app-body . media-gallery__item-gifv-thumbnail {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
cursor : pointer ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
transition : .2 s transform ;
2024-07-18 00:38:58 +09:00
overflow : visible ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery__item : active {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
transform : scale ( .98 ) ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery__item-thumbnail img {
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
. app-body . media-gallery__gifv : : after ,
. app-body . video-player : : after {
position : absolute ;
display : block ;
content : " " ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
top : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
bottom : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
z-index : 1 ;
2023-12-17 23:41:20 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery__gifv : is ( : active , : hover ) : : after {
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
display : none ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture . video-player : : after {
border-radius : 0 ;
. app-body . media-gallery__preview ,
. app-body . video-player {
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
. app-body . media-gallery__preview {
outline : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .05 ) ;
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
height : calc ( 100 % - 1 px ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-12-18 00:27:22 +09:00
. app-body . spoiler-button : hover ~ . media-gallery__item > . media-gallery__preview {
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-12-18 00:27:22 +09:00
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
. app-body . spoiler-button__overlay__label ,
. app-body . spoiler-button__overlay__label : is ( : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body . spoiler-button__overlay : is ( : focus , : hover ) . spoiler-button__overlay__label {
backdrop-filter : none ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : none ;
2023-12-18 00:37:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .1 ) ;
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-18 00:37:06 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
. app-body . spoiler-button__overlay__label > span : first-child {
font-weight : bold ;
2024-01-18 01:18:03 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . media-gallery__alt__label , . media-gallery__gifv__label ) {
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .1 ) ;
border-radius : 6 px ;
2023-12-18 00:37:06 +09:00
2024-01-18 01:18:03 +09:00
. app-body . spoiler-button : not ( . spoiler-button--minified ) ~ . media-gallery__item : is ( . media-gallery__alt__label , . media-gallery__gifv__label ) {
2023-12-18 00:37:06 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-11-29 22:01:07 +09:00
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Empty columns */
. app-body . empty-column-indicator {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
contain : content ;
. app-body . empty-column-indicator a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . explore__links > . empty-column-indicator {
border : 0 ;
2023-11-25 00:21:29 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Timeline hint */
. app-body . timeline-hint {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . timeline-hint a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body article + . timeline-hint : last-child {
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
/* 📤 DMs */
. app-body . follow_requests-unlocked_explanation {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . follow_requests-unlocked_explanation a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . conversation__unread {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . conversation__unread {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . conversation__content__names a strong {
font-weight : bold ;
. app-body . conversation__content__names ,
. app-body . conversation__content__names a ,
. app-body . conversation__content__relative-time ,
. app-body . conversation . attachment-list__list a ,
. app-body . conversation . status__content p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . conversation {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . conversation__content__relative-time {
opacity : .7 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . conversation__content {
position : relative ;
. app-body . conversation__content . status__action-bar button : last-child {
bottom : 10 px ;
right : 10 px ;
. app-body . account__avatar-composite {
border-radius : 0 ;
padding : 1 px ;
. app-body . account__avatar-composite . account__avatar {
height : auto !important ;
. app-body . account__avatar-composite__label {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message : has ( + div > . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct ) ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--direct . notification-ungrouped__header {
--color-post-bg : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , var ( -- color - content - bg ) 92 % ) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. app-body . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct : has ( . status__content : hover ) ,
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct : has ( . status__content : hover ) . status__avatar ,
. app-body . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct . focusable : focus ,
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification__message : has ( + div > . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct . status__content : hover ) ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--direct : has ( . status__wrapper . status__wrapper-direct . status__content : hover ) . notification-ungrouped__header {
--color-post-bg : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , var ( -- color - content - bg ) 88 % ) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper-direct , . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) . status__prepend {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
margin-inline-start : 10 px ;
z-index : 3 ;
position : relative ;
outline : 5 px solid var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2024-03-14 05:44:57 +09:00
border-radius : 50 px 50 px 50 px 10 px ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) . status__prepend {
margin-inline-start : 0 ;
margin-block-end : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
top : 4 px ;
left : 4 px ;
right : 4 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
outline : 0 ;
font-size : 13 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) : has ( . status__prepend ) {
padding-top : 40 px ;
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper-direct ) : not ( : has ( . status__line ) ) . status__prepend {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
margin-inline-start : 66 px ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper-direct , . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) . status__prepend . status__prepend-icon-wrapper {
width : 20 px ;
height : 20 px ;
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper-direct , . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) . status__prepend . status__prepend-icon-wrapper svg {
transform : scale ( .85 ) ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - at-inv ) ;
. app-body : is ( . status__wrapper-direct , . detailed-status__wrapper-direct ) . status__prepend > span {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
margin-top : - 1 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--direct . notification-ungrouped__header > . notification-ungrouped__header__icon > svg {
display : none ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--direct . notification-ungrouped__header > span {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 50 px 50 px 50 px 10 px ;
padding : 3 px 12 px ;
margin-top : 2 px ;
font-size : 90 % ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * ⏺ ️ Column headers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . tabs-bar__wrapper {
background-color : transparent ;
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
box-shadow : inset 0 10 px var ( -- color - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__wrapper . active : before {
background : none ;
opacity : 40 % ;
. app-body . column-header__wrapper . active {
box-shadow : 0 0 ;
. app-body . column-header {
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . column-header ,
. app-body . column-back-button {
2024-03-13 04:11:21 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent 15 % ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
overflow : hidden ;
font-weight : bold ;
height : 50 px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . column-back-button {
padding-left : 15 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__button ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button {
background-color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . column-header__button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
border-radius : 6 px ;
height : 42 px ;
margin : 4 px 4 px 4 px 0 ;
2023-12-22 07:54:30 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__button : active {
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__icon {
transform : scale ( 1 .1 ) ;
margin-right : 4 px ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__buttons . column-header__button : has ( > . icon : only-child ) {
width : 42 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-header . active . column-header__icon {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-shadow : none ;
. app-body . column-header__button : is ( . active , . active : hover , : hover ) {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-05-27 02:27:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__button . active . icon {
transform : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__wrapper : : after ,
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-back-button : : after {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : none ;
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__buttons {
height : 55 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header ,
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-back-button {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : none ;
backdrop-filter : none ;
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__button ,
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__button : is ( . active , . active : hover , : hover ) {
padding : 0 12 px ;
height : 35 px !important ;
align-self : center ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-back-button--slim-button : : after {
display : none ;
. app-body . column-back-button--slim-button {
top : - 50 px
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-back-button--slim-button {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
height : 50 px ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-back-button--slim-button {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) {
gap : 5 px ;
. app-body . column-back-button__icon {
margin-inline-end : 0 ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) span ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
position : relative ;
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) : hover {
text-decoration : none ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) span : : before ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button : has ( > svg : last-child ) : : before {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
content : " " ;
position : absolute ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
left : 4 px ;
right : 4 px ;
bottom : 4 px ;
top : 4 px ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
z-index : - 1 ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
background-color : transparent ;
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) span : : before {
left : - 35 px ;
right : - 12 px ;
bottom : - 11 px ;
top : - 10 px ;
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) : hover span : : before ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button : has ( > svg : last-child ) : hover : : before {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-header__back-button , . column-back-button ) : active span : : before ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button : has ( > svg : last-child ) : active : : before {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . load-gap ,
. app-body . load-more {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . load-gap : hover ,
. app-body . load-more : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
. app-body . column-header__collapsible {
2024-02-20 01:27:09 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-11 09:12:12 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__collapsible : : -webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color : transparent ;
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__select-row {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . column-header__select-row__actions button {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . column-header__select-row__actions button : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . column-header__select-row__actions button . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__collapsible {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
box-shadow : none ;
border-radius : 0 ;
. app-body . column-header__collapsible-inner {
2023-12-22 01:51:45 +09:00
background : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border : 0 ;
. app-body . column-settings__section {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. app-body . setting-toggle__label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . column-header > button {
padding : 0 0 0 15 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
2024-03-16 07:21:04 +09:00
. app-body . column-header > button : nth-child ( 2 ) {
padding-left : 0 ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . column-header . column-header__back-button {
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
padding-right : 15 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
2024-03-10 06:28:37 +09:00
. app-body . column-header > button ,
. app-body . column-header . column-header__back-button {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
font-weight : bold ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui {
padding-top : 55 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui__header {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
position : fixed ;
inset-inline-start : 0 ;
inset-inline-end : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui__header . ui__header__logo {
2023-11-25 00:10:41 +09:00
margin-left : 3 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . tabs-bar__wrapper {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
box-shadow : none ;
display : block ;
margin-bottom : - 2 px ;
border-radius : 0 ;
height : 45 px ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . tabs-bar__wrapper {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : block ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
top : 0 ;
2024-02-19 07:48:15 +09:00
inset-inline-start : 45 px ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
inset-inline-end : 55 px ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
height : 55 px ;
position : fixed ;
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) : not ( : has ( . ui . ui__header__links > . button [ href = " /auth/sign_in " ] ) ) . tabs-bar__wrapper {
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
z-index : 3 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) : has ( . ui . ui__header__links > . button [ href = " /auth/sign_in " ] ) . tabs-bar__wrapper : is ( . column-back-button , . column-header > * ) {
display : none ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns )
: is (
. column-header ,
. column-back-button ,
. column-header__button ,
. column-header__back-button
) {
background-color : transparent ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
height : 55 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
. app-body . column-header__icon {
display : none ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui : : after { /* Set a backdrop blur background to both top bars */
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
2024-03-13 04:11:21 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent 25 % ) ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
content : " " ;
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
height : 55 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
left : 0 ;
position : fixed ;
top : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
2024-05-29 03:38:22 +09:00
z-index : 2 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
@media ( display - mode : standalone ) {
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui : : after {
box-shadow : 0 - 10 px 0 10 px #191b22 ;
border-radius : 15 px 15 px 0 0 ;
2024-05-16 04:10:09 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : light ) {
. app-body . theme-system . ui : : after {
box-shadow : 0 - 10 px 0 10 px #f3f5f7 ;
border-radius : 15 px 15 px 0 0 ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . theme-system . ui : : after {
box-shadow : 0 - 10 px 0 10 px #191b22 ;
border-radius : 15 px 15 px 0 0 ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__collapsible { /* Remove margin between column settings and column header */
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
margin-top : 1 px ;
position : fixed ;
left : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__collapsible : not ( . collapsed ) {
2023-12-22 07:54:30 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 885 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . column-header__collapsible : not ( . collapsed ) {
2023-12-22 07:54:30 +09:00
border-left-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-right-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-24 23:50:23 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . tabs-bar__wrapper {
2023-11-24 23:50:23 +09:00
border-color : transparent ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . ui : : after {
2023-11-24 23:50:23 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . tabs-bar__wrapper {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
/ * ⏺ ️ Horizontal selectors
( used to navigate subsections on the Explore , Live Feeds and Account pages ) * /
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar ) {
background : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
. app-body . account__header + . account__section-headline {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . explore__search-header + . account__section-headline {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . notification__filter-bar {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
margin-top : 10 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) : is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
border-radius : 9 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
max-height : 45 px ;
padding : 14 px 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
. icon {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
margin-top : - 1 .5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) : hover {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) . active {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) . active : : before {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
button {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button , a . active , button . active ) : : after {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
display : block ;
position : absolute ;
content : " " ;
width : 2 px ;
height : auto ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
top : 8 px ;
right : - 1 px ;
left : auto ;
bottom : 8 px ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
z-index : 1 ;
transform : unset ;
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) : last-child : : after {
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body
: is ( . account__section-headline , . notification__filter-bar )
: is ( a , button ) . active {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . icon-reply-all {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply-accent ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . active . icon-reply-all {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . icon-star {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star-accent ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . active . icon-star {
background-image : var ( -- icon - star ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . active . icon-retweet {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . icon-tasks {
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll-accent ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . active . icon-tasks {
background-image : var ( -- icon - poll ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . icon-home {
background-image : var ( -- icon - post-notification-accent ) ;
. app-body . notification__filter-bar . active . icon-home {
background-image : var ( -- icon - post-notification ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . account__header + . account__section-headline {
border-radius : 0 ;
/ * 📍 Navigation panel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Order of the side nav items */
. app-body . navigation-panel__logo {
order : 1 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /home " ] {
order : 2 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /notifications " ] {
order : 3 ;
2023-11-25 21:30:44 +09:00
. app-body . column-link : is ( [ href = " /explore " ] , [ href = " /search " ] ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
order : 4 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /public/local " ] {
order : 5 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /public " ] {
order : 6 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /conversations " ] {
order : 7 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /follow_requests " ] {
order : 8 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /bookmarks " ] {
order : 9 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /favourites " ] {
order : 10 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /lists " ] {
order : 12 ;
. app-body . list-panel {
order : 13 ;
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /settings/preferences " ] {
order : 11 ;
. app-body . navigation-panel__sign-in-banner ,
. app-body . navigation-panel__legal {
order : 14 ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body * : not ( . compose-panel ) > . flex-spacer {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
order : 15 ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends {
order : 16 ;
. app-body . column-link--transparent {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. app-body . ui__header__logo . logo--icon {
display : none ;
. app-body . ui__header__links . button . button-secondary {
padding : 8 px 15 px ;
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
. app-body . ui__header__links . button . button-secondary [ href = " /search " ] {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . ui__header__links . button . button-secondary [ href = " /publish " ] {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
width : 50 px ;
height : 50 px ;
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
box-sizing : border-box ;
background-image : var ( -- icon - compose ) ;
background-position : center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
position : fixed ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
bottom : calc ( 4 .8 em + var ( -- safe - area-bottom )) ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
inset-inline-end : 1 em ;
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
background-size : 22 px ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
border-radius : 50 % ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
box-shadow :
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 2 ) ,
0 2px 10px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 2 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . ui__header__links . button . button-secondary [ href = " /publish " ] : is ( : hover , : focus , : active ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-24 23:28:24 +09:00
. app-body . ui__header__links . button . button-secondary [ href = " /publish " ] span {
color : transparent ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . ui__header__links {
padding-left : 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--logo {
margin-left : 4 px ;
. app-body . column-link . column-link--logo ,
. app-body . ui__header__logo {
display : inline-flex ;
2024-04-09 02:10:37 +09:00
flex-grow : unset ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 0 ;
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
width : 50 px ;
height : 50 px ;
background-image : var ( -- logo ) ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-position : center ;
background-size : 32 px auto ;
. app-body . column-link . column-link--logo svg ,
. app-body . ui__header__logo svg {
display : none ;
. app-body . navigation-panel__logo {
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
margin-bottom : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link : not ( . column-link--logo ) {
2024-02-15 02:59:28 +09:00
padding : 15 px 20 px 16 px 13 px ;
gap : 7 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
margin-left : 3 px ;
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
font-weight : 500 ;
font-size : 18 px ;
overflow : visible ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
transform-origin : 60 px center ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : is ( . active , . active : hover ) {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-01 21:30:11 +09:00
font-weight : bold ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : hover {
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding-right : 20 px ;
. app-body . column-link--transparent span {
position : relative ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
. app-body . column-link : not ( . column-link--logo ) {
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent span : : before {
content : " " ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
left : - 52 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
transition : .3 s background-color ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
top : - 14 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
right : - 16 px ;
position : absolute ;
2024-02-27 00:50:59 +09:00
border-radius : 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
z-index : - 1 ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
bottom : - 14 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : hover span : : before {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 85 % ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : is ( . active , . active : hover ) span : : before {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-with-badge__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 20 px ;
top : - 4 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
border : 0 ;
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . compose-panel hr , . navigation-panel hr {
display : none ;
. app-body . column-link span {
vertical-align : middle ;
. app-body . list-panel {
padding : 5 px 9 px 50 px 27 px ;
margin : 0 0 5 px ;
display : none ;
. app-body . list-panel . icon {
display : none ;
. app-body . list-panel . column-link span : : before {
left : - 15 px ;
top : - 10 px ;
right : - 15 px ;
bottom : - 10 px ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
. app-body . column-link [ href = " /lists " ] : is ( . active , : hover ) + . list-panel ,
. app-body . list-panel : hover {
display : block ;
animation : fadein .5 s 1 ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . columns-area__panels__pane__inner {
width : 100 vw ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
height : calc ( 4 .2 em + var ( -- safe - area-bottom )) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
bottom : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
z-index : 3 ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . navigation-panel {
width : 100 vw ;
height : 4 .2 em ;
padding-right : 20 vw ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
padding-bottom : var ( -- safe - area-bottom ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
flex-direction : row ;
overflow-x : auto ;
2024-03-13 04:11:21 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent 25 % ) ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-left : 0 ;
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . columns-area__panels__pane__inner : : before {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
content : " " ;
position : fixed ;
right : 0 ;
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
width : 17 vw ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
height : calc ( 4 .2 em + var ( -- safe - area-bottom ) - 1 px ) ;
2024-03-13 04:11:21 +09:00
background-image : linear-gradient ( to right , transparent , var ( -- color - content - bg ) 75 .63 % ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
z-index : 2 ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . navigation-panel : : after {
content : " " ;
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 4 ) : last-child ) : : after ,
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 5 ) : last-child ) : : after ,
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 6 ) : last-child ) : : after ,
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 4 ) : last-child ) : : before ,
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 5 ) : last-child ) : : before ,
. app-body . navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 6 ) : last-child ) : : before {
display : none ;
. app-body . navigation-panel : is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) ,
. app-body . column-link--transparent : is ( . active , . active : hover , : active ) ,
. app-body . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . navigation-panel : : after {
flex : 0 0 17 vw ;
margin : 6 px 0 8 px ;
padding : 4 px 0 3 px ;
border-radius : 0 ;
border : 0 ;
justify-content : center ;
display : inline-flex ;
align-items : center ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
background-color : transparent ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
transform-origin : center ;
transition : .2 s transform ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
. navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 4 ) : last-child )
: is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) {
flex : 50 vw ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . navigation-panel : is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) : active {
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body
. navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 5 ) : last-child )
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
: is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) ,
. app-body
. navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 7 ) : last-child ) : has ( . getting-started__trends )
: is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
flex : calc ( 100 vw / 3 ) ;
. app-body
. navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 6 ) : last-child )
: is ( . column-link , . navigation-panel__legal ) {
flex : 25 vw ;
2023-11-25 01:04:00 +09:00
. app-body
. navigation-panel : has ( > * : nth-child ( 7 ) : last-child ) : has ( . getting-started__trends ) : : after {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent : is ( . active , . active : hover , : active ) {
margin : 6 px 0 8 px ;
padding : 4 px 0 3 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
border : 0 ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
. app-body . column-link--transparent . active {
animation : bounce-sml .3 s 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link__icon {
margin : 0 ;
2024-02-15 04:53:38 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .3 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-link span {
padding-left : .5 em ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels__main {
width : calc ( 100 % - 285 px ) ;
margin-left : - 285 px ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
padding-bottom : 4 em ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . columns-area__panels . navigation-panel__legal {
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
. app-body . columns-area__panels . navigation-panel__legal . column-link--transparent {
height : calc ( 100 % - 13 px ) ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . navigation-panel . flex-spacer {
display : none ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . columns-area__panels__main {
width : 100 % ;
margin-left : - 55 px ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * 👤 Account view
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . account__header {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
padding-bottom : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . account__header {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
. app-body . account__header__image {
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
height : 200 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__image img {
object-position : top center ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bar {
border : 0 ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bar . avatar {
transition : transform .3 s ;
. app-body . account__header__bar . avatar : active {
transform : scale ( .92 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bar . avatar . account__avatar {
border-radius : 50 % ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2024-02-12 00:46:50 +09:00
border-width : 4 px ;
border-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
width : 100 px !important ;
height : 100 px !important ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__name h1 ,
. app-body . account__header__tabs__name h1 small {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__name h1 > span {
font-size : 18 px ;
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__name h1 small > span : first-child {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__name . icon-lock {
2024-01-30 05:38:55 +09:00
height : 20 px ;
width : 16 px ;
top : unset ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
vertical-align : bottom ;
. app-body . account__header__content a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
. app-body . account__header__content a : hover {
text-decoration : underline ;
. app-body . account__header__extra__links a strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. app-body . account__header__account-note label {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . account__header__account-note label ,
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea : : placeholder {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
opacity : .5 ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
font-style : normal ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
font-style : italic ;
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
outline : 1 px solid transparent ;
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea : placeholder-shown {
padding-left : 0 ;
padding-right : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea : focus {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
padding-left : 10 px ;
padding-right : 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea : not ( : placeholder-shown ) : not ( : focus ) {
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
outline-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
box-shadow : 2 px 3 px var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__account-note textarea : not ( : placeholder-shown ) : focus {
outline-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 2 px 3 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__badges . account-role {
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
padding : 0 10 px ;
height : 29 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
gap : 5 px ;
. app-body . account__header__badges . account-role span : not ( . account-role__domain ) {
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-role svg {
opacity : 1 ;
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__extra__links a ,
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__content ,
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dd {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-03-12 23:19:26 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields {
background-color : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields : has ( dl : only-child ) {
display : none ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dt {
font-weight : bold ;
font-size : 12 px ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields : is ( dl , . verified ) {
border-bottom : 0 ;
position : relative ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl : not ( : last-child ) : after {
display : block ;
content : " " ;
height : 1 px ;
bottom : - 1 px ;
right : 15 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
left : 15 px ;
position : absolute ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl : not ( : last-child ) : after {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl : nth-child ( 2 ) { /* Add a corner radius to the second profile field because we're hiding the Joined field */
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
margin-top : 0 ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified + . verified { /* Fix double border between 2 successive verified fields */
margin-top : 0 ;
border-top-width : 0 ;
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified : is ( a , dd ) ,
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl . verified dd a {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
gap : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields : is ( . verified dt , dt ) {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified { /* Verified field tweak: restore default background and border */
border-top : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
background : none ;
. app-body . account__header__extra . account__header__fields . verified dd > span : first-child {
vertical-align : bottom ;
. app-body . account__header__extra . account__header__fields . verified__mark {
float : left ;
2023-12-09 01:29:08 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .1 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-27 01:14:58 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . copied ,
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . copied : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : rgba ( 121 , 189 , 154 , 0 .3 ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-27 01:14:58 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . follow-request-banner ,
. app-body . moved-account-banner {
2024-02-19 21:47:25 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . follow-request-banner__message ,
. app-body . moved-account-banner__message {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . moved-account-banner__message {
font-weight : bold ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons > button : first-child : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
. app-body . account__domain-pill ,
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__handle {
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 88 % ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-animation . account__domain-pill__popout {
animation : none ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__header__icon {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__handle {
padding : 12 px ;
. app-body : where ( . account__domain-pill__popout__header , . account__domain-pill__popout__parts ) : is ( h3 , h6 ) {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__parts > div . account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon {
align-items : start ;
padding-top : 2 px ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__parts > div . account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon . icon {
width : 28 px ;
height : 28 px ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__parts > div : first-child . account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages-accent ) ;
. app-body . account__domain-pill__popout__parts > div : last-child . account__domain-pill__popout__parts__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-accent ) ;
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . hover-card {
2024-07-18 10:56:07 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent 10 % ) ;
2024-07-18 10:02:49 +09:00
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-07-24 23:24:19 +09:00
. app-body . hover-card . display-name__html {
font-weight : 600 ;
2024-07-18 10:56:07 +09:00
. app-body . account-fields {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-size : 95 % ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding : 8 px ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl : not ( : first-child : last-child ) {
gap : 10 px ;
padding-bottom : 6 px ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - lines ) 70 % , transparent ) ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields {
background-color : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl : last-child : not ( : first-child ) {
padding-top : 6 px ;
padding-bottom : 0 ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl dt {
width : 30 % ;
min-width : 30 % ;
max-width : 30 % ;
text-align : left ;
font-weight : bold ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
font-size : 80 % ;
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields dl dd {
text-align : left ;
justify-content : flex-start ;
2024-03-15 23:49:27 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * ✨ Explore tab
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . explore__links {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
overflow : hidden ;
2023-11-25 00:21:29 +09:00
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . explore__links . scrollable {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
overflow-y : auto ;
. app-body . explore__links . trends__item {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
padding : 15 px 18 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . explore__links . trends__item : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . trends__item__name ,
. app-body . trends__item__current {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . trends__item__name a {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . getting-started__trends {
padding : 0 ;
display : flex ;
flex-flow : column ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends h4 {
border-bottom : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends h4 > : is ( a , span ) {
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
padding : 15 px 20 px 6 px 47 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
margin-left : 3 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
border-left : 4 px solid transparent ;
display : block ;
transition : all .3 s ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends h4 a : hover {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends h4 a : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends h4 a : : after {
content : ' \2192 ' ;
margin-left : 0 ;
opacity : 0 ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends : hover h4 a : : after {
opacity : 1 ;
margin-left : 5 px ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends . trends__item {
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
padding-left : 19 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . getting-started__trends {
display : none ;
. app-body . trends__item : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - hashtag-accent ) ;
background-position : center ;
background-size : contain ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
min-width : 20 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
width : 20 px ;
height : 20 px ;
transform : scale ( 1 .45 ) ;
content : " " ;
display : block ;
. app-body . trends__item__name span {
white-space : pre-wrap ;
. app-body . trends__item__sparkline {
flex : 0 0 auto ;
position : relative ;
height : 30 px ;
width : 30 px ;
border-radius : 6 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
box-shadow : inset 0 - 2 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 .25 ) ;
transition : all .3 s ;
. app-body . getting-started__trends . trends__item__sparkline {
background-color : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . getting-started__trends . trends__item__sparkline {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . trends__item__sparkline svg {
width : 50 px ;
height : 30 px ;
position : absolute ;
right : - 2 px ;
. app-body . trends__item__sparkline : : after {
position : absolute ;
display : block ;
content : " " ;
left : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
height : 2 px ;
bottom : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
opacity : .4 ;
. app-body . trends__item__sparkline path : last-child {
stroke : var ( -- color - accent ) !important ;
. app-body . trends__item__sparkline path : first-child {
fill : var ( -- color - accent ) !important ;
fill-opacity : .4 !important ;
transform : translate ( 0 px , 0 .2 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Hashtag header */
. app-body . hashtag-header {
font-size : 15 px ;
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
padding : 24 px 20 px ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
margin : 10 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . hashtag-header__header {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . hashtag-header__header h1 {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header + div {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-size : 85 % ;
opacity : .8 ;
margin-top : - 5 px ;
width : max-content ;
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 460 px ) {
. app-body . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header + div {
max-width : 55 % ;
line-height : 1 .5 ;
margin-top : - 2 px ;
. app-body . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header + div > span {
display : inline-block ;
margin-right : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-02 00:34:54 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header + div {
max-width : 55 % ;
line-height : 1 .5 ;
margin-top : - 2 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header + div > span {
display : inline-block ;
margin-right : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) {
. app-body . hashtag-header . hashtag-header__header button {
transform : translate ( 0 , 8 px ) ;
/* Account recommendations (For You Tab + User directory */
. app-body . scrollable . account-card {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
2024-03-14 05:44:57 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-card__header {
padding : 0 ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
height : 128 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. app-body . scrollable . account-card__bio : after {
background : linear-gradient ( 270 deg , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent ) ;
2024-03-07 05:30:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-card__header img {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-card__title__avatar . account__avatar {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
overflow : visible ;
. app-body . account-card__title__avatar img {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 3 px var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . account-card__title . display-name bdi ,
. app-body . account-card__counters__item ,
. app-body . account-card__counters__item small {
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-card__counters__item small {
opacity : .7 ;
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
. account-card__title . display-name bdi . display-name__html {
font-weight : bold ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account-card__bio a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . filter-form {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . filter-form__column {
padding : 10 px 15 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
2024-05-10 02:45:46 +09:00
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card {
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
gap : 2 px ;
padding-bottom : 14 px ;
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card__source span {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
padding : 6 px 12 px ;
display : inline-block ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
font-weight : 500 ;
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card__body__main__name-button . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .75 ;
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card . icon-button {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
padding : 6 px ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card . icon-button : is ( : active , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 1173 px ) {
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card . icon-button {
opacity : 0 ;
transform : translateX ( 50 % ) ;
transition : all .3 s ;
. app-body . explore__suggestions__card : hover . icon-button {
opacity : 1 ;
transform : translateX ( 0 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 📰 Trending stories */
. app-body . story {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . story : not ( : last-child ) {
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. app-body . story ,
. app-body . story__details__title {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
. app-body . story__details__title {
font-weight : bold ;
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . story : has ( : is ( . story__thumbnail , . story__details__title ) : hover ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . story__details__publisher {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . story . story__details__publisher {
2024-02-18 05:17:05 +09:00
opacity : .7 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . story : has ( : is ( . story__thumbnail , . story__details__title ) : hover ) : is ( . story__details__publisher , . story__details__title ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-18 05:17:05 +09:00
opacity : 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-07-05 03:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . story__details__shared__pill {
background-color :
color-mix (
in srgb ,
var ( - - color-accent ) ,
transparent 92 %
) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .3 s ;
. app-body . story__details__shared__pill : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . story__details__shared__pill : active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . story . expanded {
gap : 10 px ;
padding-bottom : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . story . expanded . story__thumbnail {
margin : 0 0 - 25 px ;
. app-body . story . expanded . story__thumbnail img {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
margin : - 5 px - 5 px 30 px ;
2023-11-26 22:15:10 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
width : calc ( 100 % + 10 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 🔍 Search field and search results */
. app-body . search {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
transition : transform .3 s ;
. app-body . search : has ( . search__icon : active ) {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__input {
border-radius : 8 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
font-weight : 500 ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
padding-inline-end : 45 px ;
padding-inline-start : 16 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
outline-offset : 0 ;
outline : 0 solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
transition :
border-color . 2s ,
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
background-color . 2s ,
outline . 2s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__input : : placeholder ,
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input__input : : placeholder {
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . search__input : focus {
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
outline : 3 px solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-21 00:01:19 +09:00
. app-body . search__input : focus : : placeholder ,
. app-body . compose-form . spoiler-input__input : focus : : placeholder {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .4 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__icon . icon {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
padding : 5 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 ) translateY ( - 50 % ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
background-size : 24 px !important ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
top : 50 % ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
inset-inline-start : unset ;
inset-inline-end : 12 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . search__input : not ( : placeholder-shown ) + . search__icon : hover . icon {
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - erase-active ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . compose-panel . icon-search ,
. app-body . compose-panel . icon-search . active ,
. app-body . explore__search-header . icon-search {
background-image : var ( -- icon - search-active ) ;
. app-body . compose-panel . icon-search . active ,
. app-body . search__icon . icon-search . active {
opacity : 1 ;
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . explore__search-results {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
2024-03-15 00:49:39 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : transparent ;
overflow : hidden ;
. app-body . explore__search-header {
background-color : transparent ;
. app-body . explore__search-results . account {
padding-top : 16 px ;
. app-body . explore__search-results article : last-child > . account {
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) . trends__item {
2023-12-02 07:48:04 +09:00
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) article : first-child > . trends__item ,
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) > . trends__item : first-child ,
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) > . account : first-child {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) article : last-child > . trends__item ,
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) > . trends__item : last-child ,
. app-body : is ( . explore__search-results , . search-results__section ) > . account : last-child {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . search-results__section {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . search-results__section__header {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . search-results__section__header button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . account . account__details > span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account . account__details . verified-badge {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . account . account__details . verified-badge span {
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
. app-body . compose-panel : has ( > . search . active ) {
overflow : visible ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
margin-top : 10 px ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
animation : fadein-short .2 s 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout h4 {
font-weight : bold ;
. app-body . search__popout h4 ,
. app-body . search__popout__menu__message ,
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
align-items : center ;
border-radius : 6 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item mark {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item : is ( . icon-button , . icon-button . icon ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border-radius : 6 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transition : none ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item : is ( . selected , : active , : focus , : hover ) : is ( . icon-button , . icon-button . icon ) {
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item . icon-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item . icon-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon {
2023-12-02 07:48:04 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item : is ( . selected , : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body . search__popout__menu__item : is ( . selected , : active , : focus , : hover ) mark {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
. app-body . search__popout__menu : nth-child ( 2 ) : not ( : has ( . search__popout__menu__message ) ) {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. app-body . search__popout h4 : has ( + . search__popout__menu : last-child , + . search__popout__menu__message ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
padding-top : 15 px ;
padding-left : 15 px ;
padding-right : 15 px ;
margin : 0 ;
border-radius : 6 px 6 px 0 0 ;
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . search__popout__menu : last-child ,
. app-body . search__popout > . search__popout__menu__message : last-child {
margin : 0 0 - 10 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 0 0 6 px 6 px ;
padding : 5 px ;
. app-body . search__popout > . search__popout__menu__message : last-child {
padding : 5 px 15 px 15 px ;
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . search__popout__menu : last-child . search__popout__menu__item : not ( . selected , : active , : hover , : focus ) {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . search__popout__menu : last-child . search__popout__menu__item : not ( . selected , : active , : hover , : focus ) mark {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . search {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . explore__search-header {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding-top : 2 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . search__input {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 13 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . explore__search-header {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 10 px 0 ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. app-body : not ( . layout-multiple-columns ) . explore__search-header {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 10 px ;
@keyframes makeawish {
0 % {
transform : scale ( 120 % ) translate ( 0 , 0 ) rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
100 % {
transform : scale ( 200 % ) translate ( 100 vw , 100 vh ) rotate ( 600 deg ) ;
2024-06-07 17:46:04 +09:00
. app-body : has ( . search__input [ value = " Tangerine UI " ] ) : : after ,
. app-body : has ( . search__input [ value = " tangerine ui " ] ) : : after {
content : " \1F34A " ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
position : fixed ;
display : block ;
text-align : center ;
width : 30 px ;
height : 30 px ;
font-size : 27 px ;
line-height : 30 px ;
top : - 40 px ;
left : - 40 px ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
animation : 10 s linear 0 s makeawish ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Dismissable banners */
. app-body . dismissable-banner {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 0 5 px var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
margin : 10 px 10 px 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message h1 {
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
margin-bottom : 8 px ;
2023-11-25 21:07:48 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message ,
. app-body . dismissable-banner . dismissable-banner__action . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
font-weight : normal ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-25 21:07:48 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner . dismissable-banner__action . icon-button : hover {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message__actions__wrapper {
flex-flow : row-reverse ;
. app-body . dismissable-banner : has ( . dismissable-banner__message > img : first-child ) {
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
background : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
margin : 0 ;
padding-top : 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding-left : 10 px ;
padding-right : 10 px ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
padding-bottom : 10 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-25 21:07:48 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner : has ( . dismissable-banner__message > img : first-child ) . dismissable-banner__action . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . dismissable-banner : has ( . dismissable-banner__message > img : first-child ) . dismissable-banner__message {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner__background-image {
display : none ;
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message__actions . button ,
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message__actions . button . button-tertiary {
line-height : 28 px ;
padding : 6 px 17 px ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . dismissable-banner__message__actions {
gap : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * 🔔 Notifications
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . status . muted
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
: is (
. status__content ,
. status__content a ,
. status__content p ,
. status__display-name strong
) ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . attachment-list__list a {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . notification . unread : : before ,
2024-07-23 20:42:52 +09:00
. app-body . status__wrapper . unread : : before ,
. app-body . notification-group--unread : before ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--unread : before {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
width : 8 px ;
border : 0 ;
top : 5 px ;
height : auto ;
bottom : 5 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
left : 5 px ;
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . notification__message {
padding : 12 px 12 px 5 px ;
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
transition : all .3 s ;
. app-body . notification__display-name {
font-weight : bold ;
2023-12-18 21:05:47 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification__report {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
padding-top : 10 px ;
gap : 15 px ;
. app-body . notification__report__details {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . notification__message . icon {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
width : 18 px ;
margin-left : 38 px ;
text-align : right ;
background-position : center right ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . notification__message . icon {
margin-left : 34 px ;
. app-body . notification . status__wrapper {
padding-top : 0 ;
. app-body
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
: is (
. notification-favourite ,
. notification-reblog ,
. notification-poll ,
. notification-status
. status__action-bar {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . account ,
. app-body . notification-request {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding-left : 22 px ;
2024-07-18 10:07:30 +09:00
padding-top : 12 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account {
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . explore__search-results . account {
padding-top : 16 px ;
. app-body
. notification
. account : has ( . account__wrapper > . account__relationship > button : nth-child ( 2 ) )
. display-name__account {
display : block ;
. app-body
. notification
. account : has ( . account__wrapper > . account__relationship > button : nth-child ( 2 ) )
. display-name {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) {
. app-body . notification . account : has ( . account__wrapper > . account__relationship > button : nth-child ( 2 ) ) {
padding-left : 32 px ;
padding-right : 22 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . notification . account : has ( . account__wrapper > . account__relationship > button : nth-child ( 2 ) ) {
padding-left : 27 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . account {
padding-left : 18 px ;
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button {
padding : 5 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-18 21:05:47 +09:00
transition : background-color .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : first-child {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - confirm-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : first-child : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - confirm ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : first-child : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-check {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-inv ) ;
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : last-child {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - reject-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : last-child : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - reject ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . notification . account__relationship . icon-button : last-child : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-times {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject-inv ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . notification-list {
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
bottom : calc ( 5 rem + var ( -- safe - area-bottom )) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
2024-02-26 21:57:10 +09:00
. app-body . notification-bar {
2024-03-13 04:11:21 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent 25 % ) ;
2024-02-26 21:57:10 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
box-shadow : var ( -- dropdown-shadow ) ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 10 px ) ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . notification-bar-action {
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . notification-bar-action : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-16 05:54:25 +09:00
. app-body . column-settings h3 ,
. app-body . app-form__toggle ,
. app-body . app-form__toggle__label . hint {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. app-body . column-header__setting-btn {
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . column-settings h3 {
margin-bottom : 12 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
. app-body . column-settings section {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . column-settings section : not ( : first-child ) {
padding-bottom : 25 px ;
. app-body . app-form__toggle__label . hint {
opacity : .5 ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border : 0 ;
position : relative ;
padding : 25 px ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : : before {
position : absolute ;
display : block ;
left : 10 px ;
right : 10 px ;
top : 10 px ;
bottom : 10 px ;
content : " " ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) : : before {
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 88 % ) ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : hover : : before {
left : 6 px ;
right : 6 px ;
top : 8 px ;
bottom : 8 px ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : active : : before {
transform : scale ( .98 ) ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner > * {
z-index : 1 ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner . filtered-notifications-banner__badge ,
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . filtered-notifications-banner__badge ,
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . notification-request__name . filtered-notifications-banner__badge ,
. app-body . notification-request . account__avatar__counter {
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
2024-08-19 22:27:09 +09:00
. app-body . notification-request . account__avatar__counter {
width : 19 px ;
height : 19 px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
2024-04-02 01:28:32 +09:00
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner__badge__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : 600 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner__text {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner__text strong {
font-weight : 600 ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner . notification-group__icon {
justify-content : center ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . notification-request__name__display-name ,
. app-body . notification-request__name {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
letter-spacing : unset ;
. app-body . notification-request {
padding-top : 15 px ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification-group {
padding : 16 px 23 px ;
. app-body . notification-group ,
. app-body . notification-ungrouped {
border : none ;
position : relative ;
. app-body : is ( . notification-group , . notification-ungrouped ) : : after ,
. app-body . filtered-notifications-banner : : after {
position : absolute ;
display : block ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
height : 1 px ;
width : calc ( 100 % - 78 px ) ;
right : 0 ;
bottom : 0 ;
content : " " ;
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped {
padding : 0 ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped : is ( . status__avatar , . account__avatar ) {
height : 46 px !important ;
width : 46 px !important ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body . notification-ungrouped
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
: is (
. attachment-list ,
. audio-player ,
. hashtag-bar ,
. media-gallery ,
. more-from-author ,
. picture-in-picture-placeholder ,
. status-card ,
. status__action-bar ,
. status__content ,
. video-player
) {
margin-left : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped__header {
margin-bottom : - 6 px ;
padding-top : 16 px ;
z-index : 1 ;
position : relative ;
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-07-23 20:42:52 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
transition : background .3 s ;
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . notification-ungrouped__header bdi {
font-weight : bold ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped--direct . notification-ungrouped__header {
background-color : var ( -- color - post-bg ) ;
transition : background .3 s ;
. app-body
: is (
. notification-group__icon ,
. notification-ungrouped__header__icon
) {
width : 46 px ;
height : 28 px ;
justify-content : end ;
. app-body
: is (
. notification-group__icon ,
. notification-ungrouped__header__icon
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
svg {
width : 22 px ;
height : 22 px ;
. app-body . notification-ungrouped . status : : before {
display : none ;
. app-body . notification-group__main__status {
border : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
padding : 10 px ;
transition : background .3 s ;
. app-body . notification-group__main__status : has ( . notification-group__embedded-status__content > p : hover ) {
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 88 % ) ;
. app-body . notification-group__main__header__label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
justify-content : space-between ;
. app-body . notification-group__main__header__label time {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . notification-group__embedded-status__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . notification-group__embedded-status . account__avatar {
opacity : 1 ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 📋 Lists tab */
. app-body . column-inline-form {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . column-inline-form {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-inline-form label : is ( input , input : focus ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column-inline-form label input : focus {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body : is ( . column-subheading , . columns-area__panels__main . column-link ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. app-body . item-list . column-subheading {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
border-top : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
. app-body . getting-started . column-subheading {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . item-list . column-subheading {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . list-editor {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. app-body . list-editor . drawer__inner {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. app-body . list-editor__search {
margin : 10 px ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-25 05:49:10 +09:00
. app-body . list-editor . column-inline-form {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-top : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . list-editor . column-inline-form . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . list-editor . column-inline-form . icon-button . disabled {
opacity : .5 ;
pointer-events : none ;
. app-body . list-editor . account {
border-right : 0 !important ;
border-left : 0 !important ;
. app-body . list-editor . setting-text {
width : 100 % ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . list-editor . setting-text : is ( : active , : focus ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . item-list . column-link {
margin-left : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
. app-body . item-list . column-link : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . item-list article : last-child . column-link {
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . item-list . column-link {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
. app-body . item-list article : last-child . column-link {
border-radius : 0 ;
/* List adder dialog */
. app-body : is ( . list-adder , . list-adder__account , . list-adder__lists ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . list-adder__account {
margin-top : 12 px ;
. app-body . list-adder . column-inline-form {
border-radius : 0 ;
. list-adder . list {
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
/* ➕ Follow requests */
. app-body # Follow-requests {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
z-index : 0 ;
. app-body . account-authorize__wrapper {
margin : 0 ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . account-authorize {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
padding : 20 px
. app-body . account--panel {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
padding : 0 5 px ;
. app-body . account__header__content {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account--panel__button {
padding : 0 5 px 12 px 5 px ;
. app-body . account--panel__button . icon-button {
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
width : 100 % ;
. app-body . account--panel__button . icon-button ,
. app-body . notification-request__actions . icon-button {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 10 px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel button . icon-check {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check ) ;
. app-body . account--panel button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-check {
background-image : var ( -- icon - check-inv ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel__button : first-child . icon-button ,
. app-body . notification-request__actions . icon-button : last-child {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - confirm-bg ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - confirm-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel__button : first-child . icon-button : is ( : hover , : active ) ,
. app-body . notification-request__actions . icon-button : last-child : is ( : hover , : active ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - confirm ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel button . icon-times {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject ) ;
. app-body . account--panel button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . icon-times {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reject-inv ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel__button : nth-child ( 2 ) . icon-button ,
. app-body . notification-request__actions . icon-button : first-child {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - reject-bg ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - reject ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
. app-body . account--panel__button : nth-child ( 2 ) . icon-button : is ( : hover , : active ) ,
. app-body . notification-request__actions . icon-button : first-child : is ( : hover , : active ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - reject ) ;
2024-03-19 03:14:13 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body # Follow-requests + . column-back-button--slim . column-back-button {
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
width : auto ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
/* Inline Follow Suggesitons */
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions {
2024-02-12 00:52:24 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
position : relative ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__header h3 {
font-weight : bold ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable {
scroll-padding : 60 px ;
2024-04-22 23:43:34 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable : : -webkit-scrollbar {
height : 5 px ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable : : -webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
opacity : 1 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card {
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-02-12 00:52:24 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2024-02-15 00:05:35 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card : is ( . display-name__html , . display-name__account ) ,
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card__text-stack__source {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card . display-name__account {
opacity : .6 ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card . verified-badge {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card button : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button__icon {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding : 6 px ;
transition : all .3 s ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button {
opacity : 1 ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button : is ( : active ) . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button__icon {
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button__icon {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button . left {
background : linear-gradient ( to right , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent ) ;
margin-left : - 15 px ;
padding-left : 21 px ;
2024-02-12 00:46:50 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scroll-button . right {
background : linear-gradient ( to left , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent ) ;
margin-right : - 15 px ;
padding-right : 21 px ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card . account__avatar {
border-radius : 50 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-02-12 00:46:50 +09:00
border : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
box-shadow : 0 2 px 5 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .1 ) ;
2024-02-12 00:46:50 +09:00
transform : translateY ( 3 px ) ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
2024-07-18 10:56:07 +09:00
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions . button : is ( . button-secondary , . button-tertiary ) {
padding : 7 px 18 px ;
. app-body . inline-follow-suggestions__body__scrollable__card__text-stack__source . icon {
width : 17 px ;
height : 17 px ;
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . button ,
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button {
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . button ,
. app-body . button . logo-button ,
. app-body . rules-list li : before ,
. app-body . icon-with-badge__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . button : disabled ,
. app-body . button . disabled {
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . text-icon-button . active ,
. app-body . button . button-tertiary ,
. app-body . account__header__fields a ,
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields a ,
. app-body . reply-indicator__content a . unhandled-link ,
. app-body . status__content a ,
. app-body . status__content a . hashtag ,
. app-body . status__content a . unhandled-link ,
. app-body . column-back-button ,
. app-body . about__section__title ,
. app-body . prose a ,
. app-body . column-link--transparent . active ,
. app-body . column-header > . column-header__back-button ,
. app-body . column-header__back-button ,
. app-body . interaction-modal__icon ,
. app-body . status__content a . mention ,
. app-body . status__content__read-more-button ,
. app-body . link-button ,
. app-body . translate-button button ,
. app-body . status__content__translate-button ,
. app-body . status__action-bar__dropdown . icon-button . active ,
. app-body . account__relationship . icon-button . active ,
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . active ,
. app-body . text-btn ,
. app-body . detailed-status__action-bar-dropdown . icon-button ,
. app-body . notification-bar-action {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . icon-button ,
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button . inverted {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button {
padding : 6 px ;
border : 0 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-22 01:41:37 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button : has ( . icon-ellipsis-v , . icon-close ) . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button {
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . icon-button : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . active . icon-bell {
animation : bell-ring .4 s ease-in 1 ;
transform-origin : top center ;
. app-body . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . active : has ( . icon-bell ) : is ( : active , : focus ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
box-shadow : var ( -- dropdown-shadow ) ;
2024-01-24 02:09:51 +09:00
padding : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item {
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item . active ,
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item . active : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__native-name {
font-weight : bold ;
. app-body . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name {
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body
: is ( . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name ,
. language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__native-name ) {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item : is ( . active , . active : hover )
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
: is ( . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name ,
. language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__native-name ) {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body
. language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item : is ( : active , : focus , : hover )
: is ( . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__native-name ,
. language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name ) {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
. app-body . button : not ( . button-secondary ) : is ( : active , : hover ) ,
. app-body . button . button-tertiary : is ( : active , : hover ) ,
. app-body . button . logo-button : is ( : active , : hover ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . react-toggle {
transition : transform .3 s ;
. app-body . react-toggle : active {
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
2024-03-16 05:54:25 +09:00
. app-body . react-toggle-track ,
. app-body . react-toggle : hover : not ( . react-toggle--disabled ) . react-toggle-track {
2023-12-11 09:12:12 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . react-toggle-thumb {
border : 0 ;
2023-12-11 09:12:12 +09:00
background-color : #ffffff ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked . react-toggle-track ,
. app-body . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked : is ( : hover , : focus-within ) : not ( . react-toggle--disabled ) . react-toggle-track ,
. app-body . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked : hover : not ( . react-toggle--disabled ) . react-toggle-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . react-toggle--checked . react-toggle-thumb {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . react-toggle--focus {
outline : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . radio-button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . radio-button__input ,
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. app-body . poll__input ,
. app-body . check-box__input {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
border-width : 4 px ;
border-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) !important ;
outline-offset : - 1 px ;
transition : transform .3 s ;
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
width : 20 px ;
height : 20 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
. app-body . radio-button : active . radio-button__input ,
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. app-body . poll__option : active . poll__input ,
. app-body . check-box : active . check-box__input {
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
. app-body . radio-button__input . checked ,
. app-body . poll__input . active {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. app-body . check-box__input . checked : before ,
. app-body . radio-button__input . checked : before {
display : none ;
. app-body . check-box__input . checked ,
. app-body . radio-button__input . checked {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . check-box__input . checked . icon-check {
transform : scale ( .5 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-menu {
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . dropdown-menu ,
. app-body . dropdown-menu__container__header ,
. app-body . dropdown-menu__item . edited-timestamp__history__item ,
. app-body . dropdown-menu__item : is ( a , button ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . dropdown-menu__item a ,
. app-body . dropdown-menu__arrow : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . dropdown-menu__item : is ( a , button ) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
outline : 0 ;
. app-body . dropdown-menu__separator {
border-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
2024-04-13 08:17:35 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-menu__container__list--scrollable {
overflow-y : auto ;
2023-11-28 20:58:15 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__dropdown {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
box-shadow : var ( -- dropdown-shadow ) ;
padding : 8 px ;
2023-11-28 20:58:15 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown : is ( . privacy-dropdown__value , . privacy-dropdown__value ) ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-20 03:56:45 +09:00
border-radius : 6 px ;
margin-bottom : 2 px ;
2023-11-28 20:58:15 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown . active : is ( . privacy-dropdown__value , . privacy-dropdown__value . active ) ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( . active , . active : hover , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-28 20:58:15 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown . active . privacy-dropdown__value : has ( . text-icon-button . active ) {
border-radius : 6 px 6 px 0 0 ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option . privacy-dropdown__option__content ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option . privacy-dropdown__option__content strong {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option . active . privacy-dropdown__option__content ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option . active . privacy-dropdown__option__content strong ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : hover . privacy-dropdown__option__content ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : hover . privacy-dropdown__option__content strong ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown . active . privacy-dropdown__value . active . icon-button ,
. app-body . privacy-dropdown . icon-button . inverted . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( : hover , . active , . active : hover ) . icon-globe {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-visibility-inv ) ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( : hover , . active , . active : hover ) . icon-unlock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - unlock-inv ) ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( : hover , . active , . active : hover ) . icon-lock {
background-image : var ( -- icon - lock-inv ) ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( : hover , . active , . active : hover ) . icon-at {
background-image : var ( -- icon - at-inv ) ;
2024-02-01 03:20:59 +09:00
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option . icon-info-circle path {
fill : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . privacy-dropdown__option : is ( : hover , . active , . active : hover ) . icon-info-circle path {
fill : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-11 06:08:07 +09:00
. app-body . dropdown-animation {
animation : fadein-short .2 s 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . button . button-tertiary : is ( . button--confirmation , . button--destructive ) {
background-color : transparent ;
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation {
color : #4e8a6b ;
background-color : rgba ( 121 , 189 , 154 , 0 .3 ) ;
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive {
color : #df405a ;
background-color : rgba ( 223 , 64 , 90 , 0 .3 ) ;
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : #79bd9a ;
color : #ffffff ;
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : #df405a ;
color : #ffffff ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation {
color : #72cb9d ;
. app-body . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive {
color : #f3637b ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
: is (
. block-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__secondary-button ,
. mute-modal__cancel-button
) : not ( : hover ) {
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 90 % ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
: is (
. block-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__secondary-button ,
. mute-modal__cancel-button
) : is ( : active , : hover ) {
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 70 % ) !important ;
2024-01-09 01:59:24 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2024-02-03 23:54:12 +09:00
: is (
. block-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__secondary-button ,
. mute-modal__cancel-button
) : active ,
: is (
. block-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__cancel-button ,
. confirmation-modal__secondary-button ,
. mute-modal__cancel-button
+ button : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . status__content a . hashtag {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/ * 🖱 ️ Interaction modals
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
2023-12-18 00:20:44 +09:00
. app-body . modal-root__modal : not ( . media-modal ) {
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
border : 0 ;
outline : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-03-21 03:17:11 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . modal-root__modal : not ( . media-modal ) {
margin-top : unset ;
2023-12-29 01:53:34 +09:00
. app-body . compare-history-modal {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . compare-history-modal . report-modal__target {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-03-17 01:11:04 +09:00
. app-body . safety-action-modal {
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__header__icon {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__header ,
. app-body . safety-action-modal__header h1 ,
. app-body . safety-action-modal__caveats ,
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__header h1 {
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__header h1 + div {
opacity : .6 ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__top {
background-color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bottom {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
padding-top : 24 px ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon {
transform : scale ( 1 .3 ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points > div : first-child . safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - megaphone ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points > div : nth-child ( 2 ) . safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - eye-shut ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points > div : nth-child ( 3 ) . safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - direct-messages ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__bullet-points > div : nth-child ( 4 ) . safety-action-modal__bullet-points__icon . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - reply ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
. app-body . safety-action-modal__field-group label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . report-modal {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-04-02 01:28:32 +09:00
border-radius : 10 px ;
box-shadow : var ( -- dropdown-shadow ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal ,
. app-body . interaction-modal__lead h3 {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . interaction-modal__lead p ,
. app-body . interaction-modal__choices__choice p {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. app-body . interaction-modal__icon {
vertical-align : middle ;
2023-11-25 00:47:26 +09:00
display : inline-block ;
transform : scale ( 1 .4 ) translateX ( - 2 px ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . interaction-modal p . hint {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . interaction-modal : is ( . button , . button . button-tertiary ) {
padding : 10 px 18 px ;
. app-body . interaction-modal . button . button-tertiary : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. app-body . copypaste input ,
. app-body . interaction-modal__login__input {
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
outline : 0 solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal__login . expanded . interaction-modal__login__input {
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . interaction-modal__login__input input : : placeholder {
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal__login . focused . interaction-modal__login__input {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
outline : 3 px solid var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal__login . search__popout {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . interaction-modal . copypaste button {
padding : 8 px 18 px ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
. app-body . interaction-modal ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . boost-modal__container ,
. app-body . mute-modal__container ,
. app-body . block-modal__container {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . boost-modal__container {
margin-bottom : - 11 px ;
. app-body . confirmation-modal__container ,
. app-body . mute-modal__container ,
. app-body . block-modal__container {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . block-modal__action-bar ,
. app-body . boost-modal__action-bar ,
. app-body . confirmation-modal__action-bar ,
. app-body . mute-modal__action-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . block-modal__action-bar > div ,
. app-body . boost-modal__action-bar > div ,
. app-body . confirmation-modal__action-bar > div ,
. app-body . mute-modal__action-bar > div ,
. app-body . boost-modal__container . status__content__text ,
. app-body . boost-modal__container . display-name strong . display-name__html ,
. app-body . boost-modal__container . status__info ,
. app-body . boost-modal__container . status__relative-time time ,
. app-body . boost-modal__container . status . light . status__visibility-icon {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty )
a : is ( . active ,
. active button ,
: active ,
: active button ,
: focus ,
: focus button ,
: hover ,
: hover button ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Media modals */
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . modal-root__overlay : has ( + div > . media-modal ) {
background-color : #030303 !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-07-18 00:07:12 +09:00
. app-body . modal-root__overlay {
background-color : rgb ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .4 ) ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. app-body . modal-root__overlay {
background-color : rgb ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .9 ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
: is (
. media-modal__close ,
. media-modal__nav ,
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
. media-modal__zoom-button
) {
background-color : #1e1e1e ;
color : #777777 ;
height : 44 px ;
width : 44 px ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
align-items : center ;
justify-content : center ;
padding : 0 ;
transition : .2 s all ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
: is (
. media-modal__close ,
. media-modal__nav ,
. media-modal__zoom-button
) : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
background-color : #343434 ;
color : #ffffff ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
. app-body
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
: is (
. media-modal__close ,
. media-modal__nav ,
. media-modal__zoom-button )
svg {
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .3 ) ;
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__close {
top : 24 px ;
left : 24 px ;
. app-body . media-modal__zoom-button {
top : 24 px ;
right : 24 px ;
. app-body . media-modal__nav--left {
left : 24 px ;
. app-body . media-modal__nav--right {
right : 24 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . media-modal__nav {
display : none ;
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . picture-in-picture__footer {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . picture-in-picture__footer . icon-button > svg {
width : 25 px ;
height : 25 px ;
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . picture-in-picture__footer . icon-button : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) {
background-color : transparent !important ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture__footer . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__page-dot {
2023-12-17 23:39:11 +09:00
background-color : #858585 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . media-modal__overlay . icon-external-link path {
fill : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . modal-root > div {
animation : slowin .3 s 1 ;
2023-12-21 05:53:46 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Report modals */
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__lead {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-dialog-modal {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . poll__option . dialog-option : last-child {
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
padding : 15 px ;
margin-bottom : 5 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option : hover ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . poll__option . dialog-option : hover ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option : has ( . poll__input . active ) {
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option . poll__input ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__textarea : focus {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option . poll__input . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option . poll__input svg {
display : none ;
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . poll__option . dialog-option > . poll__option__text ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . dialog-option time ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . status__content > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) > span ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__toggle ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__subtitle ,
. app-body . report-modal__comment . setting-text-label ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . status__content__text p ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__title ,
. app-body . report-modal__target {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . report-dialog-modal . poll__option . dialog-option > . poll__option__text strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold )
. app-body . report-modal__comment ,
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-modal__container ,
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__container {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . report-modal__comment {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body # upload-modal__description {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body # upload-modal__description : focus {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . setting-text__wrapper {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__textarea {
background-color : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
. app-body . report-dialog-modal__textarea : : placeholder {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2024-01-03 10:42:03 +09:00
opacity : .5 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 🖼️ Picture in Picture */
. app-body . picture-in-picture {
box-shadow : 0 0 5 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .2 ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture__header {
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture__footer {
border-bottom-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-bottom-right-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture . video-player {
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . picture-in-picture__footer ,
. app-body . picture-in-picture__header {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . picture-in-picture__header . display-name span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-12-15 07:06:38 +09:00
. app-body . picture-in-picture-placeholder {
border-radius : 8 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* ⏯️ Video controls */
. app-body . video-player__seek__progress ,
. app-body . video-player__volume__handle ,
. app-body . video-player__volume__current ,
. app-body . video-player__seek__handle {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
/* 📄 Meta footer */
. app-body . link-footer {
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
margin-bottom : 20 px ;
margin-left : 10 px ;
margin-right : 10 px ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
display : flex ;
flex-flow : column ;
2024-01-13 01:56:08 +09:00
padding : 20 px 0 0 ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . link-footer p ,
. app-body . link-footer a {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
. app-body . link-footer : : after {
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
content : var ( -- meta ) ;
2023-12-02 02:32:27 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
order : 10 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* Server banner */
. app-body . server-banner__introduction {
display : none ;
. app-body . server-banner {
padding : 0 0 20 px ;
. app-body . server-banner__hero {
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . server-banner__description {
padding : 20 px 15 px 20 px ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-08-17 02:45:44 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . server-banner__meta {
padding : 0 15 px 20 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
gap : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
align-items : end ;
. app-body . server-banner h4 {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
font-size : 80 % ;
. app-body . server-banner__number {
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-size : 15 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . server-banner__number-label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . server-banner . account {
background-color : transparent ;
box-shadow : none ;
padding : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
. app-body . server-banner . account . display-name__account {
opacity : .7 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . server-banner__meta__column : first-child {
width : calc ( 60 % - 5 px ) ;
. app-body . server-banner__meta__column : nth-child ( 2 ) {
width : calc ( 40 % - 5 px ) ;
. app-body . server-banner . button . button-secondary {
padding : 10 px ;
margin : 10 px 0 ;
. app-body . button . button-secondary ,
. app-body . button . button-tertiary {
border : 0 ;
2024-03-12 04:25:08 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 82 % ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-07-18 10:56:07 +09:00
. app-body . hover-card . button : not ( . button--destructive ) {
2024-07-18 00:38:58 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
line-height : 22 px ;
padding : 10 px 18 px ;
2024-07-24 23:24:19 +09:00
. app-body . hover-card . button : not ( . button--destructive ) : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . button : is ( . button-secondary , . button-tertiary ) : hover {
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 70 % ) ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
2024-07-18 00:38:58 +09:00
. app-body . button . button--destructive : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - reject ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . sign-in-banner . button ,
. app-body . button : is ( . button-secondary , . button-tertiary ) {
padding : 10 px 18 px ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
. app-body . sign-in-banner . button : active ,
. app-body . button : is ( . button-secondary , . button-tertiary ) : active {
transform : scale ( .95 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . button . button-tertiary {
padding : 7 px 18 px ;
2024-01-14 10:05:07 +09:00
. app-body . sign-in-banner {
padding : 10 px 0 10 px 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . sign-in-banner p {
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
padding : 0 5 px 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . sign-in-banner p strong {
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . sign-in-banner p {
margin-bottom : 25 px ;
. app-body . sign-in-banner p : first-child {
margin-bottom : 5 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 🤗 Onboarding */
. app-body . scrollable . follow-recommendations-container ,
. app-body . column-list {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . column-title . logo {
display : none ;
. app-body . column-title h3 ,
. app-body . column-title p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . column-list {
border : 0 ;
. app-body . account__note {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item ,
. app-body . onboarding__link {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-12-18 02:31:47 +09:00
margin-bottom : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) ,
. app-body . onboarding__link : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item__icon ,
. app-body . onboarding__link {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item__description h6 ,
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item__description p ,
. app-body . onboarding__lead ,
. app-body . onboarding__lead strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . onboarding__steps__item__go svg path ,
. app-body . onboarding__link svg path {
fill : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-03-13 10:50:57 +09:00
. app-body . app-form__avatar-input ,
. app-body . app-form__header-input {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. app-body . app-form__avatar-input : hover ,
. app-body . app-form__header-input : hover {
background-color : color-mix ( in srgb , var ( -- color - accent ) , transparent 75 % ) ;
. app-body . app-form__header-input {
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . app-form__header-input . icon {
background-image : var ( -- icon - paperclip ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 .4 ) translateX ( - 50 % ) translateY ( - 25 % ) ;
position : absolute ;
inset-inline-start : 50 % ;
top : 50 % ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . onboarding__profile . app-form__avatar-input {
border-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
border-width : 5 px ;
. app-body . onboarding__profile . app-form__avatar-input img {
border-radius : 50 % ;
background : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. app-body . onboarding__profile . app-form__header-input img {
2023-12-17 04:30:31 +09:00
background : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . simple_form . input . with_block_label > label ,
. app-body . simple_form . input . with_block_label . hint ,
. app-body . app-form__toggle__label strong ,
. app-body . simple_form . hint {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. app-body . app-form__toggle__toggle > div {
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-form__avatar-input . selected . icon ,
. app-form__header-input . selected . icon {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . simple_form
: is (
input [ type = datetime-local ] ,
input [ type = email ] ,
input [ type = number ] ,
input [ type = password ] ,
input [ type = text ] ,
input [ type = url ] ,
) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . simple_form
: is (
input [ type = datetime-local ] ,
input [ type = email ] ,
input [ type = number ] ,
input [ type = password ] ,
input [ type = text ] ,
input [ type = url ] ,
) : is ( : active , : focus ) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . column-title {
margin : - 20 px - 20 px 30 px ;
2023-12-29 05:58:20 +09:00
padding : 50 px 40 px 40 px ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
2023-12-17 04:30:31 +09:00
. app-body . column-title : not ( : has ( . onboarding__illustration ) ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
. app-body . column-title : has ( + . simple_form ) {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . follow-recommendations {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . follow-recommendations . account {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
margin-bottom : 15 px ;
. app-body . follow-recommendations . account__note {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .7 ;
. app-body . follow-recommendations . account__note p {
overflow : hidden ;
. app-body . copy-paste-text {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - accent-lines ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . copy-paste-text : is ( : focus , : active ) ,
. app-body . tip-carousel : focus {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . copy-paste-text : has ( textarea : focus ) {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 📢 Announcements */
. app-body . announcements ,
. app-body . announcements : : after {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . announcements {
overflow : visible ;
z-index : 0 ;
box-shadow : 0 - 20 px var ( -- color - bg ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. app-body . announcements__item strong {
font-weight : 800 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. app-body . announcements__item__unread {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-11 09:49:39 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . announcements__pagination ,
. app-body . announcements__pagination . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-11 09:49:39 +09:00
. app-body . announcements__pagination > * {
vertical-align : middle ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . reactions-bar__item {
2023-12-11 09:49:39 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding : 2 px 8 px ;
. app-body . reactions-bar__item : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . reactions-bar__item . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . reactions-bar__item__count ,
. app-body . reactions-bar__item__count . animated-number {
2023-12-11 09:49:39 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . reactions-bar__item : is ( : active , : hover , : focus ) . reactions-bar__item__count . animated-number {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . reactions-bar__item . active . reactions-bar__item__count . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. app-body . reactions-bar . emoji-button ,
. app-body . announcements__item__content a . unhandled-link ,
. app-body . announcements__item__content a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. app-body . announcements . emoji-button {
margin : 0 ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . announcements {
box-shadow : none ;
margin-top : - 4 px ;
border-radius : 0 ;
. app-body . announcements__mastodon {
border-radius : 0 ;
/* 404 */
. app-body . empty-column-indicator ,
. app-body . error-column {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . error-column__message h1 ,
. app-body . error-column__message {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . error-column__image {
margin-top : 0 ;
2023-11-25 21:30:44 +09:00
. app-body . regeneration-indicator {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) {
. app-body . regeneration-indicator {
padding-top : 50 px ;
padding-bottom : 40 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/ * 📜 About page
- - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body . scrollable . about {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2024-02-01 03:49:03 +09:00
border-bottom : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : flex ;
flex-flow : column ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
padding-bottom : 20 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
z-index : 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. app-body . scrollable . about {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
. app-body . about__header {
order : 1 ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. app-body . about__section : nth-child ( 3 ) {
order : 3 ;
. app-body . about__meta {
order : 2 ;
. app-body . about__section : nth-child ( 4 ) {
order : 4 ;
. app-body . about__section : nth-child ( 5 ) {
order : 5 ;
. app-body . about . link-footer {
order : 6 ;
. app-body . about__footer {
order : 7 ;
. app-body # mastodon > div > div > div . columns-area__panels > div . columns-area__panels__main > div . columns-area . columns-area--mobile > div > div > div . about__section . active : nth-of-type ( 3 ) > div . about__section__title {
display : none ;
. app-body . about__header p ,
. app-body . about__meta h4 {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. app-body . about__header__hero {
margin : - 20 px - 20 px 20 px ;
width : calc ( 100 % + 40 px ) ;
border-radius : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. app-body . about__header__hero ,
. app-body . about__meta {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
. app-body . about__header > h1 {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
margin : 30 px 0 0 20 px ;
text-align : left ;
font-variant : small-caps ;
font-size : 20 px ;
. app-body . about__header > h1 + p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .8 ;
text-align : left ;
margin-left : 20 px ;
margin-bottom : 15 px ;
font-size : 14 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) {
. app-body . scrollable . about {
2024-02-01 03:49:03 +09:00
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . about__header__hero {
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
border-radius : 6 px 6 px 0 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-25 00:47:26 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 890 px ) and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. app-body . scrollable . about {
margin-top : 10 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . about__mail {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . about__meta h4 {
font-size : 12 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
margin-bottom : 8 px ;
. app-body . about__meta . account {
background : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
padding : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
. app-body . about__meta__divider {
border-left : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 600 px ) {
. app-body . about__meta__divider {
border-top : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
width : 90 % ;
. app-body . about__section : nth-child ( 3 ) . about__section__body {
padding-bottom : 3 em ;
. app-body . about__meta ,
. app-body . about__section__title {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . about__section . active . about__section__title {
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
. app-body . about__section . active : not ( : nth-of-type ( 3 ) ) . about__section__body {
border : 0 !important ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
. app-body . prose ,
. app-body . prose p ,
. app-body . prose b ,
. app-body . prose h1 ,
. app-body . prose h2 ,
. app-body . prose h3 ,
. app-body . prose h4 ,
. app-body . prose h5 ,
. app-body . prose h6 ,
. app-body . prose strong ,
. app-body . rules-list ,
. app-body . about__domain-blocks__domain h6 ,
. app-body . about__domain-blocks__domain__type {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-12-20 11:49:35 +09:00
. app-body . prose ul > li : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .3 ;
top : .55 em ;
width : 7 px ;
height : 7 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . about__section__body . prose hr {
border-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
margin-top : 2 em ;
margin-bottom : 2 em ;
border-width : 3 px ;
2024-07-18 10:56:07 +09:00
. app-body . hover-card__bio a ,
. app-body . hover-card . account-fields a {
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
text-decoration : none ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . about__section__body . prose a ,
. app-body . about__section__body . prose a : hover ,
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . prose a strong ,
. app-body . hover-card__bio a span {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
text-decoration-line : underline ;
text-decoration-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
text-decoration-thickness : 2 px ;
text-underline-offset : 2 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-06-27 20:06:54 +09:00
. app-body . about__section__body . prose a : hover span ,
. app-body . hover-card__bio a : hover {
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
text-decoration-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . about__section__body . prose small . lang_label {
margin-left : - 2 em ;
margin-top : 1 px ;
display : block ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
font-weight : bold ;
font-size : 80 % ;
float : left ;
. about__section . active . about__section__title {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
. app-body . rules-list__text ,
. app-body . rules-list__hint {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . rules-list__text {
font-weight : 600 ;
. app-body . rules-list__hint {
opacity : .7 ;
padding-top : 4 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . rules-list li {
2024-03-28 07:47:06 +09:00
border-bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
padding : 1 em 1 .75 em 1 em 3 .4 em ;
. app-body . rules-list li : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
. about__domain-blocks {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. about__domain-blocks__domain {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. about__domain-blocks__domain : nth-child ( 2n ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
2023-12-16 01:15:25 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
. app-body . about : is ( . link-footer , . about__footer ) {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
/* Keyboard shortcuts page */
. keyboard-shortcuts kbd {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
box-shadow : 0 1 px var ( -- color - lines-translucent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 5 px ;
padding : 3 px 8 px ;
margin : 0 4 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
/* Privacy Policy page */
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . column > . scrollable . privacy-policy {
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-12-17 04:30:31 +09:00
padding-bottom : 20 px ;
2023-12-26 09:19:25 +09:00
z-index : 1 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-11-25 02:26:44 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) {
. app-body : not ( : has ( # tabs-bar__portal > * ) ) . column > . scrollable . privacy-policy {
border-top-left-radius : 8 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
/* 👋 Hide superfluous UI */
. app-body div # mastodon > div > div > div : nth-child ( 2 ) > div : nth-child ( 3 ) > div > div > div : nth-child ( 3 ) > hr ,
. app-body . navigation-panel__legal > hr ,
. app-body . about__footer , / * Hide meta footer * /
. app-body . server-banner__introduction , / * Hide generic mastodon server introduction in sidebar * /
. app-body . search-banner ~ . search , / * Hide search field for logged out users * /
. app-body . account__header__bio . account__header__fields > dl : first-child / * Hide " Joined " field on profiles * / {
display : none ;
/ * Multi-column layout
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
: root : has ( . layout-multiple-columns ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar {
width : 4 px ;
: root : has ( . layout-multiple-columns ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
: root : has ( . layout-multiple-columns ) * : : -webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
opacity : .8 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . scrollable ,
. layout-multiple-columns . column > . scrollable {
max-height : 100 % ;
. layout-multiple-columns . column {
width : 400 px ;
padding-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__inner__mastodon {
display : none ;
. layout-multiple-columns : is ( . drawer__inner , . drawer__inner . darker ) {
background : transparent ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__header {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer . search {
margin-top : 10 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab {
transition : all .3 s ;
border-radius : 6 px ;
height : 40 px ;
padding : 5 px ;
margin : 5 px ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon {
transform : scale ( 1 .2 ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2024-02-12 00:52:24 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab : active {
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon-cog {
background-image : var ( -- icon - gear ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon-globe {
2024-02-20 00:18:33 +09:00
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon-users {
background-image : var ( -- icon - users ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon-bars {
background-image : var ( -- logo ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__tab . icon-sign-out {
background-image : var ( -- icon - logout ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . column-header__icon . icon-bars {
background-image : var ( -- icon - globe-active ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . flex-spacer ,
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started ,
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started__wrapper ,
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started . column-link ,
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started . column-subheading {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
2023-12-30 12:43:55 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . scrollable . getting-started {
border-left : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started__wrapper {
padding-bottom : 10 px ;
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started . column-link {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
margin : 0 5 px 2 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
. app-body . getting-started . column-link {
margin-left : 0 ;
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started . column-link : is ( : active , : focus , : hover ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started . column-link__icon {
transform : scale ( 1 .4 ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. app-body . getting-started . column-link__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
line-height : 15 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
padding-left : 8 px ;
padding-right : 8 px ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started__trends . trends__item {
padding-left : 16 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started__trends h4 > : is ( a , span ) {
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
padding-left : 45 px ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns : is ( . column-header , . column-back-button ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column-header__setting-btn {
font-weight : 600 ;
2024-08-03 08:42:05 +09:00
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . column : has ( > . getting-started ) {
width : 330 px ;
. layout-multiple-columns
. column : has ( > . getting-started )
: is ( . column-header , . column-back-button ) ,
. layout-single-column . navigation-bar : has ( + . getting-started ) {
display : none ;
2023-12-27 04:20:57 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . getting-started__trends {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . search-results__header ,
. layout-multiple-columns . explore__search-header {
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
display : none ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer {
width : 280 px ;
transition : width .3 s ;
. layout-multiple-columns
. drawer : has ( > . drawer__pager > . drawer__inner > . search-results > . search-results__section ) {
width : 400 px ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__inner : has ( > . search-results > . search-results__section ) {
2024-02-12 00:09:36 +09:00
z-index : 2 ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns
. drawer
> . search : has ( + . drawer__pager > . drawer__inner > . search-results > . search-results__section ) {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns
. drawer
> . search : has ( + . drawer__pager > . drawer__inner > . search-results > . search-results__section )
> . search__input {
border-radius : 8 px 8 px 0 0 ;
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__pager {
border-radius : 0 ;
2024-03-16 02:21:42 +09:00
border : 0 ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns
. drawer
> . search : has ( + . drawer__pager > . drawer__inner > . search-results > . search-results__section )
> . search__popout {
border-radius : 0 0 8 px 8 px ;
margin-top : 0 ;
2023-12-27 04:20:57 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . compose-form {
padding : 0 ;
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . drawer__inner : not ( : has ( > . search-results ) ) : : after {
2024-02-28 08:02:43 +09:00
content : var ( -- meta ) ;
2023-12-27 04:20:57 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
padding : 12 px ;
position : absolute ;
bottom : 0 ;
2024-03-16 02:21:42 +09:00
z-index : - 1 ;
2023-12-27 04:20:57 +09:00
. layout-multiple-columns . link-footer : : before ,
. layout-multiple-columns . link-footer : : after {
display : none ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
@media screen and ( min-width : 630 px ) and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-multiple-columns
: is (
. column-header ,
. column-back-button
) {
2024-01-13 08:09:13 +09:00
border-top : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-right : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-left : 1 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-top-left-radius : 8 px !important ;
border-top-right-radius : 8 px !important ;
2023-11-21 08:32:06 +09:00
2023-12-02 07:48:04 +09:00
. app-body . switch-to-advanced {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. app-body . switch-to-advanced . switch-to-advanced__toggle {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
/ * Popular hashtag icons
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " tangerine " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - tangerine-slice ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href $ = " day " i ] ,
2024-03-12 22:31:16 +09:00
[ href $ = " tag " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " monday " i ] ,
[ href * = " tuesday " i ] ,
[ href * = " wednesday " i ] ,
[ href * = " thursday " i ] ,
[ href * = " friday " i ] ,
[ href * = " saturday " i ] ,
[ href * = " sunday " i ] ,
[ href * = " montag " i ] ,
[ href * = " dienstag " i ] ,
[ href * = " mittwoch " i ] ,
[ href * = " donnerstag " i ] ,
[ href * = " freitag " i ] ,
[ href * = " samstag " i ] ,
[ href * = " sonntag " i ] ,
[ href * = " lundi " i ] ,
[ href * = " mardi " i ] ,
[ href * = " mercredi " i ] ,
[ href * = " jeudi " i ] ,
[ href * = " vendredi " i ] ,
[ href * = " samedi " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href * = " dimanche " i ] ,
[ href * = " lunes " i ] ,
[ href * = " martes " i ] ,
[ href * = " miercoles " i ] ,
[ href * = " jueves " i ] ,
[ href * = " viernes " i ] ,
[ href * = " sabado " i ] ,
[ href * = " domingo " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - calendar ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-03-08 04:33:30 +09:00
[ href * = " tune " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /np " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " nowplaying " i ] ,
[ href * = " singit " i ] ,
[ href * = " music " i ] ,
[ href * = " eurovision " i ] ,
[ href * = " song " i ] ,
2024-03-02 09:59:50 +09:00
[ href $ = " synth " i ] ,
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
[ href $ = " jazz " i ] ,
[ href $ = " rock " i ] ,
[ href $ = " rap " i ] ,
[ href $ = " BandcampFriday " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href * = " Jukebox " i ] ,
[ href * = " /kpop " i ] ,
[ href * = " /rock " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /pop " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - music ) ;
. app-body
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " eurovision " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - microphone ) ;
. app-body
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " birthday " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - cake ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " letterboxd " i ] ,
[ href $ = " trakt " i ] ,
[ href $ = " TV " i ] ,
2024-06-19 07:34:56 +09:00
[ href $ = " cinema " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " nowwatching " i ] ,
[ href * = " WatchingNow " i ] ,
2024-03-11 07:50:57 +09:00
[ href * = " movie " i ] ,
[ href * = " /cinema " i ] ,
[ href * = " /oscars " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - popcorn ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " photography " i ] ,
[ href * = " photo " i ] ,
[ href * = " foto " i ] ,
[ href * = " pics " i ] ,
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
[ href * = " selfie " i ] ,
[ href * = " /ShotWith " i ] ,
[ href * = " WindowFriday " i ] ,
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
[ href * = " FensterFreitag " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /instagram " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - camera ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " SilentSunday " i ] ,
[ href * = " sunset " i ] ,
[ href * = " sunrise " i ] ,
2024-06-19 07:34:56 +09:00
[ href $ = " /sky " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " skyblue " i ] ,
[ href * = " ocean " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - sunset ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " gift " i ] ,
[ href * = " christmas " i ] ,
[ href * = " weihnachten " i ] ,
[ href * = " noel " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - pine ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " tree " i ] ,
[ href * = " trunk " i ] ,
[ href * = " ecology " i ] ,
[ href * = " klima " i ] ,
[ href * = " climat " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href * = " environment " i ] ,
[ href * = " /garden " i ] ,
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
[ href * = " mosstodon " i ] ,
[ href * = " /vegan " i ] ,
[ href * = " /plants " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - tree ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href $ = " /cat " i ] ,
2024-03-02 20:42:25 +09:00
[ href * = " /cats " i ] ,
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href * = " catloaf " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " Caturday " i ] ,
[ href * = " catsofmastodon " i ] ,
[ href * = " WhiskersWednesday " i ]
) : not (
[ href * = " cath " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - cat ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href $ = " dog " i ] ,
[ href $ = " dogs " i ] ,
[ href * = " /dog " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " DogLovers " i ] ,
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href * = " dogsofmastodon " i ] ,
[ href * = " DogsOfFedi " i ] ,
[ href * = " dogstadon " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - dog ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href $ = " art " i ] ,
[ href * = " artmatters " i ] ,
[ href * = " DigitalArt " i ] ,
[ href * = " PixelArt " i ] ,
[ href * = " artwork " i ] ,
[ href * = " artist " i ] ,
[ href $ = " design " i ] ,
[ href * = " designer " i ] ,
[ href * = " watercolo " i ] ,
[ href * = " painting " i ]
) : not (
[ href * = " aiart " i ] ,
[ href * = " artificial " i ] ,
[ href * = " aidesign " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - brush ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href $ = " apple " i ] ,
[ href $ = " macos " i ] ,
2024-06-19 07:38:10 +09:00
[ href $ = " /mac " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href $ = " ios " i ] ,
[ href * = " ipad " i ] ,
2024-03-07 05:19:11 +09:00
[ href * = " iphone " i ] ,
[ href * = " /wwdc " i ] ,
[ href * = " /appleevent " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - apple ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " poem " i ] ,
[ href * = " writing " i ] ,
[ href * = " write " i ] ,
2024-03-01 01:36:21 +09:00
[ href * = " article " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - pencil ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-03-07 05:10:10 +09:00
[ href * = " /book " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href * = " literature " i ] ,
[ href * = " reading " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /history " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /histoire " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - book ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href $ = " game " i ] ,
[ href * = " gaming " i ] ,
[ href * = " gamedev " i ] ,
[ href * = " games " i ] ,
[ href * = " gamer " i ] ,
[ href * = " playstation " i ] ,
[ href * = " arcade " i ] ,
[ href * = " xbox " i ] ,
[ href * = " nintendo " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - gaming ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-03-02 09:59:50 +09:00
[ href * = " /minecraft " i ] ,
[ href * = " /hermitcraft " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - cube ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href $ = " /fifa " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /fifaworldcup " i ] ,
[ href $ = " /soccer " i ] ,
2024-06-19 07:34:56 +09:00
[ href * = " /euro202 " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href $ = " /mls " i ] ,
[ href * = " /sport " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - football ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href $ = " lgbt " i ] ,
[ href * = " /lgbt " i ] ,
[ href * = " /queer " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href $ = " trans " i ] ,
[ href $ = " pride " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href $ = " womensday " i ] ,
2024-03-07 23:11:50 +09:00
[ href * = " internationalwomensday " i ] ,
2024-03-08 23:24:56 +09:00
[ href $ = " /IWD " i ] ,
[ href * = " JourneeDesDroitsDesFemmes " i ] ,
2024-03-08 23:36:27 +09:00
[ href * = " feministischerkampftag " i ] ,
2024-03-08 23:24:56 +09:00
[ href * = " celebratewomen " i ] ,
2024-03-07 23:11:50 +09:00
[ href * = " /8mars " i ] ,
2024-03-04 22:55:20 +09:00
[ href $ = " transdayofvisibility " i ] ,
[ href $ = " TDOV " i ] ,
[ href $ = " transdayofremembrance " i ] ,
[ href $ = " TDOR " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href $ = " pridemonth " i ] ,
[ href $ = " blm " i ] ,
[ href $ = " blacklivesmatter " i ] ,
[ href $ = " blackmastodon " i ] ,
[ href $ = " blackfedi " i ] ,
[ href * = " protest " i ] ,
[ href * = " greve " i ] ,
[ href * = " manif " i ] ,
[ href $ = " riot " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - pride ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " electionday " i ] ,
[ href $ = " election " i ] ,
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href $ = " /election " i ] ,
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
[ href * = " presidentielle " i ] ,
[ href * = " presidential " i ] ,
[ href * = " legislativ " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - vote ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href $ = " dev " i ] ,
[ href $ = " code " i ] ,
[ href * = " development " i ] ,
[ href * = " developer " i ] ,
[ href * = " devops " i ] ,
[ href * = " opensource " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - code ) ;
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
2024-02-29 23:58:52 +09:00
[ href * = " mutualaid " i ] ,
[ href * = " crowdfund " i ]
2024-02-29 03:25:46 +09:00
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - handshake ) ;
2024-07-23 20:27:23 +09:00
. app-body
. trends__item : has (
. trends__item__name a : is (
[ href * = " olympics " i ] ,
[ href * = " /Paris2024 " i ] ,
[ href * = " /LA2028 " i ]
) : : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - olympics ) ;
2024-07-24 22:55:13 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 .85 ) ;
2024-07-23 20:27:23 +09:00