2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
/ * TangerineUI 🍊 for Mastodon
2023-07-21 05:35:43 +09:00
version : 1 . 7 . 3
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
A Tangerine redesign for Mastodon ' s Web UI.
https : / / github . com / nileane / TangerineUI-for-Mastodon /
by @ nileane @ nileane . fr
Last Mastodon compatibility check : v4 . 1 . 4 stable ✅
* /
/* 🎨 Colors */
: root {
--color-bg : #f5f2ef ;
--color-fg : #2a2d37 ;
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--color-accent-bg : #f6e5dd ;
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--color-lines : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
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--color-fg-muted : #6e635e ;
--color-secondary-bg : #0d0c0c ;
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--color-accent-focus : #ffa047 ;
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--color-accent-fg : #ffffff ;
--color-lines : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
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/ * * ️ ⃣ Icons
- - - - - - - - * /
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content : " " ;
width : 13 px ;
height : 13 px ;
margin-bottom : - 2 px ;
background-size : contain ;
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background-size : 80 % ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-accent ) ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - bookmark-active ) ;
/* Replace share icon */
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background-image : var ( -- icon - share ) ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - share-accent ) ;
/* Replace star icon */
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background-image : var ( -- icon - star ) ;
text-align : center ;
line-height : 34 px ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - star-accent ) ;
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background-image : none ;
content : var ( -- icon - star-active ) ;
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content : " " ;
/* Replace retweet icon */
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background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
background-position : center ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__button i . fa . fa-retweet . fa-fw ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__button button . icon-button i . fa . fa-retweet . fa-fw ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__button button . icon-button : hover i . fa . fa-retweet . fa-fw {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-accent ) ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-active ) ;
background-position : center ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - boost-status-prepend ) ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__link . fa . fa-retweet : before {
background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
. layout-single-column button . icon-button . reblogPrivate i . fa-retweet ,
. layout-single-column button . icon-button . reblogPrivate : hover i . fa-retweet ,
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opacity : .2 ;
pointer-events : none ;
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background-image : var ( -- icon - boost ) ;
vertical-align : middle ;
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. layout-single-column i . fa-reply : : before ,
. layout-single-column i . fa-reply-all : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - reply ) ;
position : relative ;
top : 2 px ;
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. layout-single-column . detailed-status__button i . fa-reply-all : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - reply-accent ) ;
/* Home icon */
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content : var ( -- icon - home-notification ) ;
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar . active . fa-home : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - home-notification-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-home : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - home ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-home : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - home-column-link-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-home . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - home-notification-active ) ;
/* Federated icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-globe : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - globe ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-globe . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - globe ) ;
/* Local icon */
. layout-single-column . fa-group . column-header__icon : before ,
. layout-single-column . fa-users . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - users-column-link-active ) ;
/* Explore icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-hashtag : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - hashtag ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-hashtag : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - hashtag-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-hashtag . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - hashtag-active ) ;
/* Search icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link i . fa-search {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa . fa-search : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - search ) ;
left : 2 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa . fa-search : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - search ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__icon . fa-search {
2023-07-21 00:55:11 +09:00
vertical-align : baseline ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
/* Local icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-users : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - users-column-link ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-users : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - users-column-link-active ) ;
/* Notifications icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-bell : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bell ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-bell : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bell-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-bell . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bell-active ) ;
/* Direct messages icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-at : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - direct-messages ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-at . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - direct-messages ) ;
/* Bookmarks icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-bookmark : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link ) ;
background-image : none ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-bookmark : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-bookmark . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - bookmark-column-link-active ) ;
/* Favorites icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-star : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - star-column-link ) ;
background-image : none ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . active . fa-star : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-active ) ;
. layout-single-column . fa-star . column-header__icon : before {
content : var ( -- icon - star-column-link-active ) ;
/* Lists icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-list-ul {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
margin-right : 8 px ;
margin-left : 1 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-list-ul : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - list ) ;
background-image : none ;
/* Follow Requests icon */
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa-user-plus : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - users-column-link ) ;
background-image : none ;
/* Follow hashtag icon */
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . column-header__icon . fa-user-plus : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - follow-hashtag ) ;
position : relative ;
top : 2 px ;
right : - 5 px ;
/* Unfollow hashtag icon */
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . column-header__icon . fa-user-times : : before {
content : var ( -- icon - unfollow-hashtag ) ;
position : relative ;
top : 2 px ;
right : - 5 px
/ * 📝 Compose panel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . compose-form {
padding : 0 0 71 px ;
. layout-single-column . navigation-bar {
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . navigation-bar strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__textarea ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form__autosuggest-wrapper ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-top : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper . icon-button ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper . text-icon-button ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . character-counter {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
2023-07-20 22:01:54 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper . icon-button . active {
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-07-20 22:01:54 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper . text-icon-button . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . autosuggest-textarea__textarea {
padding-left : 20 px ;
padding-top : 20 px ;
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . autosuggest-textarea__textarea : : placeholder ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-account . display-name__html {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-account . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions--visible ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item {
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item . selected ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : active ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : focus ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : hover ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item . selected . autosuggest-account . display-name__account ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : active . autosuggest-account . display-name__account ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : focus . autosuggest-account . display-name__account ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : hover . autosuggest-account . display-name__account ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item . selected . autosuggest-account . display-name__html ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : active . autosuggest-account . display-name__html ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : focus . autosuggest-account . display-name__html ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . autosuggest-textarea__suggestions__item : hover . autosuggest-account . display-name__html {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__buttons-wrapper {
border-radius : 0 0 7 px 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__warning {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
box-shadow : none ;
margin : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__warning ,
. layout-single-column . simple_form . recommended ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__warning ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__warning a ,
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content a ,
. layout-single-column . navigation-bar__profile-edit {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . empty-column-indicator ,
. layout-single-column . error-column {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . spoiler-input . spoiler-input--visible {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2023-07-20 21:58:16 +09:00
height : auto ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-form . spoiler-input__input {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2023-07-20 21:58:16 +09:00
border-radius : 10 px ;
padding : 12 px 15 px ;
box-shadow :
0 0 0 4px inset var ( - - color-content-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . spoiler-input__input : focus {
box-shadow :
0 0 0 4px inset var ( - - color-content-bg ) ,
0 0 0 6px inset var ( - - color-accent ) ,
0 0 0 1px inset var ( - - color-content-bg ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . display-name {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button {
color : #ffffff ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button : active ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button : focus ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . compose-form__modifiers . compose-form__upload . icon-button : hover {
background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .4 ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . compose-form {
padding : 0 10 px 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . navigation-bar {
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
margin : 10 px 10 px 0 ;
/ * 💬 Posts
- - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content ,
. layout-single-column . status__content {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__display-name strong ,
. layout-single-column . status__display-name strong ,
. layout-single-column . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . status {
margin-left : 56 px ;
padding : 0 10 px ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper {
transition : background .3 s ;
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__wrapper {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
padding : 13 px 12 px ;
. layout-single-column . status__info {
height : 22 px ;
margin-left : - 56 px ;
padding : 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
line-height : 10 px ;
align-items : start ;
. layout-single-column . status__info . status__display-name {
overflow : visible ;
align-items : start ;
max-width : calc ( 100 % - 4 em ) ;
. layout-single-column . status__info . status__display-name . display-name bdi ,
. layout-single-column . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
vertical-align : top ;
. layout-single-column . status__info . status__display-name . display-name__account {
display : inline ;
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . status__relative-time {
height : 22 px ;
position : absolute ;
right : 22 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . status__avatar {
margin-bottom : - 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content ,
. layout-single-column . status__content {
line-height : 19 px ;
/* 📏 Post dividers */
/* Use ::before to set a non-full-width divider between posts and notifications. The divider sits above the post. */
. layout-single-column . status : : before ,
. layout-single-column . notification__message : : before {
position : absolute ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
height : 2 px ;
width : calc ( 100 % - 72 px ) ;
right : 0 ;
top : - 2 px ;
content : " " ;
/* Remove border between posts when applicable */
. layout-single-column . notification . status : : before , / * no dividers on posts _inside_ notifications * /
. layout-single-column . account-timeline__header + article . status : : before , / * no divider above first post on profile pages * /
. layout-single-column . scrollable > div : first-child > . status : : before , / * no divider above first post in a column thread * /
. layout-single-column . scrollable > div : first-child > div : first-child . status : : before / * no divider above first post in a column thread ( backwards compatibility with 4 . 1 . * ) * / {
display : none ;
/* 👥 Threaded replies */
. layout-single-column . status--first-in-thread {
border-top : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . status--first-in-thread : : before {
position : absolute ;
background-color : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
height : 4 px ;
width : 100 % ;
right : 0 ;
top : - 3 px ;
content : " " ;
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . attachment-list ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . audio-player ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . media-gallery ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . picture-in-picture-placeholder ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . status-card ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . status__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . status__content ,
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . video-player {
margin-left : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . status--in-thread . status__line {
-webkit-border-start : 4 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-inline-start : 4 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
inset-inline-start : 43 px ;
position : absolute ;
top : 0 ;
width : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . status__line--full : before {
background : var ( -- color - lines ) ;
inset-inline-start : - 3 px ;
width : 3 px ;
. layout-single-column . status__line . status__line--full . status__line--first {
top : 58 px ;
height : calc ( 100 % - 58 px ) ;
/* ⏺️ Posts when in focus */
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper . focusable : focus ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__wrapper . focusable : focus ,
. layout-single-column . focusable : focus . detailed-status ,
. layout-single-column . focusable : focus . detailed-status__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper . focusable : focus . detailed-status ,
. layout-single-column . focusable : focus . detailed-status__action-bar {
outline : 0 ;
background : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
@media screen and ( min-width : 1175 px ) { /* Subtle hover effect when you hover over a post content in the timeline. Only on bigger screens. */
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper : has ( . status__content : hover ) {
background : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
/* 👁️ Post detailed view */
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__wrapper { /* Set full-width divider above and below a detailed post */
border-top : 4 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 4 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
. layout-single-column . scrollable > div : first-child > . detailed-status__wrapper { /* Disable top divider when the detailed post in first in column */
border-top : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . scrollable > div : last-child . detailed-status__wrapper : last-child { /* Disabled bottom divider when the detailed post is last in column */
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status . status__content {
line-height : 24 px ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. detailed-status__display-name strong ,
. detailed-status__display-name . display-name__account {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. detailed-status__display-name . display-name__account {
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__meta {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
opacity : .8 ;
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar {
padding : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column article > . account {
padding : 16 px ;
/* ⭐ Action bar */
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar {
justify-content : left ;
margin-top : 8 px ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar {
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar . status__action-bar__dropdown {
position : absolute ;
right : 18 px ;
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar . icon-button ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar . icon-button {
min-width : 32 px !important ;
height : 32 px !important ;
border-radius : 30 px ;
position : relative ;
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar i . fa-star : before ,
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar i . fa-bookmark : before ,
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar i . fa-share-alt : before ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar i . fa-star : before ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar i . fa-bookmark : before ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar i . fa-share-alt : before {
height : 32 px ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button . star-icon . active ,
. layout-single-column . notification__favourite-icon-wrapper . star-icon {
color : #ffb609 ;
. layout-single-column . status__prepend {
font-weight : bold ;
padding-top : 2 px ;
padding-left : 0 ;
padding-right : 0 ;
height : 25 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . status__prepend-icon-wrapper {
width : 56 px ;
text-align : right ;
. layout-single-column . status-card ,
. layout-single-column . status-card . compact {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : none ;
box-shadow :
0 1px 4px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 08 ) ;
. layout-single-column . status-card__title ,
. layout-single-column . status-card__host ,
. layout-single-column . status-card__description {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . status-card__description {
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . status-card__host {
opacity : .5 ;
. layout-single-column a . status-card : hover ,
. layout-single-column a . status-card . compact : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . status-card__image {
background : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . status-card__image > . fa {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . status__content p {
margin-bottom : 12 px ;
. layout-single-column . status__content p : last-child {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . status__content > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) {
margin-bottom : 1 px ;
. layout-single-column . status__content > p : first-child : has ( . status__content__spoiler-link ) span {
font-weight : bold ;
. layout-single-column . media-gallery {
border-radius : 8 px ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button . overlayed {
background-color : #ffffff ;
color : #444b5d ;
opacity : .6 ;
transition : opacity .3 s ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button . overlayed : hover {
background-color : #ffffff ;
color : #444b5d ;
opacity : 1 ;
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper--filtered__button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper--filtered {
2023-07-21 03:05:51 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-top : 2 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - lines ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
padding : 12 px ;
/* 📊 Polls */
. layout-single-column . poll__chart ,
. layout-single-column . muted . poll__chart . leading {
background : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
opacity : .4 ;
height : 12 px ;
border-radius : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . poll__chart . leading ,
. layout-single-column . muted . poll__chart . leading {
opacity : 1 ;
. layout-single-column . poll__footer {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . poll__link {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
. layout-single-column . poll__input {
border : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . poll__input : hover {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . poll__input . active ,
. layout-single-column . poll__input : active ,
. layout-single-column . poll__input : focus {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . poll__input . active {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . poll__footer . button . button-secondary {
padding : 0 16 px ;
. layout-single-column . poll__footer . button . button-secondary : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
/* Poll composer */
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper . poll__footer {
border-top : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper ul {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper . autosuggest-input input : focus {
box-shadow : 0 0 0 2 px var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper . poll__footer . button . button-secondary {
padding : 6 px 16 px ;
2023-07-20 22:07:55 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-form__poll-wrapper . icon-button . disabled {
color : transparent ;
pointer-events : none ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
/* Empty columns */
. layout-single-column . empty-column-indicator {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
contain : content ;
. layout-single-column . empty-column-indicator a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/* Timeline hint */
. layout-single-column . timeline-hint {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . timeline-hint a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/* 📤 DMs */
. layout-single-column . follow_requests-unlocked_explanation {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . follow_requests-unlocked_explanation a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation__unread {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation . conversation--unread {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg-focus ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation__unread {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation__content__names a strong {
font-weight : bold ;
. layout-single-column . conversation__content__names ,
. layout-single-column . conversation__content__names a ,
. layout-single-column . conversation__content__relative-time ,
. layout-single-column . conversation . attachment-list__list a ,
. layout-single-column . conversation . attachment-list . compact . fa ,
. layout-single-column . conversation . status__content p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. layout-single-column . conversation__content__relative-time {
opacity : .7 ;
/ * ⏺ ️ Column headers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . tabs-bar__wrapper {
background-color : transparent ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
box-shadow :
inset 0 10px var ( - - color-bg ) ,
0 - 30px var ( - - color-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-header {
border-radius : 7 px ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-header ,
. layout-single-column . column-back-button {
background : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__button ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__back-button {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__wrapper . active : before {
background : none ;
opacity : 40 % ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__wrapper . active {
box-shadow : 0 0 ;
. layout-single-column . column-header . active . column-header__icon {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-shadow : none ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . active ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__button : hover {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
2023-07-21 05:35:43 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . active ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__button . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__button : hover {
background-color : transparent ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . load-gap ,
. layout-single-column . load-more {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . load-gap : hover ,
. layout-single-column . load-more : hover {
opacity : .6 ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__collapsible {
border-bottom : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
2023-07-21 05:35:43 +09:00
box-shadow : 0 - 20 px 0 var ( -- color - bg ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . column-header__collapsible {
box-shadow : none ;
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . column-header__collapsible : not ( . collapsed ) {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__collapsible-inner {
background : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . column-settings__section {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . setting-toggle__label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-header > button {
padding : 0 0 0 15 px ;
line-height : 48 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__icon {
vertical-align : middle ;
display : inline-block ;
margin-right : 8 px ;
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
line-height : 23 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . ui__header {
background-color : transparent ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . ui__header__logo {
margin-left : 3 px ;
. layout-single-column . tabs-bar__wrapper {
box-shadow : none ;
display : none ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 ;
height : 55 px ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area--mobile {
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-header ,
. layout-single-column . column-back-button ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__button ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__back-button {
background-color : transparent ;
height : 55 px ;
. layout-single-column . ui : : after { /* Set a backdrop blur background to both top bars */
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
background-color : rgba ( 245 , 242 , 239 , 0 .75 ) ;
content : " " ;
height : 55 px ;
left : 0 ;
position : fixed ;
top : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
z-index : 1 ;
. layout-single-column . ui : has ( . columns-area__panels > . columns-area__panels__main > . tabs-bar__wrapper > # tabs-bar__portal > . column-back-button ) : after ,
. layout-single-column . ui : has ( . columns-area__panels > . columns-area__panels__main > . tabs-bar__wrapper > # tabs-bar__portal > . column-header__wrapper ) : after { /* Backdrop blur has double the height only in cases where there's 2 top bars present */
height : 110 px ;
. layout-single-column . tabs-bar__wrapper : has ( > # tabs-bar__portal > . column-back-button ) ,
. layout-single-column . tabs-bar__wrapper : has ( > # tabs-bar__portal > . column-header__wrapper ) { /* Column header (2nd top bar) is displayed only if there's something inside */
display : block ;
. layout-single-column . column-header__collapsible : not ( . collapsed ) { /* Remove margin between column settings and column header */
margin-top : - 10 px ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . ui : : after {
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .7 ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
/ * ⏺ ️ Horizontal selectors
( used to navigate subsections on the Explore , Live Feeds and Account pages ) * /
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar {
background : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
border-radius : 9 px ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a : hover ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button : hover ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a : hover ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a . active ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button . active ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a . active ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 4 px var ( -- color - accent-bg ) inset ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a . active : after ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a . active : before ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button . active : after ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button . active : before ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a . active : after ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a . active : before ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button . active : after ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button . active : before {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button {
background-color : transparent ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a : : after ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button : : after {
display : block ;
position : absolute ;
content : " " ;
width : 2 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
top : 8 px ;
right : - 2 px ;
bottom : 8 px ;
opacity : .1 ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
z-index : 1 ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a : last-child : : after ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button : last-child : : after {
display : none ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline a . active ,
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline button . active ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar a . active ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar button . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
/ * 📍 Navigation panel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . column-link--transparent {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link--logo {
margin-left : 4 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . column-link--logo ,
. layout-single-column . ui__header__logo {
display : inline-flex ;
padding : 0 ;
width : 50 px ;
height : 50 px ;
background-image : var ( -- logo ) ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-position : center ;
background-size : 32 px auto ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . column-link--logo svg ,
. layout-single-column . ui__header__logo svg {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel__logo {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-link : not ( . column-link--logo ) {
padding : 10 px 20 px 11 px 13 px ;
width : max-content ;
margin-left : 3 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
font-weight : bold ;
. layout-single-column . column-link--transparent : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
padding-right : 20 px ;
. layout-single-column . icon-with-badge__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
border-radius : 20 px ;
top : - 4 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . compose-panel hr , . navigation-panel hr {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . column-link__icon {
transform : scale ( .8 ) ;
vertical-align : middle ;
margin-right : 9 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-link span {
vertical-align : middle ;
. layout-single-column . column-link . fa : : before {
position : relative ;
top : 1 px ;
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
. layout-single-column . list-panel {
padding : 5 px 9 px 8 px 27 px ;
margin : 0 0 5 px ;
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . list-panel i . fa {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . list-panel . column-link {
width : auto ;
. layout-single-column . column-link [ href = " /lists " ] . active : has ( + . list-panel . column-link . active ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link [ href = " /lists " ] : hover + . list-panel ,
. layout-single-column . column-link [ href = " /lists " ] . active + . list-panel ,
. layout-single-column . list-panel : hover {
display : block ;
animation : fadein .5 s 1 ;
@keyframes fadein {
from {
opacity : 0 ;
transform : translateY ( - 10 % ) ;
to {
opacity : 1 ;
transform : translateY ( 0 ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . columns-area__panels__pane__inner {
width : 100 vw ;
height : calc ( 4 .2 em + env ( safe - area-inset-bottom )) ;
bottom : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
z-index : 3 ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . navigation-panel {
width : 100 vw ;
height : 4 .2 em ;
padding-bottom : env ( safe - area-inset-bottom ) ;
flex-direction : row ;
overflow-x : auto ;
backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
-webkit-backdrop-filter : blur ( 20 px ) ;
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .5 ) ;
border-left : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel . column-link ,
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel . navigation-panel__legal ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column . column-link--transparent : hover {
flex : 0 0 18 vw ;
margin : 6 px 0 7 px ;
padding : 4 px 0 3 px ;
border-radius : 0 ;
justify-content : center ;
display : inline-flex ;
align-items : center ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
background-color : transparent ;
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent : active {
margin : 6 px 0 7 px ;
padding : 4 px 0 3 px ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
box-shadow : 0 0 6 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .1 ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-link__icon {
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
margin : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . column-link span {
padding-left : .5 em ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main {
width : calc ( 100 % - 285 px ) ;
margin-left : - 285 px ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels {
padding-bottom : 6 em ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels . navigation-panel__legal {
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels . navigation-panel__legal . column-link--transparent {
height : calc ( 100 % - 13 px ) ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main {
width : 100 % ;
margin-left : - 55 px ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__pane--navigational . navigation-panel {
background-color : rgba ( 24 , 24 , 25 , 0 .7 ) ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column a . column-link--transparent : active {
background-color : var ( -- color - bg ) ;
/ * 👤 Account view
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . account__header {
border-radius : 7 px ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__image {
height : 150 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - secondary-bg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bar {
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bar . avatar . account__avatar {
border-radius : 50 % ;
border-width : 5 px ;
width : 100 px !important ;
height : 100 px !important ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__name h1 ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__name h1 small {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__name h1 small {
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__content a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__content a : hover {
text-decoration : underline ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__extra__links a strong {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__account-note label {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__account-note label ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__account-note textarea : : placeholder {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
opacity : .5 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__account-note textarea {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__account-note textarea : focus {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__extra__links a ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__content ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dd {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields : has ( dl : only-child ) {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dt {
font-weight : bold ;
font-size : 12 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified {
border-bottom : 0 ;
position : relative ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl : not ( : last-child ) : after {
display : block ;
content : " " ;
height : 2 px ;
bottom : - 1 px ;
right : 15 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
left : 15 px ;
position : absolute ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dl : nth-child ( 2 ) { /* Add a corner radius to the second profile field because we're hiding the Joined field */
border-top-left-radius : 7 px ;
border-top-right-radius : 7 px ;
margin-top : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified + . verified { /* Fix double border between 2 successive verified fields */
margin-top : 0 ;
border-top-width : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified a , . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified dd { /* Verified field tweak: vivid green text */
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified dt ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields dt { /* Verified field tweak: restore default field title color */
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified { /* Verified field tweak: restore default background and border */
border-top : 0 ;
border-right : 0 ;
border-left : 0 ;
background : none ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__extra . account__header__fields . verified dd span : first-child { /* Verified field tweak: adding a green background circle to the checkmark icon */
display : inline-block ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
border-radius : 50 px ;
width : 1 .2 em ;
height : 1 .2 em ;
line-height : 1 .2 ;
text-align : center ;
margin-right : 2 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__extra . account__header__fields . verified dd span : first-child i { /* white checkmark */
color : #fff ;
font-size : 85 % ;
transform : scale ( .9 ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields . verified : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account-timeline__header + article . status__wrapper ,
. layout-single-column . account-timeline__header + article . account { /* rounded corners on first post below account header + on first account in followings/followers list */
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
. layout-single-column . follow-request-banner ,
. layout-single-column . moved-account-banner {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . moved-account-banner {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . follow-request-banner__message ,
. layout-single-column . moved-account-banner__message {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . moved-account-banner__message {
font-weight : bold ;
/ * ✨ Explore tab
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline + . scrollable article : first-child . status__wrapper {
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button . active . fa . fa-retweet + . icon-button__counter . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - verified ) ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button . active . fa . fa-star + . icon-button__counter . animated-number {
color : #ca8f04 ;
/* #️⃣ Trending hashtags */
. layout-single-column . trends__item__sparkline path : last-child {
stroke : var ( -- color - accent ) !important ;
. layout-single-column . trends__item__sparkline path : first-child {
fill : var ( -- color - accent ) !important ;
opacity : 20 % ;
. layout-single-column . explore__links {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main . trends__item {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . explore__links . trends__item : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . trends__item__name ,
. layout-single-column . trends__item__name a {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. getting-started__trends . trends__item__current {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . scrollable . account-card {
margin : 0 0 10 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__header {
padding : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
height : 128 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. layout-single-column . scrollable . account-card__bio : after {
background : linear-gradient ( 270 deg , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent ) ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__title__avatar . account__avatar {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
overflow : visible ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__title__avatar img {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 3 px var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
/* Account recommendations (For You Tab + User directory */
. layout-single-column . scrollable . account-card {
margin : 0 0 10 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__header {
padding : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
height : 128 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. layout-single-column . scrollable . account-card__bio : after {
background : linear-gradient ( 270 deg , var ( -- color - content - bg ) , transparent ) ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__title__avatar . account__avatar {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
overflow : visible ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__title__avatar img {
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 50 % ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 3 px var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__title . display-name bdi ,
. layout-single-column . account-card__counters__item ,
. layout-single-column . account-card__counters__item small {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__counters__item small {
opacity : .7 ;
. layout-single-column . account-card__bio a {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . filter-form {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . filter-form__column {
padding : 10 px 15 px ;
/* 📰 Trending stories */
. layout-single-column . story {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . story : not ( : last-child ) {
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. layout-single-column . story ,
. layout-single-column . story__details__title {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . story : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . story__details__publisher ,
. layout-single-column . story__details__shared {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
/* 🔍 Search field and search results */
. layout-single-column . search {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . search__input {
border-radius : 7 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : none ;
. layout-single-column . search__input : : placeholder ,
. layout-single-column . compose-form . spoiler-input__input : : placeholder {
font-weight : 500 ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . search__input : focus {
box-shadow : inset 0 0 0 2 px var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . fa-search ,
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . fa . active {
right : 15 px ;
top : 15 px ;
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-07-20 21:23:01 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . fa-search . active ,
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . fa-times-circle . active ,
. layout-single-column . search__icon . fa . active {
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
opacity : 1 ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
. layout-single-column . compose-panel . fa-times-circle . active {
top : 16 px ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-results {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-header {
background-color : transparent ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-results . account {
padding-top : 16 px ;
. layout-single-column . account . account__details > span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account . account__details . verified-badge {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . search__popout {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
box-shadow : 0 4 px 6 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 ,. 1 ) ;
margin-top : 5 px ;
. layout-single-column . search__popout h4 ,
. layout-single-column . search__popout__menu__message ,
. layout-single-column . search__popout__menu__item {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . search__popout__menu__item mark {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. search__popout__menu__item . selected ,
. search__popout__menu__item : active ,
. search__popout__menu__item : focus ,
. search__popout__menu__item : hover ,
. search__popout__menu__item . selected mark ,
. search__popout__menu__item : active mark ,
. search__popout__menu__item : focus mark ,
. search__popout__menu__item : hover mark {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . search {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-header {
padding-top : 2 px ;
. layout-single-column . search__input {
padding : 13 px ;
. layout-single-column i . fa-search ,
. layout-single-column i . fa . active {
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
top : 13 px ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-header {
padding : 0 0 10 px ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 889 px ) {
. layout-single-column . account__section-headline ,
. layout-single-column . notification__filter-bar {
margin-left : 10 px ;
margin-right : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-header {
padding : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . dismissable-banner {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
box-shadow : 0 5 px var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
border : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . dismissable-banner__message ,
. layout-single-column . dismissable-banner__action . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
/ * 🔔 Notifications
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . status . muted . status__content ,
. layout-single-column . status . muted . status__content a ,
. layout-single-column . status . muted . status__content p ,
. layout-single-column . status . muted . status__display-name strong ,
. layout-single-column . attachment-list__list a ,
. layout-single-column . attachment-list . compact . fa {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. layout-single-column . notification . unread : : before ,
. layout-single-column . status__wrapper . unread : : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
width : 7 px ;
border : 0 ;
top : 5 px ;
height : auto ;
bottom : 5 px ;
border-radius : 8 px ;
left : 5 px ;
z-index : 1 ;
. layout-single-column . notification__message {
padding : 12 px 12 px 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . notification__message . fa {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . notification__favourite-icon-wrapper {
width : 56 px ;
text-align : right ;
. layout-single-column . notification__favourite-icon-wrapper i . fa-star {
font-size : 15 px ;
. layout-single-column . notification__favourite-icon-wrapper i . fa-star : before {
line-height : 24 px ;
. layout-single-column . notification . status__wrapper {
padding-top : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . notification-favourite . status__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . notification-reblog . status__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . notification-poll . status__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . notification-status . status__action-bar {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . account {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
padding-left : 22 px ;
padding-top : 4 px ;
. layout-single-column . explore__search-results . account {
padding-top : 16 px ;
/* 📋 Lists tab */
. layout-single-column . column-inline-form {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-inline-form label input ,
. layout-single-column . column-inline-form label input : focus {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . column-inline-form label input : focus {
box-shadow : 0 0 0 2 px var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-subheading ,
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main . column-link {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-subheading {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main . column-link {
margin-left : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main . column-link : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . columns-area__panels__main article : last-child . column-link {
border : 0 ;
/* List adder dialog */
. layout-single-column . list-adder ,
. layout-single-column . list-adder__account ,
. layout-single-column . list-adder__lists {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . list-adder__account {
margin-top : 12 px ;
. layout-single-column . list-adder . column-inline-form {
border-radius : 0 ;
. list-adder . list {
border-bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
/* ➕ Follow requests */
. layout-single-column # Follow-requests {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
z-index : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account-authorize__wrapper {
margin : 10 px 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account-authorize {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
padding : 20 px
. layout-single-column . account--panel {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 0 7 px 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__content {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account--panel__button : first-child . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column # Follow-requests + . column-back-button--slim . column-back-button {
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
width : auto ;
padding : 12 px ;
/ * ⏺ ️ Other UI components : buttons , toggles , . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . button ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button {
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . button ,
. layout-single-column . button . logo-button ,
. layout-single-column . rules-list li : before ,
. layout-single-column . icon-with-badge__badge {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
transition : all .2 s ;
. layout-single-column . text-icon-button . active ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__fields a ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields a ,
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content a . unhandled-link ,
. layout-single-column . status__content a ,
. layout-single-column . status__content a . hashtag ,
. layout-single-column . status__content a . unhandled-link ,
. layout-single-column . column-back-button ,
. layout-single-column . about__section__title ,
. layout-single-column . prose a ,
. layout-single-column . column-link--transparent . active ,
. layout-single-column . column-header > . column-header__back-button ,
. layout-single-column . column-header__back-button ,
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal__icon ,
. layout-single-column . status__content a . mention ,
. layout-single-column . status__content__read-more-button ,
. layout-single-column . status__action-bar__dropdown . icon-button . active ,
. layout-single-column . account__relationship . icon-button . active ,
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button . active ,
. layout-single-column . text-btn ,
. layout-single-column . detailed-status__action-bar-dropdown . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button ,
. layout-single-column . icon-button . inverted ,
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content . status__content__spoiler-link ,
. layout-single-column . status__content . status__content__spoiler-link {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . reply-indicator__content . status__content__spoiler-link ,
. layout-single-column . status__content . status__content__spoiler-link {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button {
padding : 3 px ;
border : 0 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . account__header__tabs__buttons . icon-button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . icon-button : active ,
. layout-single-column . icon-button : focus ,
. layout-single-column . icon-button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item . active ,
. layout-single-column . language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item . active : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . button : not ( . button-secondary ) : active ,
. layout-single-column . button : not ( . button-secondary ) : focus ,
. layout-single-column . button : not ( . button-secondary ) : hover ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary : active ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary : focus ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary : hover ,
. layout-single-column . button . logo-button : active ,
. layout-single-column . button . logo-button : focus ,
. layout-single-column . button . logo-button : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-focus ) ;
/* ⏺️ Toggles */
. layout-single-column . setting-toggle__label {
vertical-align : top ;
. layout-single-column . react-toggle-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
. layout-single-column . react-toggle-thumb {
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked . react-toggle-track ,
. layout-single-column . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked : is ( : hover , : focus-within ) : not ( . react-toggle--disabled ) . react-toggle-track ,
. layout-single-column . react-toggle . react-toggle--checked : hover : not ( . react-toggle--disabled ) . react-toggle-track {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . react-toggle--checked . react-toggle-thumb {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/* ⏺️ Radio buttons */
. layout-single-column . radio-button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . radio-button__input {
border-width : 2 px ;
border-color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . radio-button__input . checked {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item a ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__arrow : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item a : active ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item a : focus ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item a : hover ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item button : active ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item button : focus ,
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__item button : hover {
background : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
outline : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . dropdown-menu__separator {
border-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown . active . privacy-dropdown__value . active ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown . active . privacy-dropdown__value ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option . active ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option . active : hover ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option . active . privacy-dropdown__option__content ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option . active . privacy-dropdown__option__content strong ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option : hover . privacy-dropdown__option__content ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown__option : hover . privacy-dropdown__option__content strong ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown . active . privacy-dropdown__value . active . icon-button ,
. layout-single-column . privacy-dropdown . icon-button . inverted . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive {
background-color : transparent ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation {
color : #4e8a6b ;
background-color : rgba ( 121 , 189 , 154 , 0 .3 ) ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive {
color : #df405a ;
background-color : rgba ( 223 , 64 , 90 , 0 .3 ) ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation : active ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation : focus ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation : hover {
background-color : #79bd9a ;
color : #ffffff ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive : active ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive : focus ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive : hover {
background-color : #df405a ;
color : #ffffff ;
@media ( prefers-color-scheme : dark ) {
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--confirmation {
color : #72cb9d ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary . button--destructive {
color : #f3637b ;
. layout-single-column . app-body . block-modal__cancel-button ,
. layout-single-column . app-body . confirmation-modal__cancel-button ,
. layout-single-column . app-body . confirmation-modal__secondary-button ,
. layout-single-column . app-body . mute-modal__cancel-button {
background-color : transparent ;
. layout-single-column . status__content a . hashtag {
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/ * 🖱 ️ Interaction modals
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal ,
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal__lead h3 {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal__lead p ,
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal__choices__choice p {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal . button ,
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal . button . button-tertiary {
padding : 10 px 18 px ;
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal . button . button-tertiary : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
. layout-single-column . copypaste input {
border-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . interaction-modal . copypaste button {
padding : 7 px 18 px ;
. layout-single-column . modal-root__overlay {
background-color : hsla ( 0 , 0 % , 1 % , 0 .7 ) ;
. layout-single-column . modal-root__modal ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container ,
. layout-single-column . mute-modal__container ,
. layout-single-column . block-modal__container {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container {
margin-bottom : - 11 px ;
. layout-single-column . confirmation-modal__container ,
. layout-single-column . mute-modal__container ,
. layout-single-column . block-modal__container {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . block-modal__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . confirmation-modal__action-bar ,
. layout-single-column . mute-modal__action-bar {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . block-modal__action-bar > div ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__action-bar > div ,
. layout-single-column . confirmation-modal__action-bar > div ,
. layout-single-column . mute-modal__action-bar > div ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container . status__content__text ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container . display-name strong . display-name__html ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container . status__info ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container . status__relative-time time ,
. layout-single-column . boost-modal__container . status . light . status__visibility-icon {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a . active ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a . active button ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : active ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : active button ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : focus ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : focus button ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : hover ,
. layout-single-column . actions-modal ul li : not ( : empty ) a : hover button {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
/* 🖼️ Picture in Picture */
. layout-single-column . picture-in-picture {
box-shadow : 0 0 5 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .2 ) ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . picture-in-picture__footer ,
. layout-single-column . picture-in-picture__header {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . picture-in-picture__header . display-name span {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
/* ⏯️ Video controls */
. layout-single-column . video-player__seek__progress ,
. layout-single-column . video-player__volume__handle ,
. layout-single-column . video-player__volume__current ,
. layout-single-column . video-player__seek__handle {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
/ * 📄 Meta
- - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . link-footer p ,
. layout-single-column . link-footer a {
color : var ( -- color - fg-muted ) ;
/* Server banner */
. layout-single-column . server-banner__introduction {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner {
padding : 0 0 20 px ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__hero {
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__description {
padding : 20 px 15 px 20 px ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__meta {
padding : 10 px 15 px 20 px ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
gap : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
border-radius : 0 0 7 px 7 px ;
align-items : end ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner h4 {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__number {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__number-label {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner . account {
background-color : transparent ;
box-shadow : none ;
padding : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__meta__column : first-child {
width : calc ( 60 % - 5 px ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__meta__column : nth-child ( 2 ) {
width : calc ( 40 % - 5 px ) ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner__meta__column : nth-child ( 2 ) h4 {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . server-banner . button . button-secondary {
padding : 10 px ;
margin : 10 px 0 ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-secondary ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary {
border : 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . button . button-secondary : hover ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary : hover {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . sign-in-banner . button ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-secondary ,
. layout-single-column . button . button-tertiary {
padding : 10 px 18 px ;
. layout-single-column . sign-in-banner p {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
opacity : .5 ;
2023-07-20 21:04:01 +09:00
/* 🤗 Onboarding suggestions */
. layout-single-column . scrollable . follow-recommendations-container ,
. layout-single-column . column-list {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-title . logo {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . column-title h3 ,
. layout-single-column . column-title p {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . column-list {
border : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . account__note {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-muted ) ;
2023-07-21 05:35:43 +09:00
/* 📢 Announcements */
. layout-single-column . announcements ,
. layout-single-column . announcements : : after {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . announcements {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
overflow : visible ;
z-index : 0 ;
box-shadow : 0 - 20 px var ( -- color - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . announcements__item strong {
font-weight : 800 ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
. layout-single-column . announcements__pagination ,
. layout-single-column . announcements__pagination . icon-button {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . announcements__mastodon {
border-radius : 0 0 0 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar__item {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar__item . active {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar__item__count ,
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar__item__count . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar__item . active . reactions-bar__item__count . animated-number {
color : var ( -- color - accent-fg ) ;
2023-07-21 05:43:16 +09:00
. layout-single-column . reactions-bar . emoji-button ,
. layout-single-column . announcements__item__content a . unhandled-link {
2023-07-21 05:35:43 +09:00
color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 1174 px ) {
. layout-single-column . announcements {
box-shadow : none ;
margin-top : - 10 px ;
border-radius : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . announcements__mastodon {
border-radius : 0 ;
2023-07-20 00:43:03 +09:00
/ * 📜 About page
- - - - - - - - - - - - - * /
. layout-single-column . scrollable . about {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
display : flex ;
flex-flow : column ;
. layout-single-column . about__header {
order : 1 ;
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . about__section : nth-child ( 3 ) {
order : 2 ;
. layout-single-column . about__meta {
order : 3 ;
. layout-single-column . about__section : nth-child ( 4 ) {
order : 4 ;
. layout-single-column . about__section : nth-child ( 5 ) {
order : 5 ;
. layout-single-column . link-footer {
order : 6 ;
. layout-single-column . about__footer {
order : 7 ;
. layout-single-column . about__header h1 ,
. layout-single-column . about__header p ,
. layout-single-column # mastodon > div > div > div . columns-area__panels > div . columns-area__panels__main > div . columns-area . columns-area--mobile > div > div > div . about__section . active : nth-of-type ( 3 ) > div . about__section__title {
display : none ;
. layout-single-column . about__header p ,
. layout-single-column . about__meta h4 {
color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . about__header__hero {
margin : - 20 px - 20 px 20 px ;
width : calc ( 100 % + 40 px ) ;
border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . about__header__hero ,
. layout-single-column . about__meta {
margin-bottom : 10 px ;
. layout-single-column . about__header h1 {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . about__mail {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . about__meta h4 {
font-size : 12 px ;
font-weight : bold ;
margin-bottom : 8 px ;
. layout-single-column . about__meta . account {
background : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
padding : 0 ;
. layout-single-column . about__meta__divider {
border-left : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
@media screen and ( max-width : 600 px ) {
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border-top : 3 px solid var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
width : 90 % ;
. layout-single-column . about__section : nth-child ( 3 ) . about__section__body {
padding-bottom : 4 em ;
. layout-single-column . about__meta ,
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color : var ( -- color - accent ) ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
border-radius : 7 px ;
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border-radius : 7 px 7 px 0 0 ;
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border : 0 !important ;
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
border-radius : 0 0 7 px 7 px ;
. layout-single-column . prose ,
. layout-single-column . prose p ,
. layout-single-column . prose b ,
. layout-single-column . prose h1 ,
. layout-single-column . prose h2 ,
. layout-single-column . prose h3 ,
. layout-single-column . prose h4 ,
. layout-single-column . prose h5 ,
. layout-single-column . prose h6 ,
. layout-single-column . prose strong ,
. layout-single-column . rules-list ,
. layout-single-column . about__domain-blocks__domain h6 ,
. layout-single-column . about__domain-blocks__domain__type {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . prose ul > li : before {
background-color : var ( -- color - fg ) ;
. layout-single-column . about__section__body . prose hr {
border-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-separator ) ;
margin-top : 2 em ;
margin-bottom : 2 em ;
border-width : 3 px ;
. layout-single-column . about__section__body . prose a ,
. layout-single-column . about__section__body . prose a : hover {
color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
. layout-single-column . about__section__body . prose small . lang_label {
margin-left : - 2 em ;
display : block ;
color : var ( -- color - content - fg-bold ) ;
opacity : .5 ;
font-weight : bold ;
font-size : 80 % ;
float : left ;
. about__section . active . about__section__title {
background-color : var ( -- color - accent-bg ) ;
. layout-single-column . rules-list li {
border-bottom : 2 px solid #f5f2ef ;
padding : 1 em 1 .75 em 1 em 3 .4 em ;
. layout-single-column . rules-list li : last-child {
border-bottom : 0 ;
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background-color : var ( -- color - content - bg ) ;
border : 0 ;
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color : var ( -- color - content - fg ) ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
. about__domain-blocks__domain : nth-child ( 2n ) {
background-color : var ( -- color - content - secondary-bg ) ;
/* 👋 Hide superfluous UI */
. layout-single-column div # mastodon > div > div > div : nth-child ( 2 ) > div : nth-child ( 3 ) > div > div > div : nth-child ( 3 ) > hr ,
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel__legal > hr ,
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel > . column-link : only-of-type , / * Hide Explore tab for logged-out users * /
. layout-single-column . navigation-panel__sign-in-banner + . navigation-panel__legal + . flex-spacer + . getting-started__trends , / * Hide Trending section for logged-out users * /
. layout-single-column . about__footer , / * Hide meta footer * /
. layout-single-column . server-banner__introduction , / * Hide generic mastodon server introduction in sidebar * /
. layout-single-column . search-banner ~ . search , / * Hide search field for logged out users * /
. layout-single-column . ui__header__links . button . button-tertiary ,
. layout-single-column . getting-started__trends h4 , / * Hide Trending header in sidebar * /
. layout-single-column . account__header__bio . account__header__fields > dl : first-child / * Hide " Joined " field on profiles * / {
display : none ;