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synced 2025-01-15 22:33:38 +09:00
Error message: ``` ReplyError: ERR value is not an integer or out of range script: 720d973b3877f92b4fb3285ced83c97cdd204979, on @user_script:209. ``` The whole error can be tracked back to one of the arguments, which is `Infinity` in the codebase, but it has to be a number. The documentation in bullmq says `0` is unlimited[^1], and bullmq tries to parse the argument with `tonumber` which returns with `-9223372036854775808` if the argument is `"Infinity"` which is out of bound. ```> eval 'return tonumber(ARGV[3])' '2' 'slippy.xyz:queue:inbox:inbox:delayed' 'slippy.xyz:queue:inbox:inbox:events' 'slippy.xyz:queue:inbox:inbox:' '1687183763944' Infinity 'delayed' (integer) -9223372036854775808> ``` [^1]: https://github.com/taskforcesh/bullmq/blob/master/src/commands/cleanJobsInSet-2.lua#L10 Signed-off-by: Efertone <efertone@pm.me>
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import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import type { IActivity } from '@/core/activitypub/type.js';
import type { DriveFile } from '@/models/entities/DriveFile.js';
import type { Webhook, webhookEventTypes } from '@/models/entities/Webhook.js';
import type { Config } from '@/config.js';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import type { Antenna } from '@/server/api/endpoints/i/import-antennas.js';
import type { DbQueue, DeliverQueue, EndedPollNotificationQueue, InboxQueue, ObjectStorageQueue, RelationshipQueue, SystemQueue, WebhookDeliverQueue } from './QueueModule.js';
import type { DbJobData, RelationshipJobData, ThinUser } from '../queue/types.js';
import type httpSignature from '@peertube/http-signature';
import type * as Bull from 'bullmq';
export class QueueService {
private config: Config,
@Inject('queue:system') public systemQueue: SystemQueue,
@Inject('queue:endedPollNotification') public endedPollNotificationQueue: EndedPollNotificationQueue,
@Inject('queue:deliver') public deliverQueue: DeliverQueue,
@Inject('queue:inbox') public inboxQueue: InboxQueue,
@Inject('queue:db') public dbQueue: DbQueue,
@Inject('queue:relationship') public relationshipQueue: RelationshipQueue,
@Inject('queue:objectStorage') public objectStorageQueue: ObjectStorageQueue,
@Inject('queue:webhookDeliver') public webhookDeliverQueue: WebhookDeliverQueue,
) {
this.systemQueue.add('tickCharts', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '55 * * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
this.systemQueue.add('resyncCharts', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '0 0 * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
this.systemQueue.add('cleanCharts', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '0 0 * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
this.systemQueue.add('aggregateRetention', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '0 0 * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
this.systemQueue.add('clean', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '0 0 * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
this.systemQueue.add('checkExpiredMutings', {
}, {
repeat: { pattern: '*/5 * * * *' },
removeOnComplete: true,
public deliver(user: ThinUser, content: IActivity | null, to: string | null, isSharedInbox: boolean) {
if (content == null) return null;
if (to == null) return null;
const data = {
user: {
id: user.id,
return this.deliverQueue.add(to, data, {
attempts: this.config.deliverJobMaxAttempts ?? 12,
backoff: {
type: 'custom',
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public inbox(activity: IActivity, signature: httpSignature.IParsedSignature) {
const data = {
activity: activity,
return this.inboxQueue.add('', data, {
attempts: this.config.inboxJobMaxAttempts ?? 8,
backoff: {
type: 'custom',
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createDeleteDriveFilesJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('deleteDriveFiles', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportCustomEmojisJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportCustomEmojis', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportNotesJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportNotes', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportFavoritesJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportFavorites', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportFollowingJob(user: ThinUser, excludeMuting = false, excludeInactive = false) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportFollowing', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportMuteJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportMuting', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportBlockingJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportBlocking', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportUserListsJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportUserLists', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createExportAntennasJob(user: ThinUser) {
return this.dbQueue.add('exportAntennas', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportFollowingJob(user: ThinUser, fileId: DriveFile['id']) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importFollowing', {
user: { id: user.id },
fileId: fileId,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportFollowingToDbJob(user: ThinUser, targets: string[]) {
const jobs = targets.map(rel => this.generateToDbJobData('importFollowingToDb', { user, target: rel }));
return this.dbQueue.addBulk(jobs);
public createImportMutingJob(user: ThinUser, fileId: DriveFile['id']) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importMuting', {
user: { id: user.id },
fileId: fileId,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportBlockingJob(user: ThinUser, fileId: DriveFile['id']) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importBlocking', {
user: { id: user.id },
fileId: fileId,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportBlockingToDbJob(user: ThinUser, targets: string[]) {
const jobs = targets.map(rel => this.generateToDbJobData('importBlockingToDb', { user, target: rel }));
return this.dbQueue.addBulk(jobs);
private generateToDbJobData<T extends 'importFollowingToDb' | 'importBlockingToDb', D extends DbJobData<T>>(name: T, data: D): {
name: string,
data: D,
opts: Bull.JobsOptions,
} {
return {
opts: {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportUserListsJob(user: ThinUser, fileId: DriveFile['id']) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importUserLists', {
user: { id: user.id },
fileId: fileId,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportCustomEmojisJob(user: ThinUser, fileId: DriveFile['id']) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importCustomEmojis', {
user: { id: user.id },
fileId: fileId,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createImportAntennasJob(user: ThinUser, antenna: Antenna) {
return this.dbQueue.add('importAntennas', {
user: { id: user.id },
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createDeleteAccountJob(user: ThinUser, opts: { soft?: boolean; } = {}) {
return this.dbQueue.add('deleteAccount', {
user: { id: user.id },
soft: opts.soft,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createFollowJob(followings: { from: ThinUser, to: ThinUser, requestId?: string, silent?: boolean }[]) {
const jobs = followings.map(rel => this.generateRelationshipJobData('follow', rel));
return this.relationshipQueue.addBulk(jobs);
public createUnfollowJob(followings: { from: ThinUser, to: ThinUser, requestId?: string }[]) {
const jobs = followings.map(rel => this.generateRelationshipJobData('unfollow', rel));
return this.relationshipQueue.addBulk(jobs);
public createDelayedUnfollowJob(followings: { from: ThinUser, to: ThinUser, requestId?: string }[], delay: number) {
const jobs = followings.map(rel => this.generateRelationshipJobData('unfollow', rel, { delay }));
return this.relationshipQueue.addBulk(jobs);
public createBlockJob(blockings: { from: ThinUser, to: ThinUser, silent?: boolean }[]) {
const jobs = blockings.map(rel => this.generateRelationshipJobData('block', rel));
return this.relationshipQueue.addBulk(jobs);
public createUnblockJob(blockings: { from: ThinUser, to: ThinUser, silent?: boolean }[]) {
const jobs = blockings.map(rel => this.generateRelationshipJobData('unblock', rel));
return this.relationshipQueue.addBulk(jobs);
private generateRelationshipJobData(name: 'follow' | 'unfollow' | 'block' | 'unblock', data: RelationshipJobData, opts: Bull.JobsOptions = {}): {
name: string,
data: RelationshipJobData,
opts: Bull.JobsOptions,
} {
return {
data: {
from: { id: data.from.id },
to: { id: data.to.id },
silent: data.silent,
requestId: data.requestId,
opts: {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createDeleteObjectStorageFileJob(key: string) {
return this.objectStorageQueue.add('deleteFile', {
key: key,
}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public createCleanRemoteFilesJob() {
return this.objectStorageQueue.add('cleanRemoteFiles', {}, {
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public webhookDeliver(webhook: Webhook, type: typeof webhookEventTypes[number], content: unknown) {
const data = {
webhookId: webhook.id,
userId: webhook.userId,
to: webhook.url,
secret: webhook.secret,
createdAt: Date.now(),
eventId: uuid(),
return this.webhookDeliverQueue.add(webhook.id, data, {
attempts: 4,
backoff: {
type: 'custom',
removeOnComplete: true,
removeOnFail: true,
public destroy() {
this.deliverQueue.once('cleaned', (jobs, status) => {
//deliverLogger.succ(`Cleaned ${jobs.length} ${status} jobs`);
this.deliverQueue.clean(0, 0, 'delayed');
this.inboxQueue.once('cleaned', (jobs, status) => {
//inboxLogger.succ(`Cleaned ${jobs.length} ${status} jobs`);
this.inboxQueue.clean(0, 0, 'delayed');