mirror of https://github.com/MisskeyIO/misskey synced 2024-12-18 00:29:00 +09:00
2018-08-02 19:03:31 +09:00

299 lines
6.5 KiB

<div class="mk-notes">
<slot name="head"></slot>
<slot name="empty" v-if="notes.length == 0 && !fetching && requestInitPromise == null"></slot>
<div class="init" v-if="fetching">
%fa:spinner .pulse%%i18n:common.loading%
<div v-if="!fetching && requestInitPromise != null">
<button @click="resolveInitPromise">%i18n:@retry%</button>
<!-- トランジションを有効にするとなぜかメモリリークする -->
<!-- <transition-group name="mk-notes" class="transition"> -->
<div class="transition">
<template v-for="(note, i) in _notes">
<mk-note :note="note" :key="note.id" @update:note="onNoteUpdated(i, $event)"/>
<p class="date" :key="note.id + '_date'" v-if="i != notes.length - 1 && note._date != _notes[i + 1]._date">
<span>%fa:angle-up%{{ note._datetext }}</span>
<span>%fa:angle-down%{{ _notes[i + 1]._datetext }}</span>
<!-- </transition-group> -->
<footer v-if="more">
<button @click="loadMore" :disabled="moreFetching" :style="{ cursor: moreFetching ? 'wait' : 'pointer' }">
<template v-if="!moreFetching">%i18n:@load-more%</template>
<template v-if="moreFetching">%fa:spinner .pulse .fw%</template>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import getNoteSummary from '../../../../../misc/get-note-summary';
const displayLimit = 30;
export default Vue.extend({
props: {
more: {
type: Function,
required: false
data() {
return {
requestInitPromise: null as () => Promise<any[]>,
notes: [],
queue: [],
unreadCount: 0,
fetching: true,
moreFetching: false
computed: {
_notes(): any[] {
return (this.notes as any).map(note => {
const date = new Date(note.createdAt).getDate();
const month = new Date(note.createdAt).getMonth() + 1;
note._date = date;
note._datetext = `${month}${date}`;
return note;
watch: {
queue(x) {
if (x.length > 0) {
this.$store.commit('indicate', true);
} else {
this.$store.commit('indicate', false);
mounted() {
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange, false);
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, { passive: true });
beforeDestroy() {
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange);
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll);
methods: {
isScrollTop() {
return window.scrollY <= 8;
onNoteUpdated(i, note) {
Vue.set((this as any).notes, i, note);
init(promiseGenerator: () => Promise<any[]>) {
this.requestInitPromise = promiseGenerator;
resolveInitPromise() {
this.queue = [];
this.notes = [];
this.fetching = true;
const promise = this.requestInitPromise();
promise.then(notes => {
this.notes = notes;
this.requestInitPromise = null;
this.fetching = false;
}, e => {
this.fetching = false;
prepend(note, silent = false) {
//#region 弾く
const isMyNote = note.userId == this.$store.state.i.id;
const isPureRenote = note.renoteId != null && note.text == null && note.mediaIds.length == 0 && note.poll == null;
if (this.$store.state.settings.showMyRenotes === false) {
if (isMyNote && isPureRenote) {
if (this.$store.state.settings.showRenotedMyNotes === false) {
if (isPureRenote && (note.renote.userId == this.$store.state.i.id)) {
// 投稿が自分のものではないかつ、タブが非表示またはスクロール位置が最上部ではないならタイトルで通知
if ((document.hidden || !this.isScrollTop()) && note.userId !== this.$store.state.i.id) {
document.title = `(${this.unreadCount}) ${getNoteSummary(note)}`;
if (this.isScrollTop()) {
// Prepend the note
// オーバーフローしたら古い投稿は捨てる
if (this.notes.length >= displayLimit) {
this.notes = this.notes.slice(0, displayLimit);
} else {
append(note) {
tail() {
return this.notes[this.notes.length - 1];
releaseQueue() {
this.queue.forEach(n => this.prepend(n, true));
this.queue = [];
async loadMore() {
if (this.more == null) return;
if (this.moreFetching) return;
this.moreFetching = true;
await this.more();
this.moreFetching = false;
clearNotification() {
this.unreadCount = 0;
document.title = '%i18n:common.name%';
onVisibilitychange() {
if (!document.hidden) {
onScroll() {
if (this.isScrollTop()) {
if (this.$store.state.settings.fetchOnScroll !== false) {
// 親要素が display none だったら弾く
// https://github.com/syuilo/misskey/issues/1569
// http://d.hatena.ne.jp/favril/20091105/1257403319
if (this.$el.offsetHeight == 0) return;
const current = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
if (current > document.body.offsetHeight - 8) this.loadMore();
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> .init
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> [data-fa]
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> .empty
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