mirror of
synced 2024-12-16 15:48:19 +09:00
186 lines
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186 lines
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<div class="zyknedwtlthezamcjlolyusmipqmjgxz">
<span><fa icon="microchip"/> CPU <span>{{ cpuP }}%</span></span>
<span v-if="meta">{{ meta.cpu.model }}</span>
<div ref="cpu"></div>
<span><fa icon="memory"/> MEM <span>{{ memP }}%</span></span>
<span v-if="meta"></span>
<div ref="mem"></div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import ApexCharts from 'apexcharts';
export default Vue.extend({
props: ['connection'],
data() {
return {
stats: [],
cpuChart: null,
memChart: null,
cpuP: '',
memP: '',
meta: null
watch: {
stats(stats) {
data: stats.map((x, i) => ({ x: i, y: x.cpu_usage }))
data: stats.map((x, i) => ({ x: i, y: (x.mem.used / x.mem.total) }))
mounted() {
this.$root.getMeta().then(meta => {
this.meta = meta;
this.connection.on('stats', this.onStats);
this.connection.on('statsLog', this.onStatsLog);
this.connection.send('requestLog', {
id: Math.random().toString().substr(2, 8),
length: 200
const chartOpts = {
chart: {
type: 'area',
height: 200,
animations: {
dynamicAnimation: {
enabled: false
toolbar: {
show: false
zoom: {
enabled: false
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
grid: {
clipMarkers: false,
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
stroke: {
curve: 'straight',
width: 2
tooltip: {
enabled: false
series: [{
data: []
xaxis: {
type: 'numeric',
labels: {
show: false
tooltip: {
enabled: false
yaxis: {
show: false,
min: 0,
max: 1
this.cpuChart = new ApexCharts(this.$refs.cpu, chartOpts);
this.memChart = new ApexCharts(this.$refs.mem, chartOpts);
beforeDestroy() {
this.connection.off('stats', this.onStats);
this.connection.off('statsLog', this.onStatsLog);
methods: {
onStats(stats) {
if (this.stats.length > 200) this.stats.shift();
this.cpuP = (stats.cpu_usage * 100).toFixed(0);
this.memP = (stats.mem.used / stats.mem.total * 100).toFixed(0);
onStatsLog(statsLog) {
for (const stats of statsLog.reverse()) {
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opacity 0.7
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