mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 21:18:13 +09:00
Refactoring of i18n
389 lines
8.6 KiB
389 lines
8.6 KiB
:class="{ mini }"
v-show="appearNote.deletedAt == null"
:tabindex="appearNote.deletedAt == null ? '-1' : null"
<div class="conversation" v-if="detail && conversation.length > 0">
<x-sub v-for="note in conversation" :key="note.id" :note="note" :mini="mini"/>
<div class="reply-to" v-if="appearNote.reply && (!$store.getters.isSignedIn || $store.state.settings.showReplyTarget)">
<x-sub :note="appearNote.reply" :mini="mini"/>
<div class="renote" v-if="isRenote">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="note.user"/>
<fa icon="retweet"/>
<span>{{ this.$t('reposted-by').substr(0, this.$t('reposted-by').indexOf('{')) }}</span>
<router-link class="name" :to="note.user | userPage" v-user-preview="note.userId">{{ note.user | userName }}</router-link>
<span>{{ this.$t('reposted-by').substr(this.$t('reposted-by').indexOf('}') + 1) }}</span>
<mk-time :time="note.createdAt"/>
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="appearNote.user"/>
<div class="main">
<mk-note-header class="header" :note="appearNote" :mini="mini"/>
<div class="body">
<p v-if="appearNote.cw != null" class="cw">
<span class="text" v-if="appearNote.cw != ''">{{ appearNote.cw }}</span>
<mk-cw-button v-model="showContent"/>
<div class="content" v-show="appearNote.cw == null || showContent">
<div class="text">
<span v-if="appearNote.isHidden" style="opacity: 0.5">{{ $t('private') }}</span>
<a class="reply" v-if="appearNote.reply"><fa icon="reply"/></a>
<misskey-flavored-markdown v-if="appearNote.text" :text="appearNote.text" :i="$store.state.i" :class="$style.text" :customEmojis="appearNote.emojis"/>
<a class="rp" v-if="appearNote.renote">RN:</a>
<div class="files" v-if="appearNote.files.length > 0">
<mk-media-list :media-list="appearNote.files"/>
<mk-poll v-if="appearNote.poll" :note="appearNote" ref="pollViewer"/>
<a class="location" v-if="appearNote.geo" :href="`https://maps.google.com/maps?q=${appearNote.geo.coordinates[1]},${appearNote.geo.coordinates[0]}`" target="_blank"><fa icon="map-marker-alt"/> 位置情報</a>
<div class="renote" v-if="appearNote.renote"><mk-note-preview :note="appearNote.renote" :mini="mini"/></div>
<mk-url-preview v-for="url in urls" :url="url" :key="url" :mini="mini"/>
<span class="app" v-if="appearNote.app && mini">via <b>{{ appearNote.app.name }}</b></span>
<mk-reactions-viewer :note="appearNote" ref="reactionsViewer"/>
<button class="replyButton" @click="reply()" :title="$t('reply')">
<template v-if="appearNote.reply"><fa icon="reply-all"/></template>
<template v-else><fa icon="reply"/></template>
<p class="count" v-if="appearNote.repliesCount > 0">{{ appearNote.repliesCount }}</p>
<button class="renoteButton" @click="renote()" :title="$t('renote')">
<fa icon="retweet"/><p class="count" v-if="appearNote.renoteCount > 0">{{ appearNote.renoteCount }}</p>
<button class="reactionButton" :class="{ reacted: appearNote.myReaction != null }" @click="react()" ref="reactButton" :title="$t('add-reaction')">
<fa icon="plus"/><p class="count" v-if="appearNote.reactions_count > 0">{{ appearNote.reactions_count }}</p>
<button @click="menu()" ref="menuButton">
<fa icon="ellipsis-h"/>
<div class="replies" v-if="detail && replies.length > 0">
<x-sub v-for="note in replies" :key="note.id" :note="note" :mini="mini"/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
import XSub from './note.sub.vue';
import noteMixin from '../../../common/scripts/note-mixin';
import noteSubscriber from '../../../common/scripts/note-subscriber';
export default Vue.extend({
i18n: i18n('desktop/views/components/note.vue'),
components: {
mixins: [
props: {
note: {
type: Object,
required: true
detail: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
mini: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
data() {
return {
conversation: [],
replies: []
created() {
if (this.detail) {
(this as any).api('notes/replies', {
noteId: this.appearNote.id,
limit: 8
}).then(replies => {
this.replies = replies;
(this as any).api('notes/conversation', {
noteId: this.appearNote.replyId
}).then(conversation => {
this.conversation = conversation.reverse();
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> .renote
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> .avatar
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> span
flex-shrink 0
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flex-shrink 1
text-overflow ellipsis
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> .mk-time
display block
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font-size 0.9em
& + article
padding-top 8px
> article
display flex
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
> .main > footer > button
color var(--noteActionsHighlighted)
> .avatar
flex-shrink 0
display block
margin 0 16px 10px 0
width 58px
height 58px
border-radius 8px
//position -webkit-sticky
//position sticky
//top 74px
> .main
flex 1
min-width 0
> .header
margin-bottom 4px
> .body
> .cw
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
overflow-wrap break-word
color var(--noteText)
> .text
margin-right 8px
> .content
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
overflow-wrap break-word
color var(--noteText)
>>> .title
display block
margin-bottom 4px
padding 4px
font-size 90%
text-align center
background var(--mfmTitleBg)
border-radius 4px
>>> .code
margin 8px 0
>>> .quote
margin 8px
padding 6px 12px
color var(--mfmQuote)
border-left solid 3px var(--mfmQuoteLine)
> .reply
margin-right 8px
color var(--text)
> .rp
margin-left 4px
font-style oblique
color var(--renoteText)
> .location
margin 4px 0
font-size 12px
color #ccc
> .map
width 100%
height 300px
display none
margin-top 8px
> .mk-poll
font-size 80%
> .renote
margin 8px 0
> *
padding 16px
border dashed 1px var(--quoteBorder)
border-radius 8px
> footer
> .app
display block
margin-top 0.5em
margin-left 0.5em
color var(--noteHeaderInfo)
font-size 0.8em
> button
margin 0 28px 0 0
padding 0 8px
line-height 32px
font-size 1em
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background transparent
border none
cursor pointer
margin-right 0
color var(--noteActionsHover)
color var(--noteActionsReplyHover)
color var(--noteActionsRenoteHover)
color var(--noteActionsReactionHover)
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
&.reacted, &.reacted:hover
color var(--noteActionsReactionHover)
<style lang="stylus" module>
padding 4px 8px
margin 0 0.5em
font-size 80%
color #525252
background #f8f8f8
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pre > code
padding 16px
margin 0
content "you"
padding 0 4px
margin-left 4px
font-size 80%
color var(--primaryForeground)
background var(--primary)
border-radius 4px