import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { fetchTrendingLinks } from 'mastodon/actions/trends'; import { DismissableBanner } from 'mastodon/components/dismissable_banner'; import { LoadingIndicator } from 'mastodon/components/loading_indicator'; import { WithRouterPropTypes } from 'mastodon/utils/react_router'; import { Story } from './components/story'; const mapStateToProps = state => ({ links: state.getIn(['trends', 'links', 'items']), isLoading: state.getIn(['trends', 'links', 'isLoading']), }); class Links extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { links: ImmutablePropTypes.list, isLoading: PropTypes.bool, dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, ...WithRouterPropTypes, }; componentDidMount () { const { dispatch, links, history } = this.props; // If we're navigating back to the screen, do not trigger a reload if (history.action === 'POP' && links.size > 0) { return; } dispatch(fetchTrendingLinks()); } render () { const { isLoading, links } = this.props; const banner = ( <DismissableBanner id='explore/links'> <FormattedMessage id='dismissable_banner.explore_links' defaultMessage='These are news stories being shared the most on the social web today. Newer news stories posted by more different people are ranked higher.' /> </DismissableBanner> ); if (!isLoading && links.isEmpty()) { return ( <div className='explore__links scrollable scrollable--flex'> {banner} <div className='empty-column-indicator'> <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.explore_statuses' defaultMessage='Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!' /> </div> </div> ); } return ( <div className='explore__links scrollable' data-nosnippet> {banner} {isLoading ? (<LoadingIndicator />) :, i) => ( <Story key={link.get('id')} expanded={i === 0} lang={link.get('language')} url={link.get('url')} title={link.get('title')} publisher={link.get('provider_name')} publishedAt={link.get('published_at')} author={link.get('author_name')} authorAccount={link.getIn(['authors', 0, 'account', 'id'])} sharedTimes={link.getIn(['history', 0, 'accounts']) * 1 + link.getIn(['history', 1, 'accounts']) * 1} thumbnail={link.get('image')} thumbnailDescription={link.get('image_description')} blurhash={link.get('blurhash')} /> ))} </div> ); } } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withRouter(Links));