import cron from 'node-cron'; import delay from 'delay'; import { Users } from './models'; import { api } from './misskey'; import { format } from './format'; import { deleteUser } from './users'; export default (): void => { cron.schedule('0 0 0 * * *', async () => { const users = await Users.createQueryBuilder() .select() .getMany(); for (const user of users) { try { const text = await format(user); const res = await api>(, 'notes/create', { text, visibility: 'home' }, user.token); if (res.error) { throw res.error; } } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'NO_SUCH_USER' || e.code === 'AUTHENTICATION_FAILED') { // ユーザーが削除されている場合、レコードからも消してとりやめ`${user.username}@${} is deleted, so delete this user from the system`); await deleteUser(user.username,; } else { console.error(e); } } finally { await delay(3000); } } }); };