New translations ja-JP.json (Arabic)

This commit is contained in:
Ebise Lutica 2021-10-09 02:13:34 +09:00
parent e7d243e897
commit 9772b2123a

View File

@ -1,153 +1,159 @@
"title": "Misskey Tools",
"description1": "Misskeyは楽しいものです。気がついたら1日中入り浸っていることも多いでしょう。",
"description1": "Misskey هو شيء ممتع. عندما أدركت ذلك ، فقد استخدمت Misskey طوال اليوم.",
"description2": "さあ、今すぐMisskey Toolsをインストールして、あなたの活動を把握しよう。",
"notes": "ノート",
"following": "フォロー",
"followers": "フォロワー",
"welcomeBack": "おかえりなさい、{{acct}}さん。",
"alertMode": "アラート送信方法",
"visibility": "公開範囲",
"appearance": "表示設定",
"template": "テンプレート",
"sendAlert": "アラートをテスト送信する",
"sendAlertDescription": "現在の設定を用いて、アラート送信をテストします。",
"sendAlertDisabled": "アラート送信方法が「通知しない」のため、送信をテストすることはできません。",
"logout": "ログアウトする",
"logoutDescription": "ログアウトしても、アラートは送信されます。",
"deleteAccount": "アカウント連携を解除する",
"deleteAccountDescription": "Misskey Toolsのアカウントを削除します。これにより、Misskeyとの連携設定も解除されます。",
"instanceUrl": "インスタンスURL",
"login": "ログイン",
"localOnly": "ローカルのみ",
"remoteFollowersOnly": "リモートフォロワーとローカル",
"help": "ヘルプ",
"save": "保存",
"theme": "テーマ",
"language": "言語",
"fetching": "取得中……",
"failedToFetch": "取得に失敗しました",
"registeredUsersCount": "登録者数",
"isCalculating": "現在算出中です。後ほどご確認ください!",
"following": "Following",
"followers": "Followers",
"welcomeBack": "Welcome back, {{acct}}.",
"alertMode": "How to Send Alerts",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"appearance": "Appearance",
"template": "Template",
"sendAlert": "Test your alert",
"sendAlertDescription": "Send your alert with current settings to test.",
"sendAlertDisabled": "You cannot test sending alert because the \"How to Send Alerts\" setting is \"Do Nothing\".",
"logout": "Log Out",
"logoutDescription": "If you log out, your alerts will be sent automatically.",
"deleteAccount": "Deactivate account integration",
"deleteAccountDescription": "Delete your Misskey Tools account. This will deactivate integration with Misskey.",
"instanceUrl": "Instance URL",
"login": "Login",
"localOnly": "Local Only",
"remoteFollowersOnly": "Remote Followers and Local Only",
"help": "Help",
"save": "Save",
"theme": "Theme",
"language": "Language",
"fetching": "Fetching...",
"failedToFetch": "Failed to fetch",
"registeredUsersCount": "Users",
"isCalculating": "It is being calculated now. Please check back later!",
"ok": "OK",
"yes": "はい",
"no": "いいえ",
"termsOfService": "利用規約",
"name": "名前",
"resetToDefault": "初期値に戻す",
"error": "エラー",
"retry": "やり直す",
"disclaimerForMisskeyHq": "Misskey Toolsは、Misskey HQの公式ツールでは<b>ありません</b>。",
"translatedByTheCommunity": "Misskey Toolsはボランティアによって翻訳されています。",
"helpTranslation": "翻訳に協力する",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
"name": "Name",
"resetToDefault": "Reset to default",
"error": "Error",
"retry": "Try again",
"disclaimerForMisskeyHq": "Misskey Tools is <b>not</b> a official tool by Misskey HQ.",
"translatedByTheCommunity": "Misskey Tools is translated by volunteers.",
"helpTranslation": "Submit translations",
"_welcomeMessage": {
"pattern1": "ついついノートしすぎていませんか?",
"pattern2": "Misskey, しすぎていませんか?",
"pattern3": "今日、何ノート書いた?",
"pattern4": "10000 ノートは初心者、そう思っていませんか?",
"pattern5": "息するように Misskey、そんなあなたへ。",
"pattern6": "あなたは真の Misskey 廃人ですか?"
"pattern1": "Are you overnoting?",
"pattern2": "Are you overusing Misskey?",
"pattern3": "How many notes did you write today?",
"pattern4": "Do you really think you're lite-misskist?",
"pattern5": "Misskey is my breathing!",
"pattern6": "I'm Misskey freak!"
"_welcome": {
"title": "プロ仕様のツールキット",
"description": "Misskey Toolsでは、Misskeyのために設計された、Misskeyをより楽しめるツールを取り揃えています。",
"misshaiAlertTitle": "ミス廃アラート",
"misshaiAlertDescription": "Misskeyにのめり込んでいませんかミス廃アラートを使えば、毎日のMisskeyでの活動量を以下のように定期投稿できます。",
"misshaiRankingDescription": "ミス廃ランキングでは、Misskeyでの活動を数値化し、ランキング表示します。",
"nextFeaturesTitle": "今後も追加予定。",
"nextFeaturesDescription": "これだけではありません。今後もアップデートで様々な機能を追加します!"
"title": "Toolkit for Professional.",
"description": "All tools are designed for Misskey, in order to make Misskey more enjoyable.",
"misshaiAlertTitle": "Miss-hai Alert",
"misshaiAlertDescription": "Are you worried about overusing Misskey? With Miss-hai Alert, you can automatically post your activities on Misskey as below.",
"misshaiRankingDescription": "Miss-hai Ranking shows your quantified activities on Misskey.",
"nextFeaturesTitle": "Will update in the future.",
"nextFeaturesDescription": "This is not all. We will add more tools by updates in the future."
"_nav": {
"misshai": "ミス廃",
"settings": "設定"
"misshai": "Miss-hai",
"accounts": "アカウント",
"settings": "Settings"
"_missHai": {
"ranking": "ミス廃ランキング",
"rankingDescription": "ユーザーの「みす廃レート」を算出し、高い順にランキング表示しています。",
"showAll": "全員分見る",
"data": "みす廃データ",
"dataBody": "内容",
"dataScore": "スコア",
"dataDelta": "前日比",
"rating": "レート",
"order": "順位",
"showRanking": "ランキングを見る"
"ranking": "Miss-hai Ranking",
"rankingDescription": "This ranking shows users \"Misshai Rating\" in order of the highest to lowest.",
"showAll": "Show All",
"data": "Miss-hai Data",
"dataBody": "Body",
"dataScore": "Score",
"dataDelta": "Difference",
"rating": "Rating",
"order": "Order",
"showRanking": "Show Ranking"
"_accounts": {
"currentAccount": "現在ログインしているアカウント",
"switchAccount": "アカウント切り替え",
"useAnother": "他のアカウントで登録する"
"_developerInfo": {
"title": "開発者",
"description": "何か困ったことがあったら、以下のアカウントにメッセージを送ってください。"
"title": "Developer",
"description": "If you want supports, send messages to the below accounts."
"_timeline": {
"title": "タイムライン",
"description": "{{hashtag}} タグを含む最新ノートを表示します。"
"title": "Timeline",
"description": "Shows latest notes including {{hashtag}} tags."
"_alertMode": {
"note": "自動的にノートを投稿",
"notification": "Misskeyに通知(標準)",
"nothing": "通知しない",
"notificationWarning": "「Misskey に通知」オプションは古いMisskeyでは動作しません。"
"note": "Automatic Note",
"notification": "Notify to your account (Default)",
"nothing": "Do Nothing",
"notificationWarning": "'Notify to your account' option will not be work on legacy versions of Misskey."
"_visibility": {
"public": "パブリック",
"home": "ホーム",
"followers": "フォロワー",
"users": "ログインユーザー"
"public": "Public",
"home": "Home",
"followers": "Followers",
"users": "Logged-in Users"
"_themes": {
"light": "ライトテーマ",
"dark": "ダークテーマ",
"system": "システム設定に準じる"
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"system": "Follows System Preferences"
"_template": {
"description": "アラートの自動投稿をカスタマイズできます。",
"description2": "ハッシュタグ #misshaialert は、テンプレートに関わらず自動付与されます。",
"default": "昨日のMisskeyの活動は\n\nート: {notesCount}({notesDelta})\nフォロー : {followingCount}({followingDelta})\nフォロワー :{followersCount}({followersDelta})\n\nでした。\n{url}",
"insertVariables": "変数を挿入する",
"insertVariablesHelp": "{ } で囲われた文字列は変数と呼ばれ、特別な意味を持ちます。これを含めると、投稿時に自動的に値が埋め込まれます。",
"description": "Customize template of your alert.",
"description2": "Hashtag '#misshaialert' will be appended regardless of the template.",
"default": "My Misskey activity yesterday was:\n\nNotes: {notesCount}({notesDelta})\nFollowing: {followingCount}({followingDelta})\nFollowers: {followersCount}({followersDelta})\n\n{url}",
"insertVariables": "Insert variables",
"insertVariablesHelp": "The string enclosed in { } is called \"variables\" and has a special meaning. If you include this, it will be automatically replaced to the actual value when alerts created.",
"_variables": {
"notesCount": "ノート数",
"followingCount": "フォロー数",
"followersCount": "フォロワー数",
"notesDelta": "ノート数の前日比",
"followingDelta": "フォロー数の前日比",
"followersDelta": "フォロワー数の前日比",
"url": "本サイトのURL",
"username": "アカウントのユーザー名",
"host": "アカウントの所属ホスト名",
"rating": "レート"
"notesCount": "Notes Count",
"followingCount": "Following Count",
"followersCount": "Followers Count",
"notesDelta": "Notes Count (day-over-day difference)",
"followingDelta": "Following Count (day-over-day difference)",
"followersDelta": "Followers Count (day-over-day difference)",
"url": "URL of this site",
"username": "Your Username",
"host": "Your host",
"rating": "Your rating"
"_error": {
"sorry": "問題が発生しました。お手数ですが、やり直してください。",
"additionalInfo": "追加情報: ",
"hitorisskeyIsDenied": "ひとりすきーは連携できません。",
"sorry": "Something went wrong. Please retry again.",
"additionalInfo": "Additional Info: ",
"hitorisskeyIsDenied": "You cannot integrate with hitorisskey.",
"teapot": "I'm a teapot.",
"sessionRequired": "セッションがありません。",
"tokenRequired": "トークンがありません。",
"invalidParameter": "パラメータが不正です。",
"notAuthorized": "権限がありません。",
"other": "なし"
"sessionRequired": "Session is required.",
"tokenRequired": "Token is required.",
"invalidParameter": "Invalid parameter.",
"notAuthorized": "Not authorized.",
"other": "None"
"_sendTest": {
"title": "アラートをテスト送信しますか?",
"message": "現在の設定でアラートを送信します。設定が保存済みであるかどうか、実行前に必ずご確認ください。",
"yes": "送信する",
"no": "キャンセル",
"success": "送信しました。",
"failure": "送信に失敗しました。"
"title": "Are you sure you want to test the alert?",
"message": "Send an alert with the current settings. Be sure to check that the settings have been saved before sending.",
"yes": "Send",
"no": "Cancel",
"success": "Alert sent.",
"failure": "Failed to sent the alert."
"_logout": {
"title": "ログアウトしてもよろしいですか?",
"message": "ログアウトしても、アラート送信や、お使いのMisskeyアカウントのデータ収集といった機能は動作し続けます。Misskey Toolsの利用を停止したい場合は、「アカウント連携を解除する」ボタンを押下して下さい。",
"yes": "ログアウトする",
"no": "キャンセル"
"title": "Are you sure you want to logout?",
"message": "Even if you log out, features such as sending alerts and collecting data from your Misskey account will continue to work. If you wish to stop using Misskey Tools, click the \"Deactivate account integration\" button.",
"yes": "Logout",
"no": "Cancel"
"_deactivate": {
"title": "アカウント連携を解除しますか?",
"message": "収集されたデータや個人設定など、全てのデータが削除されます。この操作は取り消すことができません。",
"yes": "解除する",
"no": "キャンセル",
"success": "アカウントを解除しました。トップ画面に戻ります。",
"failure": "アカウントを解除できませんでした。"
"title": "Do you want to deactivate your accounts?",
"message": "All data, including collected data and personal settings, will be deleted. You cannot undo this operation. You cannot undo this operation.",
"yes": "Deactivate",
"no": "Cancel",
"success": "Your account has been deactivated. Return to the top screen.",
"failure": "Failed to delete account."