import { fileOpen } from 'browser-fs-access' import type { Ref } from 'vue' import type { mastodon } from 'masto' import type { UseDraft } from './statusDrafts' import type { Draft } from '~~/types' export function usePublish(options: { draftState: UseDraft expanded: Ref isUploading: Ref initialDraft: Ref<() => Draft> }) { const { expanded, isUploading, initialDraft } = $(options) let { draft, isEmpty } = $(options.draftState) const { client } = $(useMasto()) const settings = useUserSettings() const preferredLanguage = $computed(() => (settings.value?.language || 'en').split('-')[0]) let isSending = $ref(false) const isExpanded = $ref(false) const failedMessages = $ref([]) const publishSpoilerText = $computed({ get() { return draft.params.sensitive ? draft.params.spoilerText : '' }, set(val) { if (!draft.params.sensitive) return draft.params.spoilerText = val }, }) const shouldExpanded = $computed(() => expanded || isExpanded || !isEmpty) const isPublishDisabled = $computed(() => { return isEmpty || isUploading || isSending || (draft.attachments.length === 0 && !draft.params.status) || failedMessages.length > 0 || (draft.attachments.length > 0 && draft.params.poll !== null && draft.params.poll !== undefined) || ((draft.params.poll !== null && draft.params.poll !== undefined) && ( draft.params.poll.options.length <= 1 || (![-1, draft.params.poll.options.length - 1].includes(draft.params.poll.options.findIndex(option => option.trim().length === 0))) || (new Set(draft.params.poll.options).size !== draft.params.poll.options.length) || (currentInstance.value?.configuration?.polls.maxCharactersPerOption !== undefined && draft.params.poll.options.find(option => option.length > currentInstance.value!.configuration!.polls.maxCharactersPerOption) !== undefined ) ) ) }) watch(() => draft, () => { if (failedMessages.length > 0) failedMessages.length = 0 }, { deep: true }) async function publishDraft() { if (isPublishDisabled) return let content = htmlToText(draft.params.status || '') if (draft.mentions?.length) content = `${ => `@${i}`).join(' ')} ${content}` const payload = { ...draft.params, spoilerText: publishSpoilerText, status: content, mediaIds: =>, language: draft.params.language || preferredLanguage, poll: draft.params.poll ? { ...draft.params.poll, options: draft.params.poll.options.slice(0, draft.params.poll.options.length - 1) } : undefined, ...(isGlitchEdition.value ? { 'content-type': 'text/markdown' } : {}), } as mastodon.v1.CreateStatusParams if ( { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console{ raw: draft.params.status, ...payload, }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert const result = confirm('[DEV] Payload logged to console, do you want to publish it?') if (!result) return } try { isSending = true let status: mastodon.v1.Status if (!draft.editingStatus) status = await client.v1.statuses.create(payload) else status = await client.v1.statuses.update(, payload) if (draft.params.inReplyToId) navigateToStatus({ status }) draft = initialDraft() return status } catch (err) { console.error(err) failedMessages.push((err as Error).message) } finally { isSending = false } } return $$({ isSending, isExpanded, shouldExpanded, isPublishDisabled, failedMessages, preferredLanguage, publishSpoilerText, publishDraft, }) } export type MediaAttachmentUploadError = [filename: string, message: string] export function useUploadMediaAttachment(draftRef: Ref) { const draft = $(draftRef) const { client } = $(useMasto()) const { t } = useI18n() let isUploading = $ref(false) let isExceedingAttachmentLimit = $ref(false) let failedAttachments = $ref([]) const dropZoneRef = ref() const maxPixels = $computed(() => { return currentInstance.value?.configuration?.mediaAttachments?.imageMatrixLimit ?? 4096 ** 2 }) const loadImage = (inputFile: Blob) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const url = URL.createObjectURL(inputFile) const img = new Image() img.onerror = err => reject(err) img.onload = () => resolve(img) img.src = url }) function resizeImage(img: CanvasImageSource, type = 'image/png'): Promise { const { width, height } = img const aspectRatio = (width as number) / (height as number) const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') const resizedWidth = canvas.width = Math.round(Math.sqrt(maxPixels * aspectRatio)) const resizedHeight = canvas.height = Math.round(Math.sqrt(maxPixels / aspectRatio)) const context = canvas.getContext('2d') context?.drawImage(img, 0, 0, resizedWidth, resizedHeight) return new Promise((resolve) => { canvas.toBlob(resolve, type) }) } async function processImageFile(file: File) { try { const image = await loadImage(file) as HTMLImageElement if (image.width * image.height > maxPixels) file = await resizeImage(image, file.type) as File return file } catch (e) { // Resize failed, just use the original file console.error(e) return file } } async function processFile(file: File) { if (file.type.startsWith('image/')) return await processImageFile(file) return file } async function uploadAttachments(files: File[]) { isUploading = true failedAttachments = [] // TODO: display some kind of message if too many media are selected // DONE const limit = currentInstance.value!.configuration?.statuses.maxMediaAttachments || 4 for (const file of files.slice(0, limit)) { if (draft.attachments.length < limit) { isExceedingAttachmentLimit = false try { const attachment = await client.v1.mediaAttachments.create({ file: await processFile(file), }) draft.attachments.push(attachment) } catch (e) { // TODO: add some human-readable error message, problem is that masto api will not return response code console.error(e) failedAttachments = [...failedAttachments, [, (e as Error).message]] } } else { isExceedingAttachmentLimit = true failedAttachments = [...failedAttachments, [, t('state.attachments_limit_error')]] } } isUploading = false } async function pickAttachments() { if (process.server) return const mimeTypes = currentInstance.value!.configuration?.mediaAttachments.supportedMimeTypes const files = await fileOpen({ description: 'Attachments', multiple: true, mimeTypes, }) await uploadAttachments(files) } async function setDescription(att: mastodon.v1.MediaAttachment, description: string) { att.description = description await client.v1.mediaAttachments.update(, { description: att.description }) } function removeAttachment(index: number) { draft.attachments.splice(index, 1) } async function onDrop(files: File[] | null) { if (files) await uploadAttachments(files) } const { isOverDropZone } = useDropZone(dropZoneRef, onDrop) return $$({ isUploading, isExceedingAttachmentLimit, isOverDropZone, failedAttachments, dropZoneRef, uploadAttachments, pickAttachments, setDescription, removeAttachment, }) }