import { ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_REQUEST, ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_SUCCESS, ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_FAIL, ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATE, ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_UPDATE, ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_REQUEST, ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_FAIL, ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_REQUEST, ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_FAIL, ANNOUNCEMENTS_TOGGLE_SHOW, ANNOUNCEMENTS_DELETE, } from '../actions/announcements'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList, Set as ImmutableSet, fromJS } from 'immutable'; const initialState = ImmutableMap({ items: ImmutableList(), isLoading: false, show: true, unread: ImmutableSet(), }); const updateReaction = (state, id, name, updater) => state.update('items', list => => { if (announcement.get('id') === id) { return announcement.update('reactions', reactions => { const idx = reactions.findIndex(reaction => reaction.get('name') === name); if (idx > -1) { return reactions.update(idx, reaction => updater(reaction)); } return reactions.push(updater(fromJS({ name, count: 0 }))); }); } return announcement; })); const updateReactionCount = (state, reaction) => updateReaction(state, reaction.announcement_id,, x => x.set('count', reaction.count)); const addReaction = (state, id, name) => updateReaction(state, id, name, x => x.set('me', true).update('count', y => y + 1)); const removeReaction = (state, id, name) => updateReaction(state, id, name, x => x.set('me', false).update('count', y => y - 1)); const addUnread = (state, items) => { if (state.get('show')) { return state; } const newIds = ImmutableSet( => x.get('id'))); const oldIds = ImmutableSet(state.get('items').map(x => x.get('id'))); return state.update('unread', unread => unread.union(newIds.subtract(oldIds))); }; const sortAnnouncements = list => list.sortBy(x => x.get('starts_at') || x.get('published_at')); const updateAnnouncement = (state, announcement) => { const idx = state.get('items').findIndex(x => x.get('id') === announcement.get('id')); state = addUnread(state, [announcement]); if (idx > -1) { // Deep merge is used because announcements from the streaming API do not contain // personalized data about which reactions have been selected by the given user, // and that is information we want to preserve return state.update('items', list => sortAnnouncements(list.update(idx, x => x.mergeDeep(announcement)))); } return state.update('items', list => sortAnnouncements(list.unshift(announcement))); }; export default function announcementsReducer(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case ANNOUNCEMENTS_TOGGLE_SHOW: return state.withMutations(map => { if (!map.get('show')) map.set('unread', ImmutableSet()); map.set('show', !map.get('show')); }); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_REQUEST: return state.set('isLoading', true); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_SUCCESS: return state.withMutations(map => { const items = fromJS(action.announcements); map.set('unread', ImmutableSet()); map.set('items', items); map.set('isLoading', false); addUnread(map, items); }); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_FAIL: return state.set('isLoading', false); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATE: return updateAnnouncement(state, fromJS(action.announcement)); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_UPDATE: return updateReactionCount(state, action.reaction); case ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_REQUEST: case ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_FAIL: return addReaction(state,,; case ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_REMOVE_REQUEST: case ANNOUNCEMENTS_REACTION_ADD_FAIL: return removeReaction(state,,; case ANNOUNCEMENTS_DELETE: return state.update('unread', set => set.delete('items', list => { const idx = list.findIndex(x => x.get('id') ===; if (idx > -1) { return list.delete(idx); } return list; }); default: return state; } };